
mud snake Learn more about mud snake

  • How much is the price of mud snake (water snake) per jin? What are the key points of breeding techniques?

    How much is the price of mud snake (water snake) per jin? What are the key points of breeding techniques?

    Mud snake is what we call water snake, is a kind of non-toxic snake species, rich in EPA, is also the main snake extracted from our snake oil, in addition, it also has a certain medicinal value. Mud snakes often appear in rice fields, ditches and places with water.

    2020-11-11 Mud snake water snake price more less money one jin breeding technology key points
  • Efficient Culture Technology of Clay Snake

    Efficient Culture Technology of Clay Snake

    Efficient Culture Technology of Clay Snake

  • How much profit does an acre of mud snake make?

    How much profit does an acre of mud snake make?

    Mud snake is a delicious meat snake, the market demand is relatively large, completely rely on wild snakes, it is difficult to meet the market demand, the market gap is relatively large, then how much profit is there in an acre of mud snake? Suppose you want to build four 10-square-meter snake breeding ponds at 30 yuan per square meter, then

    2020-11-11 One mu mud snake have how much profit is a delicious
  • Aquaculture technology of Chinese water snake

    Aquaculture technology of Chinese water snake

    Aquaculture technology of Chinese water snake

  • On the capture methods and key points of snake species

    On the capture methods and key points of snake species

    Snake hunting should look for snakes according to the habitat, activity law and molting time of snakes, and choose the best way to catch snakes, which is not only easy to find snakes, but also easy to catch. There are many ways to catch snakes, and care must be taken when catching snakes to prevent snake injuries. Here are several common capture methods. 1. Snake hunters can use snake droppings and sloughs to guide the way, that is, they can find their habitat near snake dung or snake sloughing. Every year after late autumn, the life of all kinds of snakes

  • Orchid plant preparation

    Orchid plant preparation

    Qianjiang plum Qianjiang plum spread process February 7, 2006 (January 10) afternoon by Qianjiang Fan Liqiang in Liuwang Mountain (Lantern Festival) down about 30 meters collected Qianjiang plum down the mountain when there is a 50cm seedling grass;20cm a bud grass 5 old men;2007 basin time under 4 old hair 1 seedling grass. In April 2008, there was a total of...

  • The preparation and Management of "four in one soil"

    The preparation and Management of

    The preparation and Management of "four in one soil"

  • Medicinal Value and Processing of Snakes

    Medicinal Value and Processing of Snakes

    Snakes belong to vertebrate phylum, reptile, snake suborder animal. The distribution of snakes in tropical and subtropical regions is the most, temperate zone is the second, and cold zone is the least. There are more than 2500 species of snakes in the world, of which about 650 are venomous. There are more than 200 kinds of snakes in China, of which about 51 species are poisonous snakes, mainly distributed in the south and southwest provinces of the Yangtze River, especially in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other provinces and autonomous regions. The medicinal value of snakes is not limited to snake venom, other such as snake meat, snake gall, snake slough, snake skin and its internal organs have high medicinal value.

  • Snake species capture method

    Snake species capture method

    Snake hunting should look for snakes according to the habitat, activity law and molting time of snakes, and choose the best way to catch snakes, which is not only easy to find snakes, but also easy to catch. There are many ways to catch snakes, and care must be taken when catching snakes to prevent snake injuries. Here are several common capture methods. 1. Snake hunters can use snake droppings and sloughs to guide the way, that is, they can find their habitat near snake dung or snake sloughing. Every year after late autumn, the activities of all kinds of snakes

  • Preparation of plant material

    Preparation of plant material

    Preparation of plant material

  • Is the Chinese water snake poisonous?

    Is the Chinese water snake poisonous?

    Is the Chinese water snake poisonous?

  • Is the water snake poisonous?

    Is the water snake poisonous?

    Is the water snake poisonous?

  • Collection and medicinal use of snake slough

    Collection and medicinal use of snake slough

    How does ⒈ collect snake slough? The snake exuviates into the dry epidermis of all kinds of snakes, that is, the cuticular layer of the body surface naturally removed in the activity, which contains bone collagen and other ingredients, which is often called long insect skin, snake shell, Azure Dragon clothing and so on. Every year, except for the hibernation period, the rest of the time can be collected, shaken the sediment and dried in the sun. It is light, brittle and fishy in taste. For those who take the medicine, the ones that are long, free of impurities and shiny are the top grade, followed by those with damage. For medicinal snakes, shake off the sediment and store it in a dry place after collection. Pay attention to moistureproof.

  • If you have the skill to catch ricefield eel, don't regard the snake hole as a yellow eel hole.

    If you have the skill to catch ricefield eel, don't regard the snake hole as a yellow eel hole.

    When I mention the rice field eel, I remember that when I was a child, after the fish pond in front of my home was cleared, there was a little water left in the fish pond. Many children nearby should go to look for Loach in groups. If we can find the rice field eel, it will make a lot of money.

  • Orchid pot

    Orchid pot

    Orchid pot

  • Breeding and Incubation Management Technique of Meat Snake

    Breeding and Incubation Management Technique of Meat Snake

    Snakes generally reach sexual maturity at 2 to 3 years of age, and the estrous season is in the spring of each year. Most of them begin to mate when they molt for the first time after waking up from hibernation every year. Because male sperm can survive for years inside female snakes, female snakes mate up to three to four times in their lives. During the breeding season, feed plenty of food. When approaching the spawning period, the female and male snakes with eggs should be kept separately to keep quiet and avoid all aspects of disturbance. The laying period of snakes is about July to August. During this period, once snake eggs are found, they should be collected in time for artificial incubation.

  • Guoxiangju: the result of planting gold stone

    Guoxiangju: the result of planting gold stone

    I began to use gold-planting stone orchids in 2004. At first, 50% of the immortal soil or 50% of the mountain mud of northern Jiangsu was used on the tile basin. Because the mountain mud of northern Jiangsu was not very good, the immortal soil also had different qualitative changes at that time, and the mixed use did not achieve the desired results. ...

  • She dances with 3000 cobras with an annual output value of 900000 yuan

    She dances with 3000 cobras with an annual output value of 900000 yuan

    She dances with 3000 cobras with an annual output value of 900000 yuan

  • What are the snake breeding projects?

    What are the snake breeding projects?

    What are the snake breeding projects?

  • Breeding of White Snake in Guangdong Province

    Breeding of White Snake in Guangdong Province

    The climate is suitable for warm and humid climate, like shade and afraid of sunshine. The optimum temperature is 25: 30 ℃. When the temperature drops below 10 ℃, it goes into hibernation and likes to live in the near-water environment with grass and shrubs. Nighttime activities. Breeding site to choose leeward to the sun, warm in winter and cool in summer on the hillside, build a rectangular or circular wall, the wall is 1.7 meters high, the inside is smooth, leaving no holes to prevent escape. Build snake rooms and pools in the walls, and leave a playground. The size of the snake room depends on the number of animals. It is generally 1.5 meters long and 0 meters wide.
