
viscera Learn more about viscera

  • Do you know all the signs before the onset of sow disease?

    Do you know all the signs before the onset of sow disease?

    Pay attention to sow breeding disorder warning, need to remember five pithy formula, namely eye week viscera, hair root blood, auricle viscera, back viscera, ear tip cool. According to the severity of these five phenomena, we can judge the body condition and health of sows. The first is the eye. When only sows remain

    2020-11-08 Do you know all the signs of sow disease before it starts? Pay attention.
  • Do you need viscera to eat Loach? How to kill faster? What's the effect? How much is the market price per jin?

    Do you need viscera to eat Loach? How to kill faster? What's the effect? How much is the market price per jin?

    Loach, also known as Loach, Loach, known as the ginseng in the water, lives in the lake pond, is a kind of fish with high nutritional value and feeds on all kinds of small animals. Does eating Loach need to be eviscerated? How to kill faster? What's the effect? How much is the market price per jin?

    2020-11-11 Eat Loach need go viscera Mo how kill than faster have
  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    A snake whip is the reproductive organ of a male snake. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "tonifying viscera with viscera and seeking the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than that of seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang, warming internal organs, and can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Snake whip

  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    A snake whip is the reproductive organ of a male snake. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "tonifying viscera with viscera and seeking the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than that of seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang, warming internal organs, and can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Snake whip

  • Breeding technique of weasel

    Breeding technique of weasel

    Breeding technique of weasel

  • The difference between aconite and aconite

    The difference between aconite and aconite

    Aconitum and aconite are both products of the same plant. Aconitum is the main root and aconite is the lateral root. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan and other places in China. The main value of aconitum is to relieve cold and relieve pain, which can dispel the cold of meridians and collaterals as well as the cold of viscera.

    2020-11-08 Aconitum aconite aconitum
  • Prevention and treatment of necrotic bacilli in cattle

    Prevention and treatment of necrotic bacilli in cattle

    Necrobacillosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Clostridium necrosis. in clinic, tissue necrosis is common, such as skin, subcutaneous tissue and digestive tract mucosa, and metastatic necrosis can also be formed in the viscera. First, symptoms. The incubation period is 1-3 days, and the common disease type of cattle is rotten hoof.

    2020-11-08 Cattle raising necrosis bacilli disease prevention and treatment are caused by
  • Advice to Aquatic Feed Formulators

    Advice to Aquatic Feed Formulators

    Advice to Aquatic Feed Formulators

  • Processing method of Flavor dried Fish

    Processing method of Flavor dried Fish

    Using rays, white eels, sea catfish and other fish with peculiar smell as raw materials, dried fish products with good appearance, small odor, not easy to mildew, good preservation, good surface color after heating and conditioning, strong fish smell and so on are made. The preparation method will remove the head, viscera, etc., and flavor the fish with 0.1-0.5% xylose aqueous solution (or mixed seasoning solution containing 0.1-0.5% xylose) by impregnation and other methods. Then dry products are made by drying in the sun or by hot air below 60 ℃.

  • On the processing technology of Zaocys dhumnades

    On the processing technology of Zaocys dhumnades

    (1) harvesting and processing ① harvesting in summer and autumn, artificially farmed black snakes can be harvested at any time. ② processing (1) Origin processing. Black snake processing can be divided into two kinds: disk snake and snake stick. ① coiled snake. After catching, break the snake to death, cut it open from neck to anus with a sharp knife or scissors in the abdomen, remove the left viscera, take the bamboo needle string into a circle, place the head in the center, insert the tail end into the abdominal cavity, put it on a barbed wire rack and dry it with charcoal fire; or use firewood to dry, turn frequently during fumigation, until the surface is slightly black

  • Relationship between feed and yellow meat

    Relationship between feed and yellow meat

    Yellow fat meat, also known as yellow fat meat, refers to pork carcass fat is brown or yellow, internal organs normal without change, no odor, generally considered to be caused by feed. Yellow fat meat and jaundice meat different, jaundice meat is caused by disease, bile excretion caused by obstruction. Jaundiced flesh not only fat yellow, skin, mucosa, joint capsule fluid, tissue fluid, vascular intima, serosa, tendons and so on are yellow, viscera also appear pathological changes. Yellow fat meat hanging 24 hours after the yellow light or disappear, but yellow jaundice meat does not fade. Yellow fat meat is mostly fed fish meal and cod liver oil to pigs

  • Relationship between Feed and Pig Yellow Fat Meat

    Relationship between Feed and Pig Yellow Fat Meat

    Yellow fat meat, also known as yellow meat, refers to pork carcass fat is brown or yellow, viscera normal no change, no peculiar smell, generally considered to be caused by feed. Yellow fat meat is different from jaundiced meat, which is caused by disease and blocked bile excretion. Jaundiced meat is yellow not only in fat, but also in skin, mucosa, joint capsule fluid, tissue fluid, vascular intima, serosa, tendons and so on. The yellow flesh becomes lighter or disappears after hanging for 24 hours, while the yellow color of the jaundiced meat does not fade. Yellow fat meat was fed to pigs with fish meal and cod liver oil.

  • Comprehensive Utilization of scraps from Fish processing

    Comprehensive Utilization of scraps from Fish processing

    The remaining fish head, fish tail, minced meat, scales, skin, viscera, bone, gallbladder and so on, contain a lot of protein, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Using these protein resources, a variety of deep processing products can be made, including soluble edible fish protein meal, liquid fish protein feed, fish scale glue, fish skin glue, bone paste, fish protein calcium sugar, bile pigment calcium salt and bile salt, etc. Comprehensive utilization of fish processing leftovers can reduce the cost of leading products, increase the added value of aquatic products, maintain the environment and reduce waste.

  • Processing technology of fresh stewed American red fish fillet

    Processing technology of fresh stewed American red fish fillet

    The biological name of American red fish (Sciaenopsocellatus) is Epinephelus ocellatus, belonging to the genus Perciformes. It is a wide-temperature and salty fish with an optimum temperature of 10 ℃ and an optimum temperature of 18-25 ℃. It is reported that it can withstand a low temperature of 2 ℃. It can adapt to a wide range of salinity. It can grow normally in fresh water, brackish water and sea water. It is a carnivorous fish and mainly feeds on shellfish, cephalopods and small fish in natural waters. Artificial feeding can be used with bait. American red fish have fewer diseases and grow fast, it is reported that

  • What does the turtle eat?

    What does the turtle eat?

    Soft-shelled turtle eats the feed that contains protein, adipose, carbohydrate, vitamin, inorganic salt these 5 kinds of nutrient. Generally available all kinds of seafood, fresh water (fresh water), animal viscera, all kinds of meat, fresh milk eggs, after pollution-free cultivation of yellow mealworm, earthworm,

    2020-11-11 turtle eat what feed contain protein
  • Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

    Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

    Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

  • The breeding value of mink

    The breeding value of mink

    The breeding value of mink

  • Smoked fish making

    Smoked fish making

    1. Process flow Raw material treatment → dipping → rinsing → draining → frying → seasoning → bagging → pumping and sealing → sterilization and cooling → insulation inspection → warehousing and storage 2. Operation points (1) Raw material treatment: Wash the raw fish after removing the head, viscera and tail. If the fish body is large, it should be cut into pieces and washed with clean water. (2) Fried: Fried until the fish is dark yellow and the surface is hard. (3) Seasoning: add 35kg soy sauce into the sandwich pan and heat, pour 300kg fried fish and stir, add 30,000 yellow wine.

  • Processing technology of canned silver carp in tomato sauce

    Processing technology of canned silver carp in tomato sauce

    1. Raw material acceptance of technological process-and the gills are bright red. The muscles are elastic and the flesh and blood are closely connected. (2) the raw fish sticks weigh more than 1000 grams.

  • Licorice can treat pigeon dysentery

    Licorice can treat pigeon dysentery

    Pigeons suffer from dysentery, their feces are as sparse as water, and their stools are green and yellowish. The sick pigeon turtle shrinks in the shed, drinking a lot of water instead of eating, and the illness is getting worse. Buy licorice, mash it and feed it to the sick pigeon, and soak it in water for the sick pigeon to drink. The next day the faeces had changed from thin to dry. Continue to treat with licorice, sick pigeons can recover in less than a week. According to Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, "licorice, sweet and flat in nature, mainly treats the cold, heat and evil qi of the five internal organs and six viscera, and relieves all kinds of toxins" and "treats red and white dysentery."
