
sweetened Learn more about sweetened

  • How to sweeten strawberries quickly

    How to sweeten strawberries quickly

    Strawberry rapid sweetening needs reasonable fertilization, good management in growth period, specific methods are: reasonable application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer during growth period, drip irrigation of 4-8 jin harvey flower per mu after transplantation, spraying flower Dole and new extract calcium and boron in bud stage,

    2020-11-08 strawberry how fast sweetened abstract
  • A course on the latest sweetening techniques of strawberries

    A course on the latest sweetening techniques of strawberries

    Strawberries are bright and glossy in appearance and sweet in taste, but some strawberries look good, but they are not sweet, which gives many growers a headache. So how to improve the sweetness of strawberries? Let's take a look at the sweetening techniques of strawberries with the editor.

    2020-11-10 Latest strawberries sweetening techniques methods tutorials appearance
  • Sweetening Technology of Strawberry

    Sweetening Technology of Strawberry

    Sweetening Technology of Strawberry

  • How to sweeten melons?

    How to sweeten melons?

    Melons, also known as cantaloupe, Bailan melon, taste sweet, more moisture, very popular, the market is better, but there are also some problems in the cultivation of melons, today the editor will talk about how to sweeten melons? 1. Rational fertilization can improve

    2020-11-09 Melon how sweet melon also known as cantaloupe Bailan
  • How much is the price of dragon fruit seedlings in 2019? How can planting sweeten it?

    How much is the price of dragon fruit seedlings in 2019? How can planting sweeten it?

    It is the best season to eat dragon fruit from May to November every year, and with the increase of market demand, the planting of dragon fruit is more and more. How much is the price of dragon fruit seedlings in 2019? How can planting sweeten it? How much is the price of dragon fruit seedlings?

    2020-11-09 2019 fire dragon fruit seedlings price more less money one how
  • How to sweeten melons

    How to sweeten melons

    How to sweeten melons

  • Master the method of five fertilizers to sweeten watermelon

    Master the method of five fertilizers to sweeten watermelon

    The main results are as follows: 1. When applying farm fertilizer in soil preparation, more compositions of farm manure such as chicken manure and sheep manure are applied, and the watermelons are neat in size, good in flavor and high in sweetness. 2. Applying potassium bacteria to manyuanchun microbial agent, biological organic fertilizer, black plus containing potassium bacteria

    2020-11-08 Master good five fertilization magic emissary watermelon sweetening
  • Loquat smart fertilization helps crack prevention and sweetening

    Loquat smart fertilization helps crack prevention and sweetening

    Loquat fruit cracking is easy to occur in rainy spring, and reduce sugar accumulation, reduce fruit sugar content, so that fruit taste becomes light and quality is poor. If organic fertilizer, phosphorus potassium fertilizer and calcium fertilizer are applied during this period, it can effectively prevent fruit cracking, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, and improve the sugar content of fruits.

  • How to sweeten the latest muskmelon

    How to sweeten the latest muskmelon

    Since melons are called melons, they must taste sweet, but many farmers are reacting that the melons planted are low in sweetness and even bitter in taste. The sweetness of melons is closely related to the sugar content, which determines the sweetness of melons, and some of them are due to some

    2020-11-10 The latest melon how sweeten since named that taste
  • Japanese strawberries and Chilean cherries imported excessive pesticides

    Japanese strawberries and Chilean cherries imported excessive pesticides

    The Food and Drug Administration released a list of 6 unqualified items in the border inspection on the 15th, among which the energy bar imported from Canada, "POWER CRUNCH whey protein crisp lemon protein pie flavor", detected excessive sweetener and 69.12kg was destroyed after being intercepted at the border.

  • How to fertilize grapes in summer can make grapes sweeter?

    How to fertilize grapes in summer can make grapes sweeter?

    How to fertilize grapes in summer can make grapes sweeter? Please give guidance in the grape growth process, the application of fertilizer is very important, but to carry out scientific fertilization, to avoid wrong fertilization caused by reduced grape yield and affect the taste of grapes, want to make the planted grapes sweeter, we should pay special attention to the methods of fertilization.

  • Grape planting techniques: how to fertilize the grapes to make them sweeter?

    Grape planting techniques: how to fertilize the grapes to make them sweeter?

    How can fertilizing make grapes sweeter? Please introduce the method of fertilization in order to make the grape sweeter, you can refer to the following fertilization methods: first, pay attention to the base fertilizer around October, that is, the end of autumn is the best time for grape to apply base fertilizer. When applying base fertilizer, we should pay attention to the combined application of organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer, using rot per mu.

  • Four measures to sweeten bagged pears

    Four measures to sweeten bagged pears

    Pear bagging can obviously improve its appearance and commodity performance, but bagging has a certain effect on the sweetness of pear. The following measures can be taken to increase the sugar content of bagged pear. 1. Apply more potash fertilizer. The amount of barnyard manure should be 2-3 times the amount of fruit, change the past practice of kilogram fruit fertilizer, and apply it in early autumn after harvest. Control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, increase the ratio of phosphorus to potassium fertilizer, and keep the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to 1 ∶ 0.6 ∶ 1. At the same time of fertilizing, pay attention to watering during drought in early spring and autumn, and tree disk mulching and whole garden mulching can also be used.

  • Technological innovation and the help of cooperatives sweeten the hearts of growers

    Technological innovation and the help of cooperatives sweeten the hearts of growers

    Introduction: China's agriculture is booming, more and more new farmers participate, the corresponding planting technology continues to improve, the editor collects 3 new technologies and push.

  • Measures for removing acid and increasing sweetness of citrus

    Measures for removing acid and increasing sweetness of citrus

    Measures for removing acid and increasing sweetness of citrus

  • How to increase the sweetness of the planted dragon fruit

    How to increase the sweetness of the planted dragon fruit

    Most of the dragon fruits on the market are big and sweet, but the fruits planted by some growers are not as good as expected. Today, let's take a brief look at how the dragon fruit is sweetened and increased. If you want to grow dragon fruit with sweet export and huge fruit,

    2020-11-09 Planting fire dragon fruit how sweeten increase city face
  • Cultivation techniques of muskmelon in spring shed

    Cultivation techniques of muskmelon in spring shed

    Muskmelon production has developed rapidly, whether in greenhouse or spring shed production, the economic benefit is more significant, the income per mu is about 10,000 yuan. According to the characteristics of spring shed production, such as low investment, easy management, high output, good quality, short production cycle, fast occupation of market, etc., in order to promote the development of production, the management technology is now arranged for.

  • China may continue to reduce the temporary storage price of corn in 2016 / 17

    China may continue to reduce the temporary storage price of corn in 2016 / 17

    The Chinese government plans to lower the purchase price of domestic corn for the second year in a row in an effort to boost stagnant demand in the crisis-hit processing industry and drain huge corn stocks, according to industry insiders. China's corn prices are the most expensive in the world, making it difficult for the domestic processing industry to maintain.

    2015-12-26 China or in 2016 17 continue reduce corn temporary storage price
  • Seedling raising and transplanting techniques of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

    Seedling raising and transplanting techniques of Glycyrrhiza uralensis

    Licorice is an important medicinal material, with the strengthening of national ecological environment protection, the utilization of wild resources has been very limited, licorice seedling transplanting technology has become very important. Licorice is a perennial herb of Leguminosae, which is listed as a key specially controlled medicinal material by the state. Glycyrrhizic acid as a sweetener is 300 times sweeter than sucrose and is one of the best natural sweeteners found so far. The state explicitly orders licorice as a national second-class protected plant, which is not allowed to be picked casually, and the contradiction between the supply and descent of licorice is intensified. Therefore, the artificial cultivation and high yield and high quality cultivation of licorice were studied.

  • Preparation of Ganoderma lucidum health beverage

    Preparation of Ganoderma lucidum health beverage

    Ganoderma lucidum used in this product includes Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum and other varieties. When preparing the extract of Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum was dried and crushed, and 5 times 30 times hot water or warm water was added to the dry material for leaching. The cyclodextrins used are produced from starch or starch hydrolysates. Sweeteners, spices or natural fruit juices can also be added as needed. First, Ganoderma lucidum is dried and cut into thick 5mm flakes. Then, add 60-80 ℃ warm water (100g dried Ganoderma lucidum and 1L water)
