
What should be paid attention to in koi culture, Yafeng aquarium

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Yafeng aquarium salt, namely NaCL, plays an important role in daily life, and it is also widely used in the process of ornamental fish culture. First, the effect of salt on fish: 1, different proportions of disinfection and sterilization can treat and prevent different fish diseases, mainly.

Yafeng Aquarium

Salt, namely NaCL, plays an important role in daily life, and it is also widely used in the process of ornamental fish culture. 1. The effect of salt on fish:

1. Disinfection and sterilization

Different proportions can treat and prevent different fish diseases, mainly disinfecting bacteria, rotifers, oblique tube worms and so on.

2. Treatment of adjuvant drugs

Salt can promote the absorption of drugs by fish skin and enhance the efficacy of drugs.

3. Balanced osmotic pressure

As we all know, the salt content of fish is different inside and outside the body, and there is a certain osmotic pressure, so salt can be added to supplement part of the salt lost due to the wound, or because the fish is new to a place to alleviate the water quality inadaptability, that is, to adjust the osmotic pressure.

4. Purify the water body

The action mechanism of salt is to increase the ion concentration in the water and make the suspended organic particles and colloids become flocs and settle to the bottom of the pool, which not only reduces the consumption of dissolved oxygen, but also purifies the water body.

5. Stimulate appetite

In aquaculture, an appropriate amount of salt is often added to the feed, which is also very effective. This is because NaCL, as an inorganic salt, is necessary to maintain life in the physiological process of fish. Na+ plays an important role in maintaining osmotic pressure, water balance and acid-base balance. Na+ can also maintain and improve the excitability of nerves and muscles. While CL- is a component of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, the function of hydrochloric acid is that it can activate pepsinogen, supply the acidic environment needed by pepsin, denature the protein in food and help digestion.

Second, although salt has the above five major effects, we should be cautious about adding salt in practical application.

1. The problem of adding salt

Generally speaking, we usually grab a few at hand, rather than strictly according to the proportion of a few percent to join. However, the harm of doing so is: adding less will not play its due role; adding more will cause some water loss and cause salt to seep into the bloodstream and cause dehydration.

2. Side effects

Even if salt is applied strictly according to the amount of salt, it also has certain side effects. First, killing harmful bacteria also affects beneficial bacteria; second, it is easy to make fish skin lose the protective layer, and then be invaded by germs; third, fish only live in water with high salt concentration for a long time, which is easy to produce a certain degree of dependence, thus reducing the ability to adapt to changes in water quality.

Crude salt and refined salt

Whether crude or refined, we mainly use NaCL, of course, it is better to contain minerals and trace elements, because it is also one of the important nutritional elements of fish, is an auxiliary factor of metabolism in fish, and has the role of stabilizing nerves.

Now let's take a look at the salt commonly used in fish farming:

1, edible salt: that is, the so-called refined salt, mainly iodized salt (NaCL), it is said that iodine is harmful to the respiratory system of fish, has not been carefully examined, just believe it. So iodine is the biggest damage to fish caused by this kind of salt. But for the removal of iodine is actually very simple, we only need to learn chemistry to know: iodide is extremely unstable, easy to decompose, volatilize and fail. So there are many ways to invalidate iodine: sun exposure, air-drying after absorbing water, ventilation, high-temperature stir-frying and so on. As long as you can think of torture, it is difficult for iodine to be retained.

At present, there are many fortified salts on the market, claiming to have added various nutrients necessary for the human body, such as zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin and so on, but I still do not recommend using this fortified salt. Because the acidity, basicity and solubility of various fortifiers are different, adding to edible salt will have a great impact on the acidity, basicity and solubility of edible salt.

The pH value of common edible salt is generally in the range of 5-6, which is weakly acidic and easily soluble in water. While some nutritionally fortified salts, due to the addition of fortified nutrients, their pH value will rise to 12, showing a strong alkaline, causing great damage to fish.

2. Crude salt: according to the origin, it is divided into sea salt, mineral salt and well salt. Industrial salt, that is, large-grained salt, also known as raw salt, is crystallized in the open air of the salt pond. Because it is used in industry, without any processing (I do not know whether the bulk salt eaten when I am young is the original salt), because the content of sodium chloride in industrial salt is relatively low, the other are impurities, which are usually composed of sodium sulfate, heavy metals, poisons, minerals (referring to mineral salts), etc., and their toxicity is so strong that human beings can be chronically poisoned after eating them by mistake, not to mention fish. So it is not recommended.

After rough processing of industrial salt, salt from some producing areas can become iodine-free edible salt because it contains less toxic substances (of course, the country does not allow non-iodine salt to be listed in bulk), this kind of salt contains certain trace elements and minerals, but also removed harmful substances, and did not add iodine, which is exactly what we fish friends need, but now it is generally encountered and can not be obtained. If you meet, there are two ways to identify: one is naked eye identification: table salt is square crystal, industrial salt is rhomboid crystal. Second, odor identification: put the salt in a red-hot iron pot, industrial salt has irritating taste after melting, edible salt has no irritating taste.

In view of the above analysis: personal advice is to use daily refined salt after deiodization treatment, to come faster. Of course, it is a blessing to be able to buy real crude salt.

IV. The amount and usage of salt

Washing diseased fish with a mixture of 2% salt and 3% baking soda for 10 minutes can treat pine scale disease and skin mildew.

The red nematode disease can be prevented and cured by washing the fish body with 2% saline solution for 1.0 to 20 minutes.

Washing diseased fish with 1%-2% salt water for 2-8 minutes can control rotifer.

Washing diseased fish with 3%-4% salt water for 5 minutes can treat water mildew, Gill rot and red skin disease of the fish (the concentration can be seen according to the physique of the fish, water temperature, etc.).

Washing diseased fish with 2.5% salt water for 20 minutes can treat oral filariasis of fish.

Washing the fish with 2% salt water for 5 minutes can treat oblique tube disease of fish.

Soak the diseased fish with 3% brine or a mixture of 2% brine and 3% baking soda for 10 minutes and 15 minutes to prevent the vertical scale disease of carp.

Water mildew of parent fish can be treated by washing with 7% brine (water temperature 15 ℃) for 5 to 10 minutes.

Washing the fish with 5% salt solution for 5 minutes can prevent and cure ring disease.

Washing diseased fish with 3% salt water for 10 minutes for 20 minutes or bathing diseased fish with 2% salt water for 30 minutes can treat uterine nematode disease of common carp.

Washing the fish with 3% salt water for about 2 minutes can prevent and cure white head and white mouth disease.

Washing the fish with 2%-4% salt water for 4 minutes can prevent and cure skin diseases and Gill diseases caused by water mold, rotifer, etc.

Washing the spawning fish nest with 1%-3% saline solution for 10 minutes has a control effect on water mildew.

Soak the injured fish, scale-off fish and postpartum parent fish with 5% salt water to prevent wound bleeding, ulcers and mold infection.

Washing with 3.5% salt water and 1.5% magnesium sulfate for 15 minutes at a water temperature of 20 ℃ can control melon insects.

Washing the diseased fish with a mixture of 1max 50000 copper sulfate and the same concentration of magnesium sulfate plus 1% salt for 20 minutes can kill the melon worm (white spot disease).

Washing with 2.5% salt water for 15 minutes can prevent and cure red skin disease.


Use its germicidal efficacy to treat diseases

Salt is an indispensable necessity in the management of koi. The chemical name of "salt" is sodium chloride, and the chemical formula is Nac1. If "salt" is dissolved in water, it becomes sodium ion and chloride ion. "Salt" has the following effects:

1. Can kill pathogens and parasites (high concentration, short time medicine bath)

two。 Can assist the penetration pressure adjustment function of koi (low concentration, long time medicine bath)

You may already be familiar with the efficacy of 1. The germicidal function of "salt" has been known since ancient times and is used to preserve food. For example, squid salts can be kept from spoilage, that is, they are pickled with a large amount of salt. Salt can be used to dispel the parasite white spot worm of koi and to treat columnaris disease such as rot tail disease, rotten fin disease or sleep disease.

Usually, when using salt for the purpose of treating fish disease, the concentration of salt should be adjusted to 30.4% (slightly the same as or a little higher than the concentration of salt in seawater), the bathing time is 5 to 15 minutes, and if it takes too long, the koi will die. When taking medicine bath, the time of medicine bath must be adjusted by taking into account the health status of koi.

It can ease the burden on the viscera of koi.

Secondly, talk about the osmotic pressure adjustment function of two items of koi. The so-called "osmotic pressure" refers to the difference in water concentration due to differences in salt concentration. Usually, when the salt concentration in the organism is different from that in vitro, the water flows from the low concentration to the high concentration, that is, if the salt concentration is high in the body, the water will seep in, and if the salt concentration in the body is low, the water will seep out from the body. Freshwater fish inhabiting fresh water belongs to the former, while marine fish inhabiting sea water belongs to the latter.

Koi is a freshwater fish, so the pond water often seeps into the body, at this time the external water and the stench will seep into the body together, so it is often said that "freshwater fish have a foul smell of soil than marine fish." In this way, koi is often affected by osmotic pressure and the pond water will infiltrate into the body and must discharge this kind of water, which is called osmotic pressure adjustment function.

Koi urinate in order to expel water, so its kidneys are well developed. In other words, if the koi is in poor health, the micturition function (osmotic pressure adjustment function) has a burden, and salt is used to help urinate function at this time. Physically speaking, if the salt concentration in the fish pond is close to that in the brocade carp, the pond water does not infiltrate into the brocade carp body, and the brocade carp does not have to urinate, thus reducing the burden on the kidneys. Its salt concentration is 0.5% (1 liter of water, 5 grams of salt), which is the usual concentration.


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