
shed Learn more about shed

  • How to prevent cotton bud and boll shedding from growing cotton

    How to prevent cotton bud and boll shedding from growing cotton

    (1) the general law of bud and boll shedding ① the ratio of bud and boll shedding in bud and boll shedding, the general trend of the ratio of bud to boll drop is that the boll drop rate is higher than the bud drop rate, and the ratio is about 3:2. At the age of bud and boll shedding in ②, the shedding was the most on the ll~20 day, more than 20 days after budding.

    2020-11-08 Plant cotton how to prevent flower bud boll shedding one
  • The latest winter leek management techniques and methods before and after the shed course

    The latest winter leek management techniques and methods before and after the shed course

    When Chinese chives are cultivated in winter, because of the low temperature, it is necessary to keep warm in the shed to ensure the normal growth of leeks, and the management before and after the shed is also more important, which directly affects the growth and yield of leeks. So how to manage the leek before and after withholding the shed? one

    2020-11-10 The latest winter leek buckle shed before and after management technology methods in
  • Management techniques before and after withholding shed of leek in winter

    Management techniques before and after withholding shed of leek in winter

    Management techniques before and after withholding shed of leek in winter

  • We should pay close attention to the heat preservation of the shed.

    We should pay close attention to the heat preservation of the shed.

    We should pay close attention to the heat preservation of the shed.

  • The different smell of cactus in the rain

    The different smell of cactus in the rain

    Thanks to the rain of dzb2002 material for days, I moved the ball out of the shed and enjoyed the rain for days.

  • Effect of humidity in Orchid shed on Orchid

    Effect of humidity in Orchid shed on Orchid

    Effect of humidity in Orchid shed on Orchid

  • Technology of raising ducks in greenhouse

    Technology of raising ducks in greenhouse

    Technology of raising ducks in greenhouse

  • Matters needing attention in summer high temperature shed

    Matters needing attention in summer high temperature shed

    Matters needing attention in summer high temperature shed

  • Culture technique of big cherry in greenhouse

    Culture technique of big cherry in greenhouse

    First, variety selection and setting equipment equipment 1, the main varieties. Mainly precocious red varieties. At present, the better varieties are: red light, Italian early red, Ukrainian cherry and so on. For rich pollination varieties, improve fruit setting rate and delay supply period, can be properly matched with high-quality varieties such as Sato Kam, Renny, Pioneer.

  • Cotton: Proper management can reduce boll shedding

    Cotton: Proper management can reduce boll shedding

    There are three main reasons for cotton bud and boll shedding: one is physiological shedding, which is also the main reason for shedding. Because of the mutual influence of meteorological conditions and nutritional conditions, it leads to metabolic imbalance in cotton plants and insufficient nutrition, resulting in physiological shedding of buds and bolls; The other is that adverse weather conditions aggravate the harm of diseases and insect pests. Cotton aphids, red spiders and other pests bite leaves, reducing the photosynthetic capacity of leaves, resulting in malnutrition of buds and bolls, increasing shedding, excessive spraying, high concentration of liquid medicine, short spraying time interval and other phytotoxicity, which will also increase.

  • Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

    Causes and Control measures of Cotton Bud and Boll shedding

  • What is the difference between European meatiness?

    What is the difference between European meatiness?

    Thanks to Bobluo's material, I went to the AP greenhouse, which has long been famous, and took a lot of pictures and sent them to everyone to enjoy. GoogleSearch Take the train from Augsburg to Worth Town Station, less than 2 km from AP shed, walk...

  • Matters needing attention in the latest summer high temperature shed

    Matters needing attention in the latest summer high temperature shed

    Growing vegetables in greenhouse for more than five years, there are a lot of germs in the soil. With the continuous improvement of multiple cropping in greenhouse, soil-borne diseases are gradually raised, and the high temperature season is a good time to prevent and control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

    2020-11-10 Latest summer high temperature stew shed matters needing attention greenhouse planting
  • Cultivation techniques of Tomato in Cold shed

    Cultivation techniques of Tomato in Cold shed

    A cold shed refers to a plastic shed, which generally does not need to be covered with grass, there is only a layer of plastic film, and there are no rear earth walls and gables. Cold shed cultivation of tomatoes is relatively common, the following editor to explain the cold shed tomato cultivation techniques. I. selection of varieties

    2020-11-08 Cold shed tomato cultivation techniques cold shed that is plastic
  • What is the reason for the roaming shed of young pigeons?

    What is the reason for the roaming shed of young pigeons?

    What is the reason for the roaming shed of young pigeons?

  • Peach Management in Cold shed before and after Spring Festival in Beijing-Tianjin area

    Peach Management in Cold shed before and after Spring Festival in Beijing-Tianjin area

    The main results are as follows: 1 the cold shed peach in the buckle shed period, because the cold shed peach has no cold protection facilities, only rely on daylight temperature increase and greenhouse film heat preservation, so the temperature difference between day and night is large, so the suitable greenhouse period is about February 20, so the flowering period is March 25-31, and the peach ripening period is early June. Ripening 10-15 days earlier than open-field peach. Heating type cold shed peach shed every 350 square meters, install a heating machine in the center of the cold shed, burn wood or coal, the gas is discharged out of the shed through the chimney in the middle of the furnace, and the air is preheated through the interlayer of the furnace before passing through.

  • Intercropping cultivation method of Watermelon and Yam in large Arch shed

    Intercropping cultivation method of Watermelon and Yam in large Arch shed

    In early spring, the intercropping of watermelon and yam in large arch shed can make the harvest and market time of watermelon and yam more than 45 days earlier than that of open field cultivation, thus achieving higher economic benefits. First, the arch shed structure. The width of the shed is 7 meters, the arch height in the center of the shed is 2.5 meters, and the shed has a long view.

    2020-11-08 Big arch shed watermelon and yam intercropping cultivation methods early spring
  • How to build a duck shed

    How to build a duck shed

    How to build a duck shed

  • Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus in plastic shed

    Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus in plastic shed

    The mushroom is cultivated in plastic film shed, which has the advantages of simple construction, convenient disassembly and disinfection, good heat preservation and moisture retention, high yield and good quality. To build a shed, the topography near the edge of the village is relatively high, the water source is convenient, the surrounding area is open, and under the shade of a stockyard, wooden strips, bamboo poles, hemp poles, reeds, rattan and iron wire are used as building materials, and the mushroom shed faces south. The size and height depend on the topography and cultivation area. The shed has 5 to 6 floors, with a distance of 65 cm and a width of 1.3 to 1.6 meters. The construction of the shed and scaffolding are carried out at the same time.

  • New cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in semi-underground arch shed

    New cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in semi-underground arch shed

    The method of cultivating Ganoderma lucidum by covering soil with semi-underground arch shed has many advantages: first, the construction cost of semi-basement shed is lower than that of ground shed, which can save 40% of the construction expenditure; second, it is convenient for water management, as long as it keeps sufficient moisture in the overlying soil layer; third, Ganoderma lucidum grows at one end, nutrition is concentrated, and the Ganoderma lucidum is robust and of good quality. Fourth, the semi-basement arch shed is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the outdoor ground temperature is about 40 ℃ in summer, the inside of the shed is no more than 36 ℃, and in winter it is 3 ℃-4 ℃ higher than the ground. The roof skylight can meet the requirements of light and ventilation. Its technical introduction is as follows
