
Production method of pine nut jujube paste cake

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Pine nut jujube paste cake is a winter and spring snack in Suzhou and other places. In the past, this cake was made with more glutinous rice flour and water. In the cake bowl, when eating, it was picked up and opened with chopsticks, so it was named pull cake. After improving the production method, reduce the amount of water, cut into pieces and install the basin, the shape is beautiful and the flavor is especially good. This can be made by both the catering industry and families. Raw material formula 700 grams of fine glutinous rice flour 500 grams of red jujube 750 grams of dried bean paste 300 grams of pine nuts 50 grams of lard oil 250 grams of cotton sugar 850 grams of cooked lard 150

Pine nut jujube paste cake is a winter and spring snack in Suzhou and other places. In the past, this cake was made with more glutinous rice flour and water. In the cake bowl, when eating, it was picked up and opened with chopsticks, so it was named pull cake. After improving the production method, reduce the amount of water, cut into pieces and install the basin, the shape is beautiful and the flavor is especially good. This can be made by both the catering industry and families.

Raw material formula 700 grams of fine glutinous rice flour 500 grams of red jujube 750 grams of dried bean paste 300 grams of pine nuts 50 grams of lard oil 250 grams of cotton sugar 850 grams of cooked lard 150 grams

Production method 1. Wash the jujube, put it in a basin, add an appropriate amount of water, steam it on the cage, remove the skin and enucleate, and grind it into jujube paste (jujube soup to be used).

two。 Pour the jujube paste, jujube soup, dried bean paste, cotton white sugar and 125 grams of cooked lard into the pan until melted, leaving the heat slightly cool. Mix fine glutinous rice flour and fine japonica rice flour in a basin, add soup and mix well, add diced lard, spread on a porcelain plate smeared with overcooked lard, sprinkle pine nuts, steam over high heat for 45 minutes, until chopsticks do not stick out of the pan; cut rhomboid pieces after cooling and serve. If you can't finish it at one time, you can put it on a plate and steam it when eating again.