
viral hepatitis Learn more about viral hepatitis

  • Treatment of toxic chronic hepatitis by TCM classification

    Treatment of toxic chronic hepatitis by TCM classification

    Zhang Liangchen, deputy chief physician of Dongcheng traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, continued: Western medicine is classified by hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and other viruses, while traditional Chinese medicine is divided into damp-heat of liver and gallbladder, stagnation of liver and spleen, yang deficiency of spleen and kidney, stasis of veins, yin deficiency of liver and kidney, etc.

  • Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

  • Symptoms and treatment of viral hepatitis in major infectious diseases of ducks

    Symptoms and treatment of viral hepatitis in major infectious diseases of ducks

    Duck viral hepatitis is a common infectious disease in raising ducks. if it is not found immediately, it will cause a lot of loss. the symptoms and treatment of the disease are as follows: 1. Duck viral hepatitis often occurs within 4 weeks of age, 5 ~ 15 days old.

    2020-11-11 Duck major infectious diseases viral hepatitis symptoms and duck
  • Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

    Prevention and treatment of duck viral hepatitis

  • Timely treatment of acute viral hepatitis

    Timely treatment of acute viral hepatitis

    After listening to Zhang Liangchen, deputy chief physician of Dongcheng traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, we can clearly perceive our health and happiness, which is directly related to the embodiment of liver function. While the deputy who is familiar with the TCM theory of liver and liver disease.

  • Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

    Prevention and treatment of common duck diseases

  • Application of Interferon in the treatment of Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Application of Interferon in the treatment of Infectious Canine Hepatitis

    Infectious canine hepatitis is an acute septic infectious disease caused by adenovirus. It was characterized by necrosis in the center of hepatic lobule, intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatic parenchyma cells and cortical cells, and prolonged bleeding time. Infectious canine hepatitis does serious harm to dogs and causes great economic losses to the dog industry. The virus has strong resistance and can survive in the soil for a long time under the condition of low temperature. it still has pathogenicity after 10 to 14 days, and can survive in the dog nest for a long time. Sick dogs and recovered dogs with virus are the source of infection of the disease, and their blood secretions and excretions

  • Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease

    Duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease is an acute septic infectious disease caused by duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease virus. It is characterized by duck head swelling, conjunctival congestion and bleeding, extensive skin bleeding, enlarged liver with bleeding spots, body temperature above 43 ℃, green defecation, etc., with an incidence of 50% to 100% and a mortality rate of 40% to 80% or even 100%. It is a new infectious disease that seriously harms the duck industry. 1 Epidemiological diagnosis of duck viral swollen head hemorrhagic disease (2003

  • How to improve the survival rate of meat ducks?

    How to improve the survival rate of meat ducks?

    How to improve the survival rate of meat ducks?

  • How to improve the Survival rate of Meat Duck

    How to improve the Survival rate of Meat Duck

    How to improve the Survival rate of Meat Duck

  • Technical measures for raising Meat Duck to improve the Survival rate of Meat Duck

    Technical measures for raising Meat Duck to improve the Survival rate of Meat Duck

    First, choose the duck seedlings. The selection and purchase of duck vaccines should go to the breeding duck farms where the epidemic prevention work is better, and the breeding ducks should be vaccinated against diseases such as poultry failure, colibacillosis, duck plague, bird flu, and viral hepatitis in strict accordance with the immunization procedures, and the epidemic prevention conditions of the hatchery are in line with the state regulations.

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat duck improvement survival rate technology measures one good selection
  • Can dogs spread many diseases to people?

    Can dogs spread many diseases to people?

    It is true that dogs can spread some diseases, but they need certain conditions for transmission. As long as dogs are kept healthy, dogs will not be infected with these diseases and people will not be infected. Generally speaking, families in big cities have the conditions to do so. Feeding dog food, not feeding raw or contaminated food, vaccinating dogs according to regulations, giving regular medical check-ups to dogs, and paying attention to daily hygiene and washing hands after contact with animal excrement, the possibility of human being infected by dogs is extremely small. Although dogs also have viral hepatitis, the virus is completely different from that of humans.

  • How to raise Muscovy Duck breeding techniques and matters needing attention

    How to raise Muscovy Duck breeding techniques and matters needing attention

    Muscovy duck is a common duck breed, because of its special appearance, fresh and tender meat, so it is very popular with people, and its sales in the market are very good. Now there are a lot of people raising Muscovy Duck, and many people want to increase their income by raising it.

    2020-11-08 Muscovy duck how to raise breeding technology and precautions is
  • How to do well the daily management and disease prevention of goose farm

    How to do well the daily management and disease prevention of goose farm

    How to do well the daily management and disease prevention of goose farm

  • What are the common animal diseases of type I, II and III, respectively?

    What are the common animal diseases of type I, II and III, respectively?

    Animal diseases refer to animal infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. According to the degree of harm of animal diseases to aquaculture production and human health, the animal diseases managed by the Law of the people's Republic of China on Animal epidemic Prevention are divided into the following three categories: class I diseases, which refer to human beings.

    2020-11-11 Common one two three types animals epidemic diseases respectively including
  • Prevention and treatment of inclusion body hepatitis in chickens

    Prevention and treatment of inclusion body hepatitis in chickens

    Prevention and treatment of inclusion body hepatitis in chickens

  • Discussion on extraction Technology of Schisandra Ointment

    Discussion on extraction Technology of Schisandra Ointment

    Hugan tablet has the effect of soothing the liver and regulating qi, invigorating the spleen and eliminating food, reducing serum alanine aminotransferase, and has a significant effect on chronic, viral hepatitis, persistent hepatitis and early liver cirrhosis. This product was originally collected by ministry standard and provincial standard, and was later included in the 95th edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The detection item added "determination of Schisandrin B content", but there was no stipulation on the extraction process of Schisandra chinensis ointment. If Schisandra chinensis ointment is still extracted according to the raw material process, it is not safe to extract Schisandra chinensis B. For this reason, according to the properties of Schisandrin B, we designed different concentrations in the same method.

  • Is the project of extracting heparin sodium from pig small intestine feasible?

    Is the project of extracting heparin sodium from pig small intestine feasible?

    Heparin sodium is an important biochemical drug, which is used in clinical treatment of acute myocardial infarction and viral hepatitis. Combined with ribonucleic acid can increase the curative effect on hepatitis B. Combined with chemotherapy, it is helpful to prevent cancer cell metastasis. In addition, it also has the effect of preventing thrombosis. The production of heparin sodium is in short supply and there is a great gap in the international market. The intestinal mucosa of about 2000 pig small intestines after processing casings can produce 1 kg of heparin sodium, worth about 22000 yuan. Therefore, it is valuable to produce heparin sodium from the by-product of porcine small intestinal mucosa.

  • Breeding techniques and matters needing attention of Hot Duck Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Duck

    Breeding techniques and matters needing attention of Hot Duck Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Duck

    During the breeding period of ducklings, it is necessary to master the temperature and humidity and do a good immune procedure, which is mainly stocked in rice fields after 1 month of age, properly fed with concentrate at night, and surrounded by rice fields after transplanting rice seedlings to prevent the entry of weasels, cats and dogs. In a corner of the rice field is a hot duck.

    2020-11-08 Hot duck breeding technology and matters needing attention duck common diseases prevention and treatment
  • Prevention and treatment of fox disease: Fox omphalitis

    Prevention and treatment of fox disease: Fox omphalitis

    Fox omphalitis is an acute viral disease characterized by damage to the central nervous system, increased excitability and epileptic seizures in foxes. 1. The original pathogen of the disease is fox adenosis, also known as fox omphalitis virus. Strong virus resistance, acid and ether resistance, 70% alcohol treatment. Disinfectants such as 4% Lysol, 2% sodium hydroxide and 20% bleach can kill. The fox adenovirus isolated in China is basically the same as canine infectious hepatitis virus and can agglutinate type O erythrocytes of guinea pig, chicken and human under the condition of 4 ℃.
