
necrosis Learn more about necrosis

  • Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    [pathogen] the pathogen of infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis in fish is infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis virus (IHNV). [symptoms and pathological changes] the diseased fish begin to swim slowly, float downstream, then shake and swim, then float and turn, and often die shortly after intense swimming. The diseased fish have black body color, exophthalmos, dilated abdomen, hyperemia at the base of the fin, and a long, thick white mucus stool is often dragged on the anus. Autopsy showed that there was a large amount of stagnant water in the abdominal cavity, lighter color of liver, spleen and kidney, intestinal bleeding, oral wall and skeletal muscle.

  • Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Bacterial pith necrosis is an important disease in tomato cultivation, which seriously affects the yield and quality of tomato. Sometimes even lead to the whole shed out of production, why bacterial pulp necrosis easy to occur? Let's take a look at it together. 1. Environmental causes

    2020-11-09 why tomato bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur
  • Prevention and treatment of necrotic bacilli in cattle

    Prevention and treatment of necrotic bacilli in cattle

    Necrobacillosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Clostridium necrosis. in clinic, tissue necrosis is common, such as skin, subcutaneous tissue and digestive tract mucosa, and metastatic necrosis can also be formed in the viscera. First, symptoms. The incubation period is 1-3 days, and the common disease type of cattle is rotten hoof.

    2020-11-08 Cattle raising necrosis bacilli disease prevention and treatment are caused by
  • Infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of salmon and trout

    Infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of salmon and trout

    The pathogen is infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis virus. Vertical transmission: eggs and semen of infected parent fish are more likely to be transmitted by eggs; horizontal transmission: water source is polluted, etc. The virus mainly invades the fish through the Gill and digestive tract. Symptoms the disease often causes sudden mass death in the fry and juvenile stage, and usually occurs 7-14 days after infection. The diseased fish swims slowly, rotates, sometimes sinks to the bottom, the body color turns black, the abdomen is dilated, the fin base is congested, the anus hangs opaque, mucous feces, and the lateral muscles are "V" shaped.

  • How to treat hemorrhagic intestinal Necrosis of soft-shelled Turtle

    How to treat hemorrhagic intestinal Necrosis of soft-shelled Turtle

    How to treat hemorrhagic intestinal Necrosis of soft-shelled Turtle

  • Surgical treatment of intestinal Necrosis caused by Porcine umbilical hernia

    Surgical treatment of intestinal Necrosis caused by Porcine umbilical hernia

    If porcine umbilical hernia is treated in time, it is generally easy to cure and there will be no intestinal necrosis; if it is not treated in time, the intestines that fall into the hernia sac will die. Most of the cases with necrosis were small hernia ring, and the falling intestine was necrosed due to insufficient blood supply caused by the clamp of the hernia ring; although the hernia ring was large in a few cases, but the falling intestine was stimulated by the contents (even corrupt contents) for a long time and necrosis occurred. According to the situation, we use surgery to treat many cases of intestinal necrosis caused by porcine umbilical hernia, and the effect is good.

  • National orchid leaf wilt stripe necrosis

    National orchid leaf wilt stripe necrosis

    National orchid leaf wilt stripe necrosis

  • Prevention and treatment of bovine necrotic bacilli

    Prevention and treatment of bovine necrotic bacilli

    Necrobacillosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Clostridium necrosis. in clinic, tissue necrosis is common, such as skin, subcutaneous tissue and digestive tract mucosa, and metastatic necrosis can also be formed in the viscera. First, symptoms. The incubation period is 1-3 days. The common diseases in cattle are rotten hoof disease and diphtheria. The former is common in adult cattle. At the beginning of the disease, there are holes and holes in the bottom of the hoof, and there are necrotic and decaying inflammatory products. It is black and smelly like water, in addition, abscesses, pus leakage and surrounding skin necrosis are formed between the toes, the crown of the hoof and the heel. Inflammation can spread to synovial bursa and tendon

  • Prevention and treatment of myocarditis in calves with degeneration and necrosis of myocardial skeletal muscle

    Prevention and treatment of myocarditis in calves with degeneration and necrosis of myocardial skeletal muscle

    Prevention and treatment of myocarditis in calves with degeneration and necrosis of myocardial skeletal muscle

  • Attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of shrimp liver necrosis in high temperature season.

    Attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of shrimp liver necrosis in high temperature season.

    Attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of shrimp liver necrosis in high temperature season.

  • Treatment of porcine necrotizing dermatitis

    Treatment of porcine necrotizing dermatitis

    Epidemic characteristics: pig necrotizing dermatitis caused by necrotic bacilli, its infectivity is very strong. In the hot and humid weather every year, piglets, shelf pigs, boars and sows are prone to the disease. The disease occurred in the whole litter, and there was interactive infection between piglets and sows, but more piglets were infected by sows. At the beginning of the disease, systemic symptoms are not obvious, severe cases of elevated body temperature, less food or loss of appetite, emaciation, often due to cachexia and death, which is harmful to the pig industry. Features: first, red papules with large grains of rice appear on the skin on the body surface, often scratching, and papules recur.

  • New Therapy for Porcine Necrotizing Dermatitis

    New Therapy for Porcine Necrotizing Dermatitis

    Epidemic characteristics: pig necrotizing dermatitis caused by necrotic bacilli, its infectivity is very strong. In the hot and humid weather every year, piglets, shelf pigs, boars and sows are prone to the disease. The disease occurred in the whole litter, and there was interactive infection between piglets and sows, but more piglets were infected by sows. At the beginning of the disease, systemic symptoms are not obvious, severe cases of elevated body temperature, less food or loss of appetite, emaciation, often due to cachexia and death, which is harmful to the pig industry. Characteristics of the disease: first of all, red papules with large grains of rice appeared on the skin on the body surface.

  • Characteristics and Control of Necrobacillosis in Deer

    Characteristics and Control of Necrobacillosis in Deer

    Necrobacillosis of deer is a chronic infectious disease caused by Necrobacillosis, which is usually caused by skin and mucosal wound infection. Necrotic disease is common in clinic, sometimes it can be transferred to liver, lung and other organs to form lesions, necrotic pneumonia and purulent hepatitis occur. If treatment is not timely, it often causes a large number of deaths. It is one of the most serious infectious diseases endangering deer farming. 1 Pathogenic characteristics: Necrobacilli, mainly divided into A and AB types, Gram stain negative, mostly long filiform, no flagella, unable to move, do not form buds

  • Infectious pancreatic necrosis of salmon and trout

    Infectious pancreatic necrosis of salmon and trout

    The pathogen is infectious pancreatic necrotic disease virus. Vertical transmission: eggs and semen of parent fish with virus; horizontal transmission: feces, urine and secretions of diseased fish bring the virus into the water, the route of infection is Gill and mouth. Most of the juvenile fish with symptom weight more than 5 grams are chronic, the speed of death is slow, the appearance of abdominal swelling, blackening of body color, exophthalmos, hyperemia and redness of fin base and abdomen, anus mostly dragging linear feces, slow swimming and poor feeding. Most of the fry weighing less than 5 grams are acute, the rate of death is fast, and the activity of diseased fish is slow.

  • The role of demonstrating liver lesions in chickens

    The role of demonstrating liver lesions in chickens

    The liver is soft and brittle and brownish red because of its rich vascular supply. It is not only the largest gland in chicken, but also the largest detoxification organ. It plays a very important role in bile production, coagulation, immunity, heat production and the regulation of water and electrolytes. At the same time, the liver is also a very important barrier mechanism, so it is vulnerable to damage caused by a variety of pathogenic factors. Different pathogenic factors cause different liver lesions, so different liver lesions have a specific role in diagnosis. Now the types of liver lesions

  • Cymbidium mosaic disease (Cymbidiumm)

    Cymbidium mosaic disease (Cymbidiumm)

    Cymbidium mosaic disease (Cymbidiumm)

  • Physiological diseases of garlic bolts: carbon dioxide toxicity

    Physiological diseases of garlic bolts: carbon dioxide toxicity

    In the later stage, the carbon dioxide content of garlic bolts packaged in thin film bags is too high, which often leads to poisoning, showing yellow spots on the stalks, gradually sinking, connection, tissue necrosis, water-stained rot, and finally garlic bolting broken strips, sometimes bolting bud necrosis, giving off alcohol smell, accompanied by stench. Seriously, the whole bag of garlic vines rotted away, which has become an important disease in the storage of garlic bolts. Garlic bolts controlled atmosphere storage, general carbon dioxide should not exceed 5%, should be regular ventilation, later carbon dioxide more than 13% will be poisoned.

  • Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

    Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

    Symptoms of nutritional imbalance in tomato

  • Common diseases and prevention of salmon and trout

    Common diseases and prevention of salmon and trout

    Salmon and trout are the main cold-water fishes in the world, which are generally cultured in intensive and intensive way, so all kinds of fish diseases are easy to prevail, including viral fish disease, bacterial and fungal fish disease and parasitic fish disease. 1. Viral diseases. The pathogen of infectious pancreatic necrosis is infectious pancreatic necrosis virus. Vertical transmission: eggs and semen of infected parent fish; horizontal transmission: feces, urine and secretions of diseased fish bring the virus into the water

  • Harm of Duck Influenza and its Comprehensive Control

    Harm of Duck Influenza and its Comprehensive Control

    Duck influenza is a highly fatal infectious disease caused by influenza A virus, which can infect ducks of all breeds and every day of age. it is the most serious epidemic disease that harms duck industry. 1. Epidemic characteristics in the past, it was generally believed that waterfowl were only carriers of influenza virus and did not get sick. However, since the mid-1990s, ducks have been infected with highly pathogenic influenza virus, which breaks the traditional understanding of duck influenza. Ducks are not only highly susceptible to influenza, but also can transversely infect terrestrial birds.
