
mucus Learn more about mucus

  • There's a way to cure other flowers with aloe leaves?

    There's a way to cure other flowers with aloe leaves?

    Leaves long spots also rot roots, flowers less also attract insects... You hate these questions, don't you? Huahua today will teach you a small coup, apply a little aloe vera mucus to the flower, the longer the storage, the more vigorous! What's the use of aloe vera? Flower growing...

  • Is the black fish a sea fish or a freshwater fish? How do I wash the mucus off my body? What can't you eat with?

    Is the black fish a sea fish or a freshwater fish? How do I wash the mucus off my body? What can't you eat with?

    Black fish is the common name of snakehead, also known as black mullet, raw fish, wealth fish, snake fish, fire fish and so on, high nutritional value, widely loved all the time. So is it a sea fish or a freshwater fish? How do I wash the mucus off my body? What can't you eat with? According to the data of the department of science,

    2020-11-11 Black fish yes sea fish or freshwater fish body mucus
  • Prevention and control of mushroom slug

    Prevention and control of mushroom slug

    The body is soft and without shell, dark gray, yellow-white or grayish red, and the mucus secreted is colorless. When stretching, the body is 30-40 mm long and 4-6 mm wide. The bifilar myxophilic slug is soft without shell, grayish white or yellowish brown, and the mucus secreted is milky white. When stretching, the body length is 35 mm 37 mm and the width 6 mm 7 mm. The yellow slug is soft without shell, dark orange or yellowish brown, secretes yellowish mucus and stretches 120 mm long and 12 mm wide. Occurrence regularity and life habits

  • Nursing precautions for newborn lambs

    Nursing precautions for newborn lambs

    Nursing precautions for newborn lambs

  • How to identify the quality of fish species

    How to identify the quality of fish species

    First, to see whether the specifications are uniform of the same kind of fish, those who come out of the pond with uniform specifications are generally more physically fit. Second, to see if the fish is glossy and strong, there is a layer of mucus on the body surface of the fish to protect the scales and skin from germs, so the body surface shows a certain luster. On the other hand, the body surface of sick and injured fish is lack of mucus and no luster, or some diseased fish have too much mucus and lose their luster. Third, the body color of the fish species reflects its advantages and disadvantages through the body color of the fish species. The body surfaces of high-quality fish species are respectively:

  • Maintenance methods after carving and modeling of daffodils

    Maintenance methods after carving and modeling of daffodils

    Daffodils sculpture modeling skills, has been said before, experienced sculptors have to say: three minutes, seven points. Seven-point culture is the water culture of daffodils, also known as immersion. Daffodils after immersion on the basin, there are also directly on the basin water. It is described below: after carving, the daffodil head has been carved.

  • Sows are about to give birth to symptoms

    Sows are about to give birth to symptoms

    Pig breeders all know the importance of sows, which carry on the reproduction and continuation of the whole herd. When sows are about to give birth, breeders should also be prepared. What are the symptoms of sows about to give birth? The sow is about to give birth to symptoms there are many signs before the sow gives birth

    2020-11-11 Sows about to give birth symptoms raising pigs people know sows
  • What does melon spray spread with?

    What does melon spray spread with?

    After the melon ripens, the pulpy tissue that grows the seed turns into a sticky liquid, which fills the inside of the fruit and strongly expands and presses the pericarp. At this point, if the fruit is touched, it will burst with a bang, ejecting seeds and mucus from 40 to 50 feet. The shape of sprayed melon

    2020-11-08 Spray melon use what spread spray melon mature after raw grow
  • Nutritional value of Chinese Yam

    Nutritional value of Chinese Yam

    Nutritional value of Chinese Yam

  • How to prevent swine dysentery

    How to prevent swine dysentery

    Porcine dysentery is an acute infectious disease caused by Treponema pullorum, which is characterized by varying degrees of mucinous hemorrhagic dysentery (commonly known as "blood dysentery"), weight loss and catarrhal hemorrhagic and necrotizing inflammation of the cecum. The disease can occur all the year round, and can occur in pigs of all ages, mostly at the age of 2-3 months. The morbidity of piglets after infection can reach 75%, and the mortality rate is 5% 25%. Diseased pigs and infected pigs are the main sources of infection, and fecal pollution is the main route of transmission. The carrier rate of recovered pigs is very high.

  • Diagnosis and prevention of porcine dysentery

    Diagnosis and prevention of porcine dysentery

    Pig dysentery is also called blood dysentery. It is a serious intestinal infectious disease caused by Borrelia pullorum. The main clinical symptoms are severe mucinous hemorrhagic dysentery, acute hemorrhagic dysentery, subacute and chronic mucinous diarrhea. The pathological features of autopsy were catarrhal, hemorrhagic and necrotizing inflammation of large intestinal mucosa. Diagnostic points 1. Characteristics of the disease under natural conditions, only pigs of all ages and breeds can be infected, but the main damage is 2-3-month-old piglets; morbidity and mortality of piglets

  • Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

    Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

    Breeding techniques of Dairy cows

  • Disease Control of pollution-free Culture of Monopterus Albus

    Disease Control of pollution-free Culture of Monopterus Albus

    Disease Control of pollution-free Culture of Monopterus Albus

  • How to deal with the mucus in the flow of rich trees? how to eliminate scale insects completely?

    How to deal with the mucus in the flow of rich trees? how to eliminate scale insects completely?

    Rich tree, this is a lot of people like farming, how to raise something wrong, rich tree flow mucus how to deal with? Scale insects how to completely eliminate: home potted rich tree exudate dewdrop-like mucus, there are small white spots, there are spots on the leaves, what is the reason for this? The rich tree may be affected by insect pests.

  • How to prevent and cure leptospirosis (porcine dysentery)?

    How to prevent and cure leptospirosis (porcine dysentery)?

    Porcine dysentery is an acute infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum, which is characterized by different degrees of mucinous hemorrhagic dysentery. The disease can occur in all seasons of the year, and can occur in pigs of all ages, but the incidence is high in piglets aged 2-3 months. The most acute type of the disease can suddenly occur and die, which is also a sign that the disease will break out in pigs. Acute symptoms followed. At the beginning of the disease, the spirit is slightly poor, the appetite is reduced, the feces become hard, and there are strips of mucus on the surface. After that, he quickly developed dysentery. Faeces are yellow, soft or watery. Severe cases were faeced for 2 days in 1 Mel.

  • How long does it take for a sow to break her amniotic fluid?

    How long does it take for a sow to break her amniotic fluid?

    Sows can give birth to piglets, keep the farm circulating and get better returns. Sow production is also extremely important. How long does it take for a sow to break her amniotic fluid before she leaves the pig? I. How long does it take for a sow to break her amniotic fluid? After 2-4 hours, the sow will start giving birth.

    2020-11-11 sow broken amniotic fluid how long before can give birth
  • How to judge that sows have inflammation, using boar sperm during estrus.

    How to judge that sows have inflammation, using boar sperm during estrus.

    When a diseased pig with inflammation is in estrus, a catheter is inserted into the vagina of the diseased pig, then the catheter is pulled out, the mucus glued to the catheter is put on a piece of glass, and a little more active boar sperm is mixed with mucus for a period of time.

    2020-11-08 How to judge sow have inflammation estrus use boar sperm
  • How to prevent and cure the common diseases of leather-bearded catfish

    How to prevent and cure the common diseases of leather-bearded catfish

    How to prevent and cure the common diseases of leather-bearded catfish

  • Management technology of newborn lamb

    Management technology of newborn lamb

    Management technology of newborn lamb

  • The efficacy and function of Chinese Yam

    The efficacy and function of Chinese Yam

    Slow down the speed of aging: yam can slow down the speed at which the body ages. Lower blood pressure: the body can lower blood pressure by using its amylase and mucus protein. Prevent cardiovascular disease: its vitamins and mucus proteins can reduce the occurrence of blood deposits in blood vessels. Tonifying the lungs and relieving cough: eating it can play the role of moistening and benefiting the lungs.
