
Preparation and quality standard of flavored mushroom sauce

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, With the rapid development of China's catering industry and the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for condiments. With the fast-paced way of life, people not only require condiments to have good color, aroma and taste, but also pay more attention to their nutrition, convenience and hygiene. Soybean paste contains a lot of protein and vitamins, fresh mushrooms are rich in minerals necessary for the human body, flavor mushroom paste is the famous soybean paste in Northeast China as the main raw material, with fresh mushrooms processing. Flavored mushroom sauce retains the rich nutritional value and mellow of soybean paste.

With the rapid development of China's catering industry and the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for condiments. With the fast-paced way of life, people not only require condiments to have good color, aroma and taste, but also pay more attention to their nutrition, convenience and hygiene. Soybean paste contains a lot of protein and vitamins, fresh mushrooms are rich in minerals necessary for the human body, flavor mushroom paste is the famous soybean paste in Northeast China as the main raw material, with fresh mushrooms processing. Flavored mushroom sauce not only retains the rich nutritional value and mellow flavor of soybean paste, but also highlights the fragrance and delicacy of fresh mushrooms.

1. Production process

Stir-fry soy sauce in vegetable oil to make → boil → stir well → bottle → cap → sterilization → package → cooling → product.

Raw and auxiliary materials: soybean paste, fresh mushrooms, garlic, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil.

(2) the main equipment: sandwich pot, rough grinding, soy sauce filling machine, vacuum steam sterilizer.

two。 Formula

230g soybean paste; 10g garlic; 20g fresh mushrooms; 5g spring onions; 30g vegetable oil; 3g monosodium glutamate; 5g sugar.

3. Key points of operation

(1) the fresh mushrooms are pretreated to remove the impurities in the roots, wash and dry them, and not be too dry, so that they are not easy to break, then blanch the dried fresh mushrooms in boiling water, and then grind them into small pieces.

(2) processing of flavor sauce, stir-frying of ① soybean sauce. Heat the vegetable oil to about 200℃, stir-fry the soy sauce, and add the ground fresh mushrooms when the strong sauce flavor is produced. The stir-frying of the sauce is the key in the production process, the sauce is lightly fried, the flavor is not full enough; if the sauce is fried heavily, it will make the sauce zoom, taste bitter, and affect the color and taste of the finished product. After boiling and adding monosodium glutamate, ② can be bottled and sealed after cooling to about 80 ℃, which can not only inhibit the growth of bacteria but also prepare for the next step of sterilization. ③ was filled with four-spin glass bottles with a mass of 220g each. After filling, an appropriate amount of sesame oil should be added as noodle oil, and then sealed with vacuum steam filling machine. ④ sterilization. Put the filled sauce into the vacuum can sealing machine to sterilize, the temperature should be controlled at 90 ℃ and the time should be 15min.

4. Product quality standard

(1) sensory quality standard color brown, oily and glossy; rich sauce flavor, fresh and delicious mushroom fragrance; unique fragrance of Lentinus edodes, sweet and mellow taste, no bitterness and other peculiar smell; thinning and suitable.

(2) physical and chemical index moisture 40%; salt 14%; amino acid nitrogen 0.78%; total acid 1.2%; microbial index conforms to GB2718~1996 standard. The flavor mushroom paste produced according to this process combines the mellow flavor of soybean paste and the freshness of mushrooms, highlighting the clearness, freshness and fragrance, which is suitable for the taste of people in most parts of our country. Flavored mushroom sauce can not only meet people's needs for nutrition, but also meet people's pursuit of taste, and it is convenient and hygienic to eat.