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  • Shrimp paste and production method of shrimp paste products

    Shrimp paste and production method of shrimp paste products

    Shrimp paste is one of the traditional shrimp foods in China and Southeast Asia. Its rich nutrition and unique flavor are favored by diners at home and abroad. (-) Shrimp sauce is a kind of crustacean, among which the main species are: (1) Chinese shrimp;(2) Japanese shrimp;(3) mysis;(4) ditch shrimp. The salt used for shrimp paste production must be washed edible salt conforming to national hygiene standards. (2) The modern fermentation method is the most scientific production process at present.

  • Production of shrimp paste and products

    Production of shrimp paste and products

    Shrimp paste is one of the traditional shrimp foods along the coast of China and Southeast Asia. Its rich nutrition and unique flavor are favored by diners at home and abroad. (-) Shrimp paste is one of several kinds of planktonic crustaceans, among which the main species are: (1) Chinese hairy shrimp; (2) Japanese hairy shrimp; (3) Mysis shrimp; (4) ditch shrimp. The salt used in the production of shrimp paste must meet the national hygienic standard of washing edible salt. (2) the production technology of shrimp seedlings modern fermentation is the most scientific production process at present. The technological process is as follows: original

  • Production and processing technology of shrimp paste and its products

    Production and processing technology of shrimp paste and its products

    Shrimp paste is one of the traditional shrimp foods along the coast of China and Southeast Asia. Its rich nutrition and unique flavor are favored by diners at home and abroad. (-) Shrimp paste is one of several kinds of planktonic crustaceans, among which the main species are: (1) Chinese hairy shrimp; (2) Japanese hairy shrimp; (3) Mysis shrimp; (4) ditch shrimp. The salt used in the production of shrimp paste must meet the national hygienic standard of washing edible salt. (2) the production technology of shrimp seedlings Modern fermentation is the most scientific production at present.

  • The main reason for anal paste is improper management. How to prevent the occurrence of anal paste in chicks?

    The main reason for anal paste is improper management. How to prevent the occurrence of anal paste in chicks?

    The main reason for anal paste is improper management. How to prevent the occurrence of anal paste in chicks?

  • The method of cutting triangular Plum with Flower paste

    The method of cutting triangular Plum with Flower paste

    As flower paste is recognized by more and more potted friends, it is more and more widely used in flower arrangement, but flower mud can not grow plants. Because the flower paste does not have the function of traditional soil and contains no nutrients, it is mainly used for fixing cut flowers and moisturizing. Even so, flower paste can be used for cutting. that

  • Preparation of Lentinus edodes paste

    Preparation of Lentinus edodes paste

    ① chooses fresh and flavored noodle sauce (or bean paste), hot oil, pork, shiitake mushrooms, peanuts, spring shoots and dried bean paste. ② will wash the pork, cut into diced meat; wash, drain, cut into small pieces, stir-fry with diced meat in the pan, ready for use; stir-fry the peanuts in the pan; peel the bamboo shoots, cut into small pieces, and stir-fry the dried bean curd together with small pieces in the pan. ③ stir-fry noodle sauce (or bean paste) in an oil pan for 15 minutes, then pour in the above ingredients and stir with monosodium glutamate, salt, etc.

  • Several new species collected from the mountains of Guangxi

    Several new species collected from the mountains of Guangxi

    In the past two years, the team has been developing and selecting new products from the mountain, and there have been several ways to promote the collection. These include (Zhaojun, Meiyan, Song Yu, Fan Dai Chunshan, Cailu, Lijiang God, Cherry, etc.). There are still some not yet.

  • Production method of pine nut jujube paste cake

    Production method of pine nut jujube paste cake

    Pine nut jujube paste cake is a winter and spring snack in Suzhou and other places. In the past, this cake was made with more glutinous rice flour and water. In the cake bowl, when eating, it was picked up and opened with chopsticks, so it was named pull cake. After improving the production method, reduce the amount of water, cut into pieces and install the basin, the shape is beautiful and the flavor is especially good. This can be made by both the catering industry and families. Raw material formula 700 grams of fine glutinous rice flour 500 grams of red jujube 750 grams of dried bean paste 300 grams of pine nuts 50 grams of lard oil 250 grams of cotton sugar 850 grams of cooked lard 150

  • I'll tell you how to make sesame paste in detail.

    I'll tell you how to make sesame paste in detail.

    I'll tell you how to make sesame paste in detail.

  • Jujube paste peach cake

    Jujube paste peach cake

    [raw material] 250 grams of jujube paste 50 grams of walnut kernel 50 grams of Huaihe medicine 50 grams of flour 500 grams of lard 125 grams [production] 1. Roll out the walnut kernels, add jujube paste and Huai medicine to make stuffing; take 200 grams of flour, put on the panel, add 100 grams of lard, mix well and form a dry pastry. two。 Put the remaining flour on the panel, add 25 grams of lard, add the right amount of water, and synthesize the oil into a ball. 3. Wrap the dry oil cake in the water oil noodles and roll it into a tube. Make 2 jujube paste cakes for every 50 grams of oil noodles and cut them with a knife.

  • Black rice noodles with jujube paste

    Black rice noodles with jujube paste

    Raw materials of jujube paste of black rice noodles: 250 grams of black rice noodles and 250 grams of white noodles, 20 grams of yeast, 250 grams of water, 100 grams of jujube paste and 5 grams of white sugar. Making method: (1) put the black rice noodles and white noodles into the basin, add yeast, sugar, water (water temperature: hot in winter, cool in summer, warm in spring and autumn) and form dough and start in a warm place. (2) knead the dough into long strips, pull them into preparations, set them into flat slices one by one, wrap them in jujube paste, squeeze them into the shape of steamed bread by hand, and steam for about 15 minutes. Special

  • Diet-Tremella pigeon egg paste

    Diet-Tremella pigeon egg paste

    Diet-Tremella pigeon egg paste

  • Which of the succulent plants living in the new home is your dish?

    Which of the succulent plants living in the new home is your dish?

    Thank you for lukeey's material has just been installed, the concubines haven't checked in yet to clean up tomorrow to avoid a picture flow, attach a few ugly photos just installed, the concubines haven't checked in yet and put them up tomorrow to avoid.

  • The baby's five favorite supplementary vegetables

    The baby's five favorite supplementary vegetables

    Only vegetables and fruits in food contain vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin A can maintain eyesight, prevent dry eyes and night blindness, and prevent respiratory diseases.

  • Preparation and quality standard of flavored mushroom sauce

    Preparation and quality standard of flavored mushroom sauce

    With the rapid development of China's catering industry and the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for condiments. With the fast-paced way of life, people not only require condiments to have good color, aroma and taste, but also pay more attention to their nutrition, convenience and hygiene. Soybean paste contains a lot of protein and vitamins, fresh mushrooms are rich in minerals necessary for the human body, flavor mushroom paste is the famous soybean paste in Northeast China as the main raw material, with fresh mushrooms processing. Flavored mushroom sauce retains the rich nutritional value and mellow of soybean paste.

  • Jujube paste bar ice

    Jujube paste bar ice

    Ingredients: 500g red jujube, 1400 g sugar, 100g starch, 50g sweet-scented osmanthus, 7000ml in clear water. Preparation method: 1. Wash the red jujube, boil it with water until ripe and soft, peel and core, and make jujube paste. 2. Put the starch into a bowl and mix with a little cold water to form a wet starch. 3. Pour the water into the pot, boil it over high heat, add sugar, wet starch and jujube paste, mix well, mix well, sprinkle with sweet-scented osmanthus, and pour in popsicles after cooling.

  • Production technology of sand tea sauce and silver shrimp paste

    Production technology of sand tea sauce and silver shrimp paste

    Sha Cha Sauce: usually fried shrimp and onions, roasted peanut kernels, and then boiled with garlic, sugar, tempeh, soy sauce, sand ginger powder, raw oil and a small amount of preservative powder to get the finished product. Silver shrimp paste: the finished product is obtained by grinding and drying the raw materials such as white wine, shrimp lamb, a small amount of shrimp paste and a small amount of preservation powder. Quality standard and edible method the color is light brown and fresh, with unique aroma, sauce flavor and shrimp flavor. Sand tea sauce and spicy garlic. It is required that there should be no mildew and no insects. Mainly for minor adjustment

  • Ten viewpoints on the past and Future of Pig farming in China

    Ten viewpoints on the past and Future of Pig farming in China

    Ten viewpoints on the past and Future of Pig farming in China

  • Processing technology of jujube paste

    Processing technology of jujube paste

    Jujube is sweet and delicious and rich in nutrition. it is determined that every 100 grams of fresh jujube contains vitamin C380 mg, vitamin B10.06 mg, vitamin B20.04 mg, calcium and phosphorus 41 mg and 23 mg respectively, as well as more sugar and protein. It is a favorite fruit treasure. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red jujube is warm and nourishing, and it is a good product for the health care of the elderly and children. The jujube paste processed with red jujube is sweet, delicious and nutritious, so it is a popular food for consumers. Now the jujube

  • This kind of wild fruit is sour and bitter in the past, farmers were bored when they saw it, but now it is a rare commodity worth 30 yuan a jin.

    This kind of wild fruit is sour and bitter in the past, farmers were bored when they saw it, but now it is a rare commodity worth 30 yuan a jin.

    Now that it is summer, when it comes to what is most popular in summer, I think it is air conditioning, watermelon and mosquito incense. After all, the weather is so hot and there are many mosquitoes. Without these things, summer is not good. But in the old countryside.
