
minutes Learn more about minutes

  • No matter how much money you can buy, you can collect internal materials as soon as possible.

    No matter how much money you can buy, you can collect internal materials as soon as possible.

    High blood pressure, insomnia, cough, constipation. These diseases that we often encounter in our lives haunt many people. In addition to taking medicine, is there any other way to relieve the pain immediately? In fact, as long as we learn to use our body to cure diseases.

  • Disinfection measures of Oncomelania hupensis

    Disinfection measures of Oncomelania hupensis

    Oncomelania hupensis, a mollusk of the family Oncomellidae, is very similar to the field snail in appearance, with large size, wide diet, strong adaptability, fast growth and reproduction and high yield. In the artificial culture of Oncomelania hupensis, great attention must be paid to the daily disinfectant of Oncomelania hupensis, so the disinfection of Oncomelania hupensis should be done.

    2020-11-08 Fushou snail disinfection measures bottle snail
  • Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    First, stimulate cryptonuclear disease (white spot disease) symptoms of a large number of small white spots on the body surface, serious fish body covered with a layer of white film, due to the destruction of the worm will cause secondary bacterial infection, resulting in fish skin inflammation, necrosis, scales easy to fall off, fin decay, split, parasitic Gill, destroy Gill, infected with bacteria, will cause rotten Gill phenomenon. When the worm invades the cornea of the fish, it will cause inflammation, blindness, loss of appetite, thin body and swimming disorder. The worm body can be observed and judged by microscope. Prevention

  • What should be paid attention to in koi culture, Yafeng aquarium

    What should be paid attention to in koi culture, Yafeng aquarium

    Yafeng aquarium salt, namely NaCL, plays an important role in daily life, and it is also widely used in the process of ornamental fish culture. First, the effect of salt on fish: 1, different proportions of disinfection and sterilization can treat and prevent different fish diseases, mainly.

  • Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

    Let's take a test: how many points can you get for your pig raising skills?

  • How to carry out the initial processing of Gastrodia elata

    How to carry out the initial processing of Gastrodia elata

    When Gastrodia elata is sold or sold, it should be kept free from collision, beating and mechanical scars after harvest, and then the sediment on the flax body should be gently brushed off with a soft brush and packed into soft-lined wooden cases or plastic boxes. Such as processing dry hemp, it takes a long time, generally there are boiling method and cage steaming method for ripening, and then take the way of drying or drying. In actual production, cage steaming and Kang drying are generally adopted. The operation process is as follows: Gastrodia elata grade → clean water, → high fire steaming → 50 ℃ Kang for 60 minutes, 60 ℃ Kang drying for 60 minutes, 70 ℃ Kang drying for 6.

  • How to carry out the initial processing of Gastrodia elata

    How to carry out the initial processing of Gastrodia elata

    As a fresh sale, Gastrodia elata should maintain no collision, no beating, no mechanical scars and so on after harvest, then gently brush off the sediment from the flax body with a soft brush and load it into a soft-lined wooden box or plastic box. Such as processing dry hemp, it takes a long time, generally there are water boiling method and cage steaming method for ripening, and then take the way of drying or sun drying. Cage steaming and Kang drying are generally used in actual production, and the operation process is as follows: Gastrodia elata selection-rinsing with clean water-steaming over high fire-50 ℃ Kang drying for 60 minutes 60 ℃ Kang drying for 60 minutes 70

  • The practice of partridge soup

    The practice of partridge soup

    The practice of partridge soup

  • The "stupid" spraying machine finished spraying the greenhouse in 5 minutes.


    The "stupid" spraying machine finished spraying the greenhouse in 5 minutes.

  • amber walnut

    amber walnut

    Production method 1. Material selection: peach kernels pass 0.8 cm aperture concussion screen to remove broken kernels, broken skin, insect food, mildew and other unqualified kernels, and select impurities. two。 Boil: boil for 2 to 4 minutes, immediately cool thoroughly with clean water, rinse to remove astringency. The pre-boiled water should be changed frequently. 3. Flick water: put the walnut kernel in a cloth bag and shake the water in the centrifuge for 1 minute or 2 minutes, so that the walnut kernel content is controlled at about 10%. 4. Set sugar solution: walnut kernels after throwing water, about 50kg at a time

  • Treatment of several diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Treatment of several diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    1. White spot disease (stimulating cryptonuclear disease) 1. Pathogen: stimulating cryptonuclei, also known as "marine fish melons", belongs to the ciliate phylum of melons. The body is oval or spherical, and there are uniform cilia on the surface of the whole body. two。 Symptoms: the worm is mainly parasitic on the body surface, gills and fins of Pseudosciaena Crocea. In the early stage of the disease, white spots can be seen on the caudal and pectoral fins of diseased fish. With the development of the disease, the white spots gradually spread to the body surface and Gill, and the white spots increased to form a membrane, commonly known as "white spot disease". Sick fish are restless, or swim in circles along the wall of the pond, or

  • The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

    The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

    The experiment of adding water to lake crabs by online vendors: death after 8 minutes of water injection

  • Ask a pig-raising friend a bad question

    Ask a pig-raising friend a bad question

    Ask a pig-raising friend a bad question

  • Cauliflower stems and leaves plus corn straw for 2 minutes to become feed

    Cauliflower stems and leaves plus corn straw for 2 minutes to become feed

    Cauliflower stems and leaves plus corn straw for 2 minutes to become feed

  • Broccoli can be cooked by steaming for a few minutes. How long will it take to cook broccoli?

    Broccoli can be cooked by steaming for a few minutes. How long will it take to cook broccoli?

    Broccoli has long been known as a super vegetable, which contains twice as much vitamin C as lemon and can prevent the growth of all kinds of cancer cells, so how can broccoli taste good and cook more nutritious? How long will it take to cook it? Broccoli

    2020-11-09 West orchid steam a few minutes can be cooked want boil how long cooked west
  • Explore the high-yield cultivation techniques of edible fungi and the simple storage of edible fungi.

    Explore the high-yield cultivation techniques of edible fungi and the simple storage of edible fungi.

    Simple Storage of Edible Fungi

  • Survival time of African classical swine fever virus

    Survival time of African classical swine fever virus

    The survival time of African classical swine fever virus? How to kill African classical swine fever virus? Recently, the epidemic of classical swine fever in Africa has spread to the southeast and southwest, spreading very fast. Although the fatality rate of the virus to pigs is almost as high as 100 percent, Africa

    2020-11-11 Africa classical swine fever virus survival time
  • Preparation of canned almonds in brine

    Preparation of canned almonds in brine

    (1) technological process: raw material → almond peeling, debittering, → disinfection, water control, → canning, → exhaust, → sealing, → sterilization and cooling → storage. (2) Technical essentials: ① raw material selection: almonds for canning should be large, fresh and full, without mildew and deterioration, and without diseases and insect pests. ② almond peeling and bitterness: first blanch the almond skin with 90-95 ℃ hot water for 3-5 minutes and then remove it, soften the almond skin, spread the skin surface and put it into a mechanical peeling machine or manual peeling machine. Then put the peeled apricot

  • Seasoning is used to grow flowers and yellow leaves to take root and burst for minutes.

    Seasoning is used to grow flowers and yellow leaves to take root and burst for minutes.

    Many things in life can be used to grow flowers, such as common seasonings in the kitchen, sweet and sour garlic, liquor and beer, etc., with appropriate flowers and plants not yellow leaves, not rotten roots, minute-by-minute explosion to show you. Let's have a look! "seasoning and nourishment.

  • Method for bathing fingerling in medicine

    Method for bathing fingerling in medicine

    It is simple and safe to treat fish body with medicated bath before fingerling stocking, and the effect of preventing fish disease is ideal. Now introduce several kinds of better fingerling medicine bath method. 1. Potassium permanganate solution medicated bath method 10~20 mg/kg potassium permanganate aqueous solution medicated bath for 10~30 minutes, can kill the body surface and gill bacteria, protozoa and monogenetic trematodes. Potassium permanganate should be prepared for immediate use, liquid water should be selected with less organic matter, backlight for medicinal bath. 2. Bleaching powder liquid medicine bath method 10~20
