
2.5 meters Learn more about 2.5 meters

  • Huashan pine picture, is Huashan pine the latest Huashan pine price 2.5 meters Huashan pine price

    Huashan pine picture, is Huashan pine the latest Huashan pine price 2.5 meters Huashan pine price

    Huashan pine is a kind of ornamental pine tree, so it is relatively expensive in terms of price. How much is the latest Huashan pine price? Is Huashan pine Wuxu pine? Yes, Huashan pine, also known as Wuxusong. The price of Huashan pine, the price of 18cm is 2.

    2019-03-30 Huashan Song picture yes Wuxu the latest price 2.5 meters
  • Basic growth status of Maize crops in Northeast China

    Basic growth status of Maize crops in Northeast China

    This year, the weather in Northeast China has been more in line with the growth of crops, and now it has basically completed its sizing and entered the mature period. The recent dry weather, suitable temperature, curing, wax maturity is better, if the weather continues to cooperate, another 10 days or so, is a good time for harvest. Just

    2016-01-10 Northeast China recent corn crops growth basic status
  • Cultivation techniques of Kate Apricot in simple plastic greenhouse

    Cultivation techniques of Kate Apricot in simple plastic greenhouse

    The mature period of Kate apricot cultivation in simple plastic greenhouse is 30-40 days earlier than that in open field, and the economic benefit is increased by 15-20 times. 1. The structure of the simple plastic greenhouse is a north-south arch greenhouse with a span of 10 meters, a length of 60 meters, a roof height of 2.5 meters and a shoulder height of 1.5 meters. Reinforced concrete columns are used as columns and bamboo poles are used as arches and suspended beams. A total of 5 rows of columns, the main column between the rows of 2.5 meters. The distance between the side columns and the middle three rows of columns is 1 meter and 3 meters respectively. Above the middle three rows of columns, respectively.

  • The skill of 7-meter rainforest landscaping is not inferior to that of Japanese landscaping masters.

    The skill of 7-meter rainforest landscaping is not inferior to that of Japanese landscaping masters.

    Lao Fa made a masterpiece by a foreign master, and the editor visited our grass friend at random (No. 9. An earring. ) Landscape team, this is not bad! Come here! come here! Not bad ~ 7 meters rainforest landscaping configuration length: 7 meters * 1.5 meters * 2.

  • Key points of Seedling cultivation of Spring Maize

    Key points of Seedling cultivation of Spring Maize

    At present, we are about to enter the sowing season of spring corn, so we should do a good job of seedling raising and transplanting in production to promote the early development and stable growth of maize and achieve high and stable yield. The nursery bed is planted in a nutrient bowl, with a seedbed of 1.5 meters wide and 20 meters long per mu, with 250 kg of rotten organic fertilizer and 2.5 kg of compound fertilizer.

  • Cultivation techniques of big hazelnut

    Cultivation techniques of big hazelnut

    Hazel is suitable for planting on sunny slope, and the growth performance of sandy loam is better than that of clayey soil, and it has strong adaptability to all kinds of soil. Powdery mildew and heart-eating insects can be controlled twice a year in spring and summer. Hazel trees share male and female flowers, but a single variety cannot self-pollinate or have special affinity for pollination.

    2020-11-09 Large hazelnut cultivation techniques hazel suitable sunny slope planting sand
  • The difference between Lantana Camara and Ma Yingdan

    The difference between Lantana Camara and Ma Yingdan

    Shape: the former is about 0.7 to 1 meter high, with drooping branches. The latter is taller, about 1 to 2 meters, and the stems and branches are square. Leaves: the former is ovate, the base suddenly becomes narrow, while the latter is ovate to oblong, and the leaf is wider. Flowers: the former is mauve, while the latter is orange or yellow, which turns crimson soon after flowering.

  • Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

    Construction technology of vegetable greenhouse

  • Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    (1) morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen tufted herbs. The height of the plant is 1.5 to 2.5 meters. Leaf blade divided into lobes along the main vein. Inflorescences terminal, erect, inflorescence rachis red to pink, bracts 5-7, red to pink, proximal bracts distal green, sepals yellow, tip green, pedicels yellowish green, ovary green. Florescence 2

  • Green Branch grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba

    Green Branch grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba

    Ginkgo biloba green branch grafting technology Ginkgo biloba has many methods of raising seedlings, but the cost of sowing and raising seedlings is high, the young period of trees is long, and the fruit is late, while the survival rate of cutting seedlings is low; hard branch grafting should be carried out in spring, and the survival rate is about 80%. If it's growing.

  • Can the disease of fish be predicted in advance? Common fish diseases and prevention and treatment methods are here!

    Can the disease of fish be predicted in advance? Common fish diseases and prevention and treatment methods are here!

    For professional fish farmers, one of the most worrying problems is the occurrence of fish disease. Because once the outbreak of fish disease, fish are a large area of death, such a loss can be said to be devastating. So what are the signs of fish getting sick? Can you predict it in advance?

    2020-11-11 Fish sick OK advance Forecast Common Fish Disease and
  • Does the snake bite?

    Does the snake bite?

    Does the snake bite?

  • Large-scale pig farm according to weekly production plan and turnover arrangement

    Large-scale pig farm according to weekly production plan and turnover arrangement

    Large-scale pig farm according to weekly production plan and turnover arrangement

  • Planting methods of Hippophae rhamnoides

    Planting methods of Hippophae rhamnoides

    The fruit of Hippophae rhamnoides is rich in nutrients and bioactive substances, which can be widely used in many fields of national economy, such as food, medicine, light industry, aerospace, agriculture, animal husbandry and fish industry. The following is the method of planting seabuckthorn carefully arranged by the editor for you. Let's take a look.

    2020-11-08 Seabuckthorn planting method seabuckthorn fruit containing rich
  • Culture techniques of grass carp

    Culture techniques of grass carp

    Culture techniques of grass carp

  • The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    The latest course on the Construction techniques and methods of vegetable greenhouse

    At present, facility agriculture has large output and good benefits, which is a major direction for the development of modern agriculture. At the same time, it has high scientific and technological content, high technical requirements, and a lot of investment. In this way, for ordinary farmers who want to participate, it is very risky and difficult.

    2020-11-10 The latest vegetables greenhouse construction technology methods tutorials at present
  • Key points of Seedling raising and transplanting of Spring Maize

    Key points of Seedling raising and transplanting of Spring Maize

    At present, we are about to enter the sowing season of spring corn, so we should do a good job of seedling raising and transplanting in production to promote the early development and stable growth of maize and achieve high and stable yield. For the fields with good varieties to harvest tender corn cobs, the fields with good quality such as Jiangnan Huanuo and Suyunuo should be selected, and Zheng Yu with high yield should be selected for harvesting corn kernels.

  • Lily cultivated species

    Lily cultivated species

    1. Curly Dan is also called Tiger skin Lily. Its bulb is nearly oblate, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diameter and weighing more than 250 grams. Scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long and 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white slightly yellowish. There is a lot of starch and a slight bitter taste. Aboveground stem 0.8-1.5 m high, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, short round-lanceolate or lanceolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, upper middle axils with beads. The flower is orange-red, blossoms downward, and the perianth rolls outward.

  • How to graft ginkgo biloba? Key points of Green Branch grafting of Ginkgo biloba

    How to graft ginkgo biloba? Key points of Green Branch grafting of Ginkgo biloba

    There are many methods for raising seedlings of Ginkgo biloba, but these sowing methods not only cost high, but also lead to long juvenile period, delayed fruit, and low survival rate of seedlings bred by cuttings. the survival rate can be increased by 80% by hard branch grafting in spring and 95% by green branch grafting.

  • Production and Seedling raising techniques of High quality Rice

    Production and Seedling raising techniques of High quality Rice

    In response to the low temperature and cold wave weather during the seedling period, the provincial agricultural technology terminal suggests to take the following measures: first, sowing and replanting in time. In places that have not yet been sown on a large scale, we must seize the good opportunity of the current rise in temperature to sow seeds in a timely manner; in places where rotten seeds and rotten seedlings die, they should be replanted in time depending on the extent of the disaster. Especially the machine plug-in.
