
Epidemic prevention and control techniques of duck in spring and summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Epidemic prevention and control techniques of duck in spring and summer

Duck epidemics in spring and summer mainly include duck plague, duckling hepatitis, duck infectious serositis, duck pasteurellosis, duck colibacillosis and so on.

Duck plague

[prevention] Duck plague vaccine was injected at the age of 10-15 days.

[treatment] every 100adult ducks were fed with Ligusticum chuanxiong 15g, talc 20g, Shuanghua 10g, tulip 12g, Zanthoxylum bungeanum 8g, cinnamon 20g, Codonopsis pilosula 15g, licorice 20g, fried water to extract juice, add 50 ℃ liquor 200g to mix well, give ducks drinking, each 4-5ml.

Duckling hepatitis disease

[prevention] female ducks are immunized twice a year.

[treatment] every 100 ducks were treated with 100 g of wormwood, 40 g of Elsholtzia splendens, rhubarb, gentian, mast, Scutellaria baicalensis, Phellodendron, Radix Isatidis, fried water and 500 g sugar, one dose a day for 3 days. At the same time, add 50g multivitamin and 100slices of yeast to each 50kg feed and mix well.

Duck infectious serositis

[prevention] usually add 2% Murray 4% sulfamethoxazole to drinking water.

[treatment] 7500 international units of gentamicin per kg were reused in drinking water for 3 days, and proper amount of multivitamin was added to the feed to improve the curative effect.

Duck pasteurellosis

[prevention] ducks with frequent occurrence of the disease can be fed with quinolinol mixed feed for 3 days every 10 days, 25 mg per kilogram of feed, or 2 min per week with andrographis paniculata powder for 3 days, or oxytetracycline 50 mg per kg body weight for 2 days.

[treatment] the diseased ducks were injected intramuscularly with penicillin and streptomycin according to 50,000 units per kilogram of body weight, twice a day for 2 days. Sulfonamides, such as sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, etc., were fed with 0.05% Mel 0.1% mixture for 5 days.

Duck colibacillosis

[prevention] Duck houses and utensils are usually disinfected once every 2 weeks, and when the disease is found, they are disinfected twice a week.

[treatment] Gentamicin was injected intramuscularly according to 10 000 units per kg body weight, once a day for 3 days, or added to drinking water according to 20 000 units per kg body weight for 3 days. Norfloxacin was used according to the instructions for 3 days.