
ridging Learn more about ridging

  • Front ridge and back ridge

    Front ridge and back ridge

    "Jiuling Mei Butterfly" is a local Luzhou-fragrant broad-leaved cold orchid descending from Yifeng. The outer three petals are very short and wide, the middle palace is strong, the outer petal is wide and soft, and the flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, which perfectly integrates the fragrance, shape and color of the orchid. The emergence of this flower demonstrates that cold orchids can also produce petal flowers, which is undoubtedly of great significance in the history of orchids. ...

  • Storing grain in powder ridges and deep ploughing in the ground

    Storing grain in powder ridges and deep ploughing in the ground

    Storing grain in powder ridges and deep ploughing in the ground

  • Which is better to plant peanuts flat or ridged? The situation of the land is in charge.

    Which is better to plant peanuts flat or ridged? The situation of the land is in charge.

    Flower ridging planting and peaceful planting has always been a controversial topic for many friends, but I think ridging planting is better at present, but some areas are still only suitable for flat land planting.

  • Powder ridge to hide grain in the ground, deep ploughing to store grain in technology

    Powder ridge to hide grain in the ground, deep ploughing to store grain in technology

    On December 12, 2012, the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In the first prize of the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Innovation Achievement Award, there is a new farming method powder ridge invention and its application led by Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

    2015-12-26 Powder ridge hide grain in the ground deep ploughing grain in technology December 2012 12
  • Cultivation method of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Cultivation method of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Narrow-row and close-planting cultivation of soybean is an advanced cultivation technique with large application area and rapid development in the world. Since the early 1990s, on the basis of digesting and absorbing foreign technology, combined with the natural characteristics and production conditions of our province, we have explored the narrow-row and close-planting cultivation techniques of soybean which are suitable for the production conditions of our province. Soybean narrow row close planting can be divided into two modes: horizontal cropping narrow row close planting and ridge planting narrow row close planting. The former high-yield cultivation technique is flat sowing, flat tube, narrow row and close planting to the end, while the latter is based on ridges.

  • Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Sweet Pepper by Biodiversity

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Sweet Pepper by Biodiversity

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Sweet Pepper by Biodiversity

  • It is very simple for novice orchids to grow orchids before and after the diagram.

    It is very simple for novice orchids to grow orchids before and after the diagram.

    Illustrating the front ridge grass and the back ridge grass, about the front ridge and the back ridge, the farmer has written an article before, but recently some netizens have asked about this, so the farmer can use the illustration to talk about the front ridge grass and the back ridge grass of orchids. Like this.

  • Three ridges cultivation techniques of soybean: double rows on ridges with layered fertilization

    Three ridges cultivation techniques of soybean: double rows on ridges with layered fertilization

    Three ridges cultivation techniques of soybean: double rows on ridges with layered fertilization

  • Cultivation techniques of Potato with full Film and double ridges and furrows in Arid area

    Cultivation techniques of Potato with full Film and double ridges and furrows in Arid area

    The cultivation technique of potato with full film and double ridges and furrow sowing is a drought-resistant planting technique suitable for the arid and semi-arid areas of northern China by raising ridges according to the width of the belt, implementing the whole ground cover, preserving soil moisture, collecting rain, increasing temperature and increasing production. Its main advantages are: by covering all the plastic film on the ridges and ridges, ① fully collects all the rainfall during the potato growth period, especially collecting the small rainfall of about 5mm in spring through the film surface to the rain collecting ditch, which effectively solves the problem of sowing seriously affected by spring drought in the dry farming area, thus ensuring the normal emergence of potato seedlings.

  • Ridging planting of peanut changed the planting pattern and had a great impact on soil structure and growth.

    Ridging planting of peanut changed the planting pattern and had a great impact on soil structure and growth.

    Alpine planting in high mountain trench or hole sowing is mainly suitable for some fields with uneven formation and imperfect watering conditions. Ridge planting is medium and fertile in the south.

  • Northwest flour ridge wheat increases by 30% per mu.

    Northwest flour ridge wheat increases by 30% per mu.

    Northwest flour ridge wheat increases by 30% per mu.

  • Cultivation Technique of Soybean-Soybean "Ridge Three"

    Cultivation Technique of Soybean-Soybean

    In the early 1980s, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural Reclamation University adopted the combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy, and gradually formed a complete set of effective mechanized high-yield comprehensive cultivation technology system of soybean, called "ridge three"(or "ridge three") cultivation technology. The so-called "ridge three" refers to the adoption of three mechanized operation techniques on the basis of ridge cultivation: one is deep loosening at intervals between ridges and furrows, the other is deep application of base fertilizer in layers, and the third is double strip precision sowing on ridges. The above three operations are completed by machinery at one time. After this technology is popularized, according to

  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of semi-arid rice

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of semi-arid rice

    ① Soil preparation, ridging and winter paddy field ploughing in time after rice harvest, raking and leveling the field surface, building high field ridges and storing water for winter. After spring generally no longer plow harrow, but soil hardening and weeds more than the field block, half a month before planting should plow harrow once. Ridging is carried out twice. The first time is carried out 5~7 days before planting. The rope is pulled according to the specification to make coarse ridges (deep feet, 7~10 days before planting in muddy fields). It is not too early to avoid long exposed ridge surface and easy breeding of weeds. The second time is carried out 2~3 days before planting. According to the quality requirements, the ridge (compartment) surface is further raised and cleared.

  • High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    Large ridge and narrow row dense planting of soybean can increase canopy leaf index, make full use of light energy and achieve the purpose of increasing yield. (1) selection and preparation of land. Wheat, corn or potato are the best in the previous crop. Ridges with sowing. The ridge distance is 130 cm, the ridge height is 25 cm, and the width on the ridge is 30 cm. (2) selection of varieties. The selection of soybean varieties with large ridge and narrow row should be 168,9409B, ZOQI, Fengshou 544, Miyuwang, Hefeng 25, he 93-BS and so on.

  • Cultivation techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Cultivation techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Shrinking ridges and increasing rows and narrow rows and close planting are one of the effective ways to increase soybean yield. The cultivation method is divided into three forms: first, large ridge and narrow row dense planting, which is a wide platform narrow row dense planting method which combines the original two ridges into one ridge or one semi-synthetic ridge. Its big ridge width is 97.5~140cm, sowing 4-6 rows on the ridge, and protecting 40-500000 seedlings per hectare. At present, 70cm ridge cultivation can generally increase the yield by about 20%. This cultivation technique is suitable for low waterlogging areas in the south and east of China with high productivity.

  • Technical advantages of Potato cultivation with large ridges and close planting

    Technical advantages of Potato cultivation with large ridges and close planting

    Potato has been planted in China for more than 400 years, but it is still the small ridge cultivation mode of 65cm, with an average yield of 26000 kg/hm. This planting method results in shallow soil, insufficient soil storage capacity, easy exposure of potato pieces and an increase in abnormal potatoes. At the same time, due to the small ridge distance and large plants, the ridges are silted up, which is not conducive to ventilation, excessive humidity and the formation of field microclimate. It is easy to cause destructive disease-the occurrence and epidemic of potato late blight, resulting in a large number of diseased potatoes and even no yield.

  • What is the culture method of Tianmen winter shrimp ridge orchid? How do you breed? What varieties do you have?

    What is the culture method of Tianmen winter shrimp ridge orchid? How do you breed? What varieties do you have?

    Shrimp ridge orchid is more cold-resistant, semi-overcast, not resistant to drought and high temperature, summer should be cool, so what is the culture method of shrimp ridge orchid? How do you breed? What varieties do you have? According to the information, Shrimp Ridge Orchid likes a high humid environment. If it is kept indoors, it is not suitable for regular watering. Just keep the soil moist.

  • Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Soybean narrow row close planting cultivation is an advanced cultivation technology with large application area and rapid development in the world. Heilongjiang Province began in the early 1990s and was identified as a key research project of the provincial party committee in 1995. First, to select suitable varieties and do a good job in seed treatment, we must choose dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties with lodging resistance and high yield-increasing potential. At present, the more suitable varieties for production are Hefeng 25, Hefeng 35, Suinong 14, Beifeng 14 and Beifeng 1.

  • Pay attention to spring potatoes! Different areas have different sowing methods!

    Pay attention to spring potatoes! Different areas have different sowing methods!

    Recently, Lunan, Wanbei, Weinan, Jinzhong and other vegetable farmers friends use hotlines to consult the sowing methods of different cultivation methods of potato early spring. In this regard, the author features this article as a solution to the vegetable farmers who consulted the potato spring sowing technology in the above-mentioned areas.

    2020-11-09 spring planting potato want attention different region sowing way also
  • Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with plastic Film

    Cultivation techniques of Potato covered with plastic Film

    First, the sowing date. Broadcast early at the right time. Seeds are usually sown in plain areas from late January to early February. The seeds are sown on the ground after thawing in the mountain area, usually from mid-late March to early April. Second, sowing method direct ridging after ridging should take advantage of soil moisture to sow seeds. If the soil is dry and the soil moisture is insufficient before sowing, the soil moisture should be irrigated in spring first, and there should be no lack of soil moisture to sow. Plant two rows in each ridge and plant in the ridge. It is strictly forbidden to plant on the edge of the ridge or even on the ridge slope, sowing in the shape of "grade" when sowing. For ditching and ridging, ridging, sowing and plastic film mulching should be completed at one time, and be careful not to sow too deep to prevent
