
Where are the almonds from?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Where are the almonds from?

Do you know anything about almonds? Almonds are delicious. I believe many people like to eat almonds. Do you know the origin of almonds? Probably few people know about it. Then the following editor will introduce to you what are the main producing areas of almonds!

Almonds grow at short distances and have an immature appearance. When the fruit is ripe, its green shell will crack, revealing the nucleolus wrapped in the rough shell, which is yellow and has many small holes, and the shell is hard wood. The almond fruit is flattened-ovate, round at one end and pointed at the other, covered with thin brown skin. Nucleolus contains 20% protein and contains no starch. after grinding and pressing, the oil extracted is about half of its own weight. Almond oil is light yellow and has the effect of softening the skin although it has no fragrance.

Distribution of almond producing area

1. World distribution of almonds: almonds are native to Central Asia, West Asia and the Mediterranean, and introduced in warm temperate regions.

2. Distribution of origin in China: almonds are cultivated all over China except Guangdong, Hainan and other tropical regions.

The main producing areas of almonds

Almonds are mainly distributed in Hebei, Liaoning, Northeast, North China and Gansu. Mountain apricot is born in dry Xiangyang, hills and grasslands at an altitude of 700-2000m. Northeast apricot grows under an open sunny hillside shrub or miscellaneous forest at an altitude of 400-1000m. Wild apricot is mainly produced in northern China, cultivated or wild, especially wild in Hebei, Shanxi and other places, Shandong, Jiangsu and other places also produce. Apricots are distributed in the wild in the area of Yili.

Side effects of almonds

Almonds are bitter and warm to release the lungs, moisturize the intestines and relieve defecation, and are only suitable for empirical diseases such as wind evil and intestinal dryness. Where Yin loss, depression of fire, it is not appropriate to take a single medicine for a long time. Such as tuberculosis, bronchitis, chronic enteritis, dry cough without phlegm and other diseases taboo single medicine for a long time.