
100g. Learn more about 100g.

  • Usage and dosage of Bacillus thuringiensis

    Usage and dosage of Bacillus thuringiensis

    Bacillus thuringiensis can be sprayed and spread. Among them, the spray is used from the initial stage of the occurrence of pests or the peak incubation period of eggs, and 600-800 milliliters per mu is generally used on vegetables, beans and sweet potatoes. Sashi is mainly used to control Ostrinia furnacalis.

    2020-11-09 Bacillus thuringiensis
  • The latest selection method of herbicides in Corn Field

    The latest selection method of herbicides in Corn Field

    The main weeds in corn field are: Equisetum equisetifolia, Equisetum, Chenopodium, Amaranthus, amaranth, green amaranth, axil

    2020-11-10 The latest corn field herbicide selection method
  • Selection methods of herbicides in Corn Field

    Selection methods of herbicides in Corn Field

    Selection methods of herbicides in Corn Field

  • Introduction of High quality Peanut varieties in 2020

    Introduction of High quality Peanut varieties in 2020

    Peanuts are the food that many people eat at home. They have many functions, such as squeezing oil, making peanut butter, cooking, stewing and so on. Therefore, China's high-quality peanut varieties are also divided into many types, high oleic acid peanut, common peanut, pearl bean type.

    2020-11-27 In 2020 quality peanuts varieties introductions yes many people
  • Spiced tea eggs

    Spiced tea eggs

    ① ingredient standard: duck egg or egg 100g, salt 100g, tea 100g, soy sauce 400g, cinnamon 100g, fennel 25g, water 5kg. ② processing method: put salt, tea, soy sauce, cinnamon and fennel in the pot, add water to put the eggs and boil them. When boiling for about 5 minutes, remove the eggs with a leaky spoon. Gently break the eggshell, put it back into the pot, continue to cook over low heat, and after 30 to 60 minutes, you can make five-spiced tea eggs with unique flavor and strong aroma.

  • Nutritional requirements of farmed rainbow trout fry for feed

    Nutritional requirements of farmed rainbow trout fry for feed

    According to the nutritional needs of rainbow trout and the supply and cost of raw materials in developing countries, UNDP and FAO put forward nutritional recommendations for rainbow trout: the minimum requirement for protein for rainbow trout fry is 36%; the demand for calcium is 1.0%. 1.

    2020-11-08 Culture rainbow trout fry fish fry yes feed nutrition demand
  • Angelica sinensis and Liuhuang decoction in the treatment of hidrosis in livestock

    Angelica sinensis and Liuhuang decoction in the treatment of hidrosis in livestock

    Night sweats are mostly caused by yin deficiency and heat disturbance, and the heart fluid cannot be collected and stored. Yin deficiency and internal heat of livestock, during the day Wei Qi solid in the surface, although the internal heat steaming Jin can not sweat, at night Wei Qi line in Yin Fen, and no Yang Qi support, body fluid can not be hidden, diarrhea into night sweats. Treatment principle: nourish yin and clear heat, collect yin and stop perspiration. Prescription: Radix angelicae Sinensis, Radix angelicae Sinensis, Radix Scutellariae, Cortex Phellodendri, Radix Coptidis, Radix Astragali, Radix Ephedrae, oyster, Ephedra root and floating wheat were each 50 g, 40 g, 100 g, 70 g, 70 g, 80 g, 50 g, 40 g, 30 g, 100 g, 70 g, 70 g, 80 g, 80 g, 50 g, 40 g, 30 g, 100 g, 70 g, 70 g, 80 g and 80 g, respectively.

  • Deep processing technology of Lentinus edodes

    Deep processing technology of Lentinus edodes

    1. The production technology of Lentinus edodes soy sauce is generally per kilogram of Lentinus edodes by-products (deformed mushrooms, residual mushrooms, diced mushrooms, mushroom stalks and leftovers from deep fermentation of Lentinus edodes. It can be made into 10 kilograms of superior soy sauce. The production process is: 1. Raw materials: fresh mushroom 10 kg, dried ginger 400 g, cumin 300 g, prickly ash 250 g, large material 200 g, orange peel 200 g, cinnamon 150 g, edible preservative 100 g, lysine 50 g, monosodium glutamate 50 g, fried salt 6 kg, bean water 10 kg, warm water 10 g.

  • Why is the feeding period of growing and finishing pigs as short as possible?

    Why is the feeding period of growing and finishing pigs as short as possible?

    Under good feeding and management conditions, it usually takes 100 to 120 days for lean pigs to go from 20 kg to 100 kg. China's intensive and regular pig farms generally take about 110 days from 20 kg to 100 kg, and the age of pigs with 100 kg body weight from birth to 100 kg is 160 to 180 days. Such benefits have the following aspects. First, high daily gain and high feed reward. Lean pigs grow fast, and if nutritionally comprehensive full-price feed is provided, the productivity potential can be full.

  • High-fiber vegetables, did you eat right?

    High-fiber vegetables, did you eat right?

    When it comes to dietary fiber in food, the first thing that comes to mind is those vegetables with silk and tendons. Such as celery, carrots and so on. Give the baby a supplementary meal every time.

  • Formula of High efficiency Feed for cultured Meat Rabbit

    Formula of High efficiency Feed for cultured Meat Rabbit

    Corn 30%, bean cake 23%, wheat bran 12%, rice bran 10%, grass meal 20%, bone meal 2%, salt 0.5%, rabbit 1%, rabbit ball Dan 2%. Feed 10 grams-20 grams per rabbit day, and 50 grams-100 grams of tonifying materials. Male rabbit feed formula ① mating period: corn 11%, bean cake

    2020-11-08 Breeding Meat Rabbit efficient Feed Formula Corn 30%
  • Several processing techniques of Ganoderma lucidum products

    Several processing techniques of Ganoderma lucidum products

    Ganoderma lucidum milk powder 1, raw material formula fresh milk 300kg, whey powder 25.2kg, refined vegetable oil 10kg, fructose syrup (70%) 15kg, Ganoderma lucidum 8kg, vitamin A 1.2 g, vitamin C 60 g, vitamin E 1.2 g, calcium lactate 5kg, ferrous lactate 62 g, zinc gluconate 87g, lecithin 1.2kg. Second, the technological process whey powder, fructose syrup, vitamin C and other → dissolve → filter → vegetable oil VA, VE

  • French fish roll

    French fish roll

    Features: salty and delicious, fragrance is not greasy. Raw materials: net fish 1250 grams, onions 250g, celery 150g, eggs 100g, salt 15g, butter 100g, pepper a little, brandy 25g. Production process: 1. Cut the clean fish into 20 slices and take a square slice with a meat racket. two。 Shred onion and celery, stir-fry in butter until yellow, season with salt and pepper, cook with brandy, mix with spread omelet and cut.

  • Mushroom chili sauce

    Mushroom chili sauce

    1. Raw materials fresh mushroom 5kg, Pleurotus ostreatus 2.5kg, salt 40g, monosodium glutamate 100g, vinegar 125ml, liquor 100ml, sugar 400g, sesame sauce 300g, pepper pigment 35g, sorghum pigment 20g, edible Agar appropriate amount. two。 Wash fresh mushrooms and mushrooms with clean water to remove impurities and drain water. 3. Grind and grind the fresh mushrooms and Pleurotus ostreatus, which are green in boiling water for 10 minutes, and crush them in a meat grinder according to the weight ratio of 4 ∶ 2. Put

  • 5 Ways to Treat Zombie Pigs

    5 Ways to Treat Zombie Pigs

    Zombie pigs only eat not long, slow growth and development, thin physique, thick skin and thick hair. The following methods can be used to treat and fatten stiff pigs. 1. For the dead pigs formed by vitamin deficiency, 100-200 g of purslane, 200-250 g of carrot, or 50-100 g of Chinese medicine atractylodes rhizome can be fed to each pig every day; 52 g of atractylodes rhizome, pine needle leaf or Platycladus orientalis leaf can also be taken, dried and crushed, and mixed to feed pigs. If pigs have gastrointestinal diseases, inject vitamin AD1-2 ml or cod liver oil 1-2 ml daily intramuscularly for each pig, and continuously inject 3-5 ml.

  • Processing of several kinds of Lentinus edodes seasoning

    Processing of several kinds of Lentinus edodes seasoning

    1. Take 100g Lentinus edodes powder, 350g salt, 100g sugar, 80g monosodium glutamate and 1g white pepper in Lentinus edodes soup. The soup can be used as seasoning for noodles, fast food, dumplings, wonton and other foods. it can also be used as seasoning and seasoning for all kinds of salad dishes and Vegetable Soup. two。 ① raw material formula of Lentinus edodes soy sauce. 100L Lentinus edodes concentrate, 25kg salt, 100g pepper, 100g pepper, 150g star anise, 750g ginger, high quality soy sauce 5kg, citric acid 0.1kg

  • Epidemic prevention and control techniques of duck in spring and summer

    Epidemic prevention and control techniques of duck in spring and summer

    Epidemic prevention and control techniques of duck in spring and summer

  • Control methods of Diseases and insect pests of Rice, Wheat and Maize in Food crops

    Control methods of Diseases and insect pests of Rice, Wheat and Maize in Food crops

    Rice, wheat and corn account for more than half of the world's food, and diseases and insect pests are important reasons that affect the yield, so how to control them? What are the methods? Let's take a look at it together. I. Prevention and Control of Rice Diseases and insect pests

    2020-11-09 Food crops rice wheat corn diseases and insect pests control
  • How to promote oestrus and ovulation in sows?

    How to promote oestrus and ovulation in sows?

    How to promote oestrus and ovulation in sows?

  • Local method for the treatment of common miscellaneous diseases in pigs

    Local method for the treatment of common miscellaneous diseases in pigs

    1. Catch a cold: ① onion 90 grams, ginger 60 grams, add water right amount boil, take its hot water fumigate pig mouth and nose, the effect is remarkable. 25 grams of ② Xanthium, stir-fry and grind the powder, mix and feed, 3 times a day. 15g ③ cumin, stir-fry, add 50g brown sugar, 100g lukewarm water. Rinse 100g ④ tea with boiling water and add 200g mung bean powder and 15g alum to feed. 2. Scabies (commonly known as leprosy): 1 part of ① tobacco leaf and 20 parts of water. After boiling for 1 hour, remove the tobacco leaf and scrub the affected area with the rest of the water. For ②
