
Powder ridge to hide grain in the ground, deep ploughing to store grain in technology

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, On December 12, 2012, the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In the first prize of the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Innovation Achievement Award, there is a new farming method powder ridge invention and its application led by Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

On December 12, 2012, the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Cooperative Innovation Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan Province. In the first prize of the 2015 China Industry-University-Research Innovation Achievement Award, there is an achievement of "Powder Ridge Invention and its Application of New farming methods" led by Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and this technology has also been awarded the second prize of "2015 Guangxi Technology Invention Award". On December 16, the signing ceremony of the first batch of self-propelled powder ridge machines of Guangxi Wufeng Machinery Co., Ltd. was held in Rong County, Guangxi. With the implementation of the strategy of storing grain in the land and technology in our country, powder ridge technology will play a more and more important role.

Wei Benhui, a researcher at the Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the main inventor of this technology, said in an interview with reporters after winning the award that "storing grain in the land" is an important strategic decision put forward by the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as general secretary for agricultural development and ensuring food security during the 13th five-year Plan. To implement this strategy and do a good job in this big article on land, in addition to strictly controlling the red line of cultivated land and scientifically regulating land use, there is also a very important aspect of how to rely on scientific and technological innovation to transform existing cultivated land and upgrade the field. Low-yield into middle-yield, high-yield into high-yield, high-yield and high-yield. Powder ridge technology will have a bright future.

Powder ridge technology has attracted more and more attention.

Powder ridge is a new farming technology which is different from traditional farming methods. Its main innovation includes two aspects: dry land crops, rice powder ridge cultivation method and powder ridge farming machinery, from which a new agricultural production technology system is constructed. by deeply reclaiming living soil and activating soil potential, we can maximize the production capacity of land and natural resources in crop growth, and realize the scientific, simple, efficient and harmonious development of agricultural production. Powder ridge is expected to become a rare new technology that can not only increase production and improve quality, but also improve the ecological environment and benefit the public.

Reporters have been following the progress of this technology. Six years ago, the reporter first reported this new technology in the Science Times (formerly China Science Daily) under the title of "powder ridge opens up a new world for agricultural development." Over the past few years, in addition to Guangxi, the reporter also went south to Hainan to Hebei and Liaoning, and westward to Ningxia, Gansu, and other places for follow-up inspection and interviews, which witnessed the role of powder ridge technology in promoting China's grain production and agricultural development.

In the experiment of planting Huai yam in Wuming, Guangxi in 2009, the average yield per mu was 3779.1 kg, which was 30% higher than that of the control.

In 2010, the experiment of planting sugarcane in powder ridge in Guangxi increased 1.02 tons of raw sugarcane per mu and increased production by 27.35%.

In 2011, the experiment of planting rice with powder ridge in Beiliu City, Guangxi, showed that the yield per mu increased by 130 kg and 23% compared with the control. In October, the experiment of "crop powder ridge cultivation in northwest arid and semi-arid region" in Dingxi, Gansu Province, showed that the yield per mu of powder ridge potato was 35.42% higher than that of the control.

In 2012, the experiment of powder ridge cultivation of wheat in Huangchuan County, Henan Province, showed a yield of 264.4 kg per mu and an increase of 26.25%.

In 2013, under the condition of high fertilizer and high water, the demonstration of super-high-yield powder ridge cultivation of hybrid rice in the South breeding Base of Hainan Sanya, the National Hybrid Rice Center, still increased production by 6.7%.

The Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural regionalization of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences conducted a positioning experiment on the yield of powder ridge farming in Changtu, Liaoning Province and Wuqiao, Hebei Province for 5 consecutive years (2011-2015). The average annual increase was 56.9 kg per mu and 10.5%. Under the condition of two-year triple cropping of spring corn, winter wheat and summer corn in Wuqiao, Hebei Province, the average annual increase was 110.5 kg per mu and 11.2%.

The acceptance data of only some test and demonstration projects are listed here. During the interview, an expert told the reporter that it is quite good that a new technology can increase crop production by 5%. Powder ridge technology has been tested and demonstrated in 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions across the country. 20 kinds of crops have been planted, increasing production by more than 10%, and some are even as high as 30%. This cannot help but be surprising.

However, the powder ridge brings not only the increase of crop production, but also the change of agricultural production mode, of which rice planting is the most prominent. "Rice, rice, no rice without water", traditional rice farming has one plough, two rakes and one flat, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Using powder ridge technology, not only farming can be done at once on dry soil, but also throwing seedlings in the field with shoes. Water and fertilizer are reduced, but output is increased. In July this year, experts used this technology to measure the yield of rice in Beiliu City, Guangxi, with an average increase of 126.07 kg per mu and 25.51% higher than that of the control.

Powder ridge technology has attracted more and more attention of famous agricultural experts in China.

Yuan Longping, father of hybrid rice and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, immediately sent experts to Guangxi to investigate when he learned of planting pink ridge rice in July 2011. then set aside special funds to support the exploration of powder ridge cultivation in the National Hybrid Rice Center, and carried out rice powder ridge experiment in the sandy soil field of Sanya Research Base in Hainan in 2012. In 2014, powder ridge rice experiment and demonstration was carried out in Yuanjiang City and Longhui County, Hunan Province. In November this year, Yuan Longping made a special trip to inspect the planting of sugarcane in powder ridges in Nanning. When the reporter interviewed him in Hunan in July 2014, he spoke highly of the pink ridge technology, believing that "this new technology can be popularized throughout the country."

Academicians Dai Jingrui, Zhao Qiguo, Xie Huaan, and Li Peicheng also successively affirmed and supported this new technology. Academician Liu Xu, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that the technology is "original and can be applied to all kinds of crops." Shan Lun, an agricultural physiological ecologist in dryland and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that powder ridge cultivation "has taken a key step towards farming reform."

Powder ridge technology has also been paid more and more attention by national and local leaders. On November 27, 2015, Ma Biao, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, made a special trip to Nanning to inspect sugarcane planted in powder ridges and directed ecological cultivation in Huai Mountain. Peng Qinghua, secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Autonomous region, gave special instructions on the demonstration and promotion of powder ridge machines. Chen Wu, chairman of the autonomous region, came to the Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences not long ago to investigate and encourage them after on-the-spot inspection of powder ridge cultivation and machinery. On November 23, at the national sugarcane mechanization conference held in Chongzuo, Zhang Taolin, vice minister of agriculture, affirmed it after watching the demonstration of self-propelled powder ridge machinery.

Farmers have the most say in whether a new agricultural technology is good or not.

In 2011, when the experiment of powder ridge cultivation of rice was first conducted in Xingshang Village, Minan Town, Beiliu, Guangxi, the villagers did not understand the new technology at first, but their attitude changed fundamentally after tasting the benefits of increasing production. 21 villagers jointly asked to promote this technology. And the demonstration has been done for five years, and the content of the demonstration has also developed from no-tillage in paddy fields to throwing seedlings in dry soil in paddy fields. Each demonstration brought them joy and showed great enthusiasm for the new technology.

In April this year, when the Guangxi Wufeng fan ridge machine farming team came to Taipingzhuang Village, Qiaotou Town, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, which had been dry for ten years, when they heard that powder ridge technology helped fight drought, the village set aside 155 mu of land to demonstrate the planting of powder ridge corn. On September 23, the yield test and acceptance result of increasing production by 30.4% made the villagers even more impressed by the powder ridge, saying that they would expand the demonstration area next year.