
I'll tell you how to make sesame paste in detail.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I'll tell you how to make sesame paste in detail.

Sesame contains very high calcium, even higher than eggs and milk, so products such as black sesame paste on the market have become the first choice for people to maintain good health, but, ah, it is not the only one.

First, the benefits of eating sesame seeds regularly

1. Calcium supplement: improve food calcium, it is easy to think of milk and eggs, but do not realize that the calcium content of black sesame is much higher than the former two, nearly 800 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of black sesame, while only about 200 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams of milk, thus it can be seen that black sesame is a good calcium supplement.

two。 Lowering blood pressure: black sesame contains a high content of potassium, but very little sodium, and potassium has a certain effect on lowering blood pressure, which will promote the excretion of sodium after potassium is ingested into the body. So eating black sesame seeds regularly can control blood pressure and keep the heart healthy.

3. Black hair embellish hair: modern studies have proved that the decrease of melanin secretion by melanocytes in hair follicles is the main reason for white hair, in which the decrease in the number of tyrosinase is one of the pathological mechanisms. It has been found that the water extract of black sesame can promote the expression of tyrosinase. The synthesis of melanin is also increased, so white hair can become black again.

4. Skin care and beauty: black sesame has the effect and function of skin care and beauty, and black sesame can keep the skin tender, delicate and smooth. In people with habitual constipation, toxins in the intestines can harm the liver and cause roughness of the skin. Black sesame can smooth intestines to treat constipation and has the effect of moisturizing the skin. For people who use dieting to lose weight, their skin will become dry and rough because of their insufficient intake of nutrients.

Second, the practice of sesame paste

Ingredient: 250 grams of white sesame seeds 250 grams of peanut kernels (fried) 100 grams seasoning: 5 grams of sesame oil

1. The sesame seeds are washed first.

two。 Put into the pot to start stir-frying sesame seeds, at first, you can use medium heat, first stir-fry sesame seeds dry, and then turn to medium heat, stir-fry until you can crush sesame seeds with your hands, and eat a mouthful of very fragrant sesame.

3. Put the fried sesame seeds into the blender after cooling.

4. Beat the sesame into powder

5. Put some of the beaten sesame powder in the blender and continue stirring, then add the right amount of grape seed oil or virgin olive oil or sesame oil until the oil and powder are fully mixed.

6. Put the sesame paste in a container, such as a glass bottle, cool it and store it in the refrigerator.

Cooking skills

1 add a little sesame oil when beating to make it easier to beat, sesame oil is like an introduction

There is no difficulty in making homemade sesame paste, but it takes patience to beat it to rest the machine, which is easy to burn out.

Although it is said that sesame paste has many advantages, it should be eaten in moderation.

Nutritional efficacy

1. Sesame paste is rich in protein, amino acids and a variety of vitamins and minerals, which has high health value.

Sesame paste is rich in lecithin, which can prevent hair from turning white or falling off prematurely.

3. Eating sesame sauce regularly can increase skin elasticity and make skin tender and healthy.

4. Sesame paste contains high protein and fatty acids, has high nutritional value, and has anti-cancer effect when eaten frequently.

5. Sesame paste contains a lot of oil, which has a good effect of moistening intestines and relieving defecation.

6. The calcium content of sesame paste is much higher than that of vegetables and beans, second only to shrimp skin. Regular consumption is of great benefit to the development of bones and teeth, and can also correct and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

In addition, I would also like to tell you that sesame seeds can also be grown on their own. Although growing sesame seeds in small quantities will not make money at all, home-grown plants are meant to be fun.