
How to judge that sows have inflammation, using boar sperm during estrus.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, When a diseased pig with inflammation is in estrus, a catheter is inserted into the vagina of the diseased pig, then the catheter is pulled out, the mucus glued to the catheter is put on a piece of glass, and a little more active boar sperm is mixed with mucus for a period of time.

When a sick pig with inflammation is in oestrus, a catheter is inserted into the vagina of the sick pig, and then the catheter is drawn out, the mucus stuck on the catheter is put on the glass plate, and then a little more vigorous boar sperm and mucus are mixed together, and the glass plate is placed under a microscope for observation after a period of time. If the sperm dies, it means that the sow has inflammation and should be treated in time.

Causes and symptoms of sow inflammation

I. Vaginitis

1. Causes: vaginal mucosal damage and infection mainly due to mating, artificial insemination or dystocia; complications of placenta failure, erosion decomposition or endometriosis; unclean piggery, sows lying down or lying down to defecate and urinate may cause this disease.

2. Symptoms: sick pigs often bow their backs and tail, and their labia are closed when they open and urinate; the vulva is red and swollen, the vulva will exude white to yellow mucus without odor, and there are adhesions around the tail root and vulva. It is difficult to insert a dilator when examining their vaginas. Sick pigs show pain, congestion, swelling, trauma or erosion of their vaginal mucosa, severe damage, and usually accompanied by elevated body temperature.

Second, metritis

1. Cause: Mainly caused by bacteria invading the birth canal of sows during childbirth; it may also be caused by damage to the birth canal or partial placenta residue; disinfection is not strict during artificial insemination, and boars mate with healthy sows after mating with metritis, which will also cause infection.

2. Symptoms: According to the course of the disease, it can be divided into acute metritis and chronic metritis. Acute metritis is generally postpartum, sick pig appetite will be reduced or stopped, body temperature will rise, its nasal disc dry, vagina will flow yellow-white or brown smelly secretions, but also mixed with placenta fragments, if not treated in time, will form sepsis or sepsis. Chronic metritis is mostly due to acute metritis not treated in time or not treated thoroughly, the uterine mucosa of sick pigs due to chronic stimulation of inflammation will gradually change, will periodically flow from the vagina secretion, sick pigs suffering from this inflammation will also regularly estrus, but unable to conceive.

III. Endometritis

1. Causes: Most of them are caused by bacterial infection due to dystocia, incomplete placenta, uterine prolapse, incomplete involution, birth canal damage; breeding, artificial insemination, vaginal examination and other disinfection can also infect this disease.

2. Symptoms: The sick pig has elevated body temperature, depression, decreased appetite or hunger strike, and often urinates. White mucus or purulent flocculent secretions will be discharged from the vulva. If it is postpartum, there will be placenta fragments in the secretions.

Sow inflammation treatment

1, vaginitis

For the cause of disease pigs to prevent, midwifery should not be too rough, artificial insemination should pay attention to disinfection, carefully clean the vulva of sick pigs, with 0.1% potassium permanganate or 0.05% bromogeramine rinse vagina; sick pig vagina serious swelling, with warm 2%-5% sodium chloride solution; sick pig vaginal exudate when more available 1%-2% alum solution.

Vaginal irrigation should pay attention not to pour the irrigation liquid into the uterus to prevent the spread of infection, after washing, in the affected area smear sulfanilamide crystal or iodoform; if it is difficult to smear, you can make the drug paste and then smear; also take 1 tablet chlorhexidine acetate suppository, put into the vagina 5-6cm deep, mild inflammation once that is cured, serious use once every other day.

2. Uterine inflammation

During the estrous period of sick pigs, the uterus of sick pigs is cleaned with artificial insemination vas deferens or urinary catheter rubber tube to remove inflammatory secretions in uterine cavity. Generally, 0.1% potassium permanganate solution can be used for washing. After washing, the residual liquid should be exported. After 30 minutes, 1g tetracycline or soil mold and 100ml distilled water should be injected into the uterus of sick pigs. Generally, the uterus of sick pigs should be washed once every 1-3 days. If there is a large amount of exudate in stock sick pigs, the washing times can be increased. At the same time, it can also be combined with uterine contractile agent to eliminate exudate.

Injection or oral sulfonamide drugs to sick pigs, or injection of penicillin can play a better anti-inflammatory effect; can also let sick pigs continuously take 3 doses of motherwort, prunella, dandelion each 30g decocted together.

3. Endometritis

Inflammation acute stage to first accumulate in the sick pig uterus inflammatory secretions clean, generally is to choose 1% saline or 0.1% potassium permanganate, 0.02% benzalkonium chloride, 1%-2% sodium bicarbonate, 1% alum, 0.1% ravenur, etc. after washing the uterus and then the residual solution discharged, and then injected into the sick pig uterus 200 - 400,000 units of penicillin or 1g aureomycin.