
sick Learn more about sick

  • Find a good way out for sick and dead animals

    Find a good way out for sick and dead animals

    There's an old saying in livestock and poultry farming circles,"rich, hairy doesn't count." This shows the huge risks faced by livestock and poultry farming. According to statistics, China is the country with the largest number of live pigs produced and consumed in the world. Even if the normal mortality rate of live pigs is 3%, the breeding base will be increased.

    2016-03-20 find a good way out for livestock and poultry that died of illness.
  • To ensure the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry

    To ensure the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry

    On November 25, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly held a teleconference to implement the opinions of the General Office of the State Council on establishing a harmless treatment mechanism for sick and dead livestock and poultry.

    2016-03-20 Ensure illness and death livestock and poultry basic realization innocuity treatment November
  • How to judge that sows have inflammation, using boar sperm during estrus.

    How to judge that sows have inflammation, using boar sperm during estrus.

    When a diseased pig with inflammation is in estrus, a catheter is inserted into the vagina of the diseased pig, then the catheter is pulled out, the mucus glued to the catheter is put on a piece of glass, and a little more active boar sperm is mixed with mucus for a period of time.

    2020-11-08 How to judge sow have inflammation estrus use boar sperm
  • What should be paid attention to when injecting sick snakes?

    What should be paid attention to when injecting sick snakes?

    Practice has proved that injecting sick snakes is the best way to cure snake disease, but we must pay attention to the following points. (1) many first-time snake breeders who avoid tailing are affected by people getting sick and choosing their buttocks. They think that the best place to inject the snake should be in the tail, but they do not realize that the tail nerve is densely spread, and if there is a little carelessness, it will cause caudal nerve damage and cause discomfort of the sick snake. serious cases lead to death. Therefore, when giving injections to sick snakes, you should choose the muscle plump places below the heart and on both sides of the back. (2) do not use thick needles to inject sick snakes

  • How to tell if the cow is sick or not?

    How to tell if the cow is sick or not?

    How to tell if the cow is sick or not?

  • How to feed sick pigs

    How to feed sick pigs

    When pigs are sick, proper selection of feeding methods can not only improve the efficacy, shorten the course of treatment, and make them recover quickly, but also reduce drug waste and save drug expenses. Fasting administration. This method applies to sick pigs have appetite, medicine without special smell of the situation. This method is generally in the sick pig overnight, fasting in the morning when the drug mixed in the pig love to eat a little feed administration, so that it quickly eat up. By using this method, the medicine is not wasted, and the expected effect can be achieved. Pigs deworming, this method is the best. odor irrigation

  • How to judge whether the cow is sick by the sound

    How to judge whether the cow is sick by the sound

    How to judge whether the cow is sick by the sound

  • What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

    What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

    What if budgerigar has diarrhea?

  • What is the reason that sick pigs can get better by eating green fodder?

    What is the reason that sick pigs can get better by eating green fodder?

    What is the reason that sick pigs can get better by eating green fodder?

  • Do sick snakes need to be isolated?

    Do sick snakes need to be isolated?

    Once sick snakes are found, they should be fed separately and treated in isolation in time to prevent infection to other healthy snakes. In particular, snake diseases caused by pneumonia and stomatitis should be isolated and treated as soon as possible, and the habitat of diseased snakes should be disinfected. If it is found that there are several sick snakes every day, in addition to removing and isolating snakes with serious symptoms or abnormal activities as soon as possible, all snakes in the field should be thoroughly disinfected and all snakes in the field should be gathered for drug immunization to prevent the disease from further spreading and spreading. Don't throw away dead, sick snakes.

  • "Problem meat" can be changed to "organic fertilizer"

    When it comes to problematic meat, as well as unscrupulous merchants who use sick and dead livestock to produce and sell problematic meat and endanger food safety, the public abhors it. Compared with the extensive treatment methods of burying, burning, and chemical treatment of dead livestock and poultry in the past, the invention relates to a harmless chemical treatment method which converts problem meat into organic fertilizer.

    2016-01-10 " problem meat variable organic fertilizer lift problem meat as well
  • There is a good way to feed medicine to sick pigs.

    There is a good way to feed medicine to sick pigs.

    After the pig is sick, the proper selection of drug feeding method can not only improve the efficacy, shorten the course of treatment, make it recover quickly, but also reduce the waste of medicine and save the cost of medicine. 1. Fasting drug feeding method: this method is suitable for sick pigs with appetite and drugs without special smell. The specific method is: in the morning when the sick pig is fasting, mix the medicine in a little feed that the pig likes to eat, and make it eat up quickly. By using this method, the drug is not wasted, but also the expected effect can be achieved. The effect of this method is the best for pigs to expel insects.

  • How to prevent orchids from getting sick

    How to prevent orchids from getting sick

    It is normal to encounter plant diseases in the process of planting orchids in potted plants. Whether experienced or novice pot friends, they are often unavoidable. Especially for novice orchids, the probability of illness is often very high. Therefore, we need to master scientific breeding skills in the process of planting orchids.

  • How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

    How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

    How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

  • How to tell if the cow is sick? Mainly judged from the daily diet and excretion of cattle.

    How to tell if the cow is sick? Mainly judged from the daily diet and excretion of cattle.

    Daily behavior: frequent rubbing of the body everywhere is likely to be a disease such as parasites. Appearance phenomenon: if the cow's mouth often has white liquid secretion, serious halitosis and green tongue coating and other phenomena is the precursor of the disease. Excretion: if the cow

    2020-11-08 How judge cow whether born sick Lord from daily
  • The orchid is sick. Don't rush to use the medicine. Take a look at these five o'clock first.

    The orchid is sick. Don't rush to use the medicine. Take a look at these five o'clock first.

    Orchids are most afraid of diseases. Once orchids are found to be sick, they are mostly in a hurry to look for medicine everywhere, soaking roots and irrigating roots. However, sometimes things go against one's wishes, and this will not have any good effect. Why? It's good to take care of farmers.

  • Advanced scientific orchid cultivation technology old seedlings can send 4 new seedlings and take five steps to raise old, weak, sick and young orchids.

    Advanced scientific orchid cultivation technology old seedlings can send 4 new seedlings and take five steps to raise old, weak, sick and young orchids.

    In addition to orchid "cancer"-viral disease "Balas", how to raise old plants, weak plants, diseased seedlings and seedlings of orchids? The practice shows that if the scientific method is used to cultivate quickly, an old seedling can produce 4 new seedlings in a year.

  • Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Li Yue, Lailong Town, Suyu District, Suqian City, telephoned that his family raised 500 egg pigeons. Recently, 50% of the pigeons showed symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and their feces were yellow, white or green. The sick pigeons could not stand and had mucus in their mouths. The local veterinarian diagnosed pigeon cholera. He asked how to prevent and cure pigeon cholera. Pigeon cholera is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida, also known as pigeon pasteurellosis or pigeon hemorrhagic septicemia. The most acute cases of pigeon cholera died suddenly without any clinical symptoms. Acute case table

  • Winter orchid bagging, sick weak orchid seedlings can also survive the winter safely.

    Winter orchid bagging, sick weak orchid seedlings can also survive the winter safely.

    Winter orchid bagging, sick weak orchid seedlings can also survive the winter safely.

  • How to see whether rice seeds are sick or not?

    How to see whether rice seeds are sick or not?

    How to see whether rice seeds are sick or not? Is there a way to identify it? Also ask the netizens who know to help guide the farming network to sort out the methods to identify whether rice seeds are sick or not, which are listed below for netizens' reference. General rice seeds such as diseased grains containing evil seedling disease become seedlings, and some are in the suture of glumes outside the grain.
