
layer Learn more about layer

  • How to raise the function of red thousand layers? The color is bright and red.

    How to raise the function of red thousand layers? The color is bright and red.

    Red thousand layer is a kind of plant that shows green meaning in a year. Red thousand layer likes to grow in a humid environment, and its color is bright, so it has high ornamental value. Then I do not know that flower friends also know what the use of red thousand layers is? 1...

  • Why doesn't the red layer blossom?

    Why doesn't the red layer blossom?

    Generally speaking, red thousand-layer will blossom, if it really does not blossom, it may be due to the following reasons: low-temperature red thousand-layer is a kind of warm plant, when summer comes, the temperature rise does not have a great impact on it. But the red thousand layer is not cold-resistant, and it has a great influence on it when the temperature is low.

  • Sandwich biscuit with succulent soil

    Sandwich biscuit with succulent soil

    Text: network "sandwich biscuit method" with succulent matrix refers to the whole basin soil is divided into three layers, each layer plays a different role. The core idea is to ensure that the permeability and drainage of the matrix are as strong as possible to prevent rotting roots.

  • Four storage methods of lotus root

    Four storage methods of lotus root

    First, the sand storage method chooses high terrain, leeward and shelter, and the ground is covered with a layer of fine sand. The humidity of the fine sand should be pinched and loosened by hands, and a good drainage ditch should be dug around. Put a layer of lotus root covered with a layer of fine sand, so sand and lotus root alternately, stack 5-6 layers, and cover the top with wet sand about 10 cm thick. This method can be stored for about 60 days. In addition, you can also use bricks or planks to form a burial pit indoors, spread a layer of wet sand 5 cm thick in the pit, discharge the dug lotus root in order, and then stack layer by layer of wet sand layer by layer, 5-6 layers on top.

  • Formula table of layer premix

    Formula table of layer premix

    The premix formula of laying hens is mainly based on the growth of laying hens. Methionine, betaine, lysine, tryptophan, threonine, choline, salt, sodium bicarbonate and so on. Layer breeding 1. Analysis of breeding cost and profit. Raise a layer and its benefactor.

    2020-11-11 Layer premix material formula table layer of
  • Rich bamboo "pagoda" bonsai

    Rich bamboo

    Choose rich bamboo with strong growth, strong vitality and strong fecundity. A large number of Hsinchu is used to cut off many stems of different lengths to form a pagoda. The upper end of each stem must have bamboo shoots and retain bud eyes so that the top of each layer of pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda.

  • New Storage Technology of Ginger seed

    New Storage Technology of Ginger seed

    After the ginger is harvested, put it in a ventilated and dry place to dry for a few days, wait for the surface of the ginger to dry, and store it in the room. First select fine wet sand or sand with large sand content, the humidity of the sand can be clustered by hand, but there is no water seepage. Circle the ground with a wooden basin or brick, first spread 40 cm thick wet sand on the bottom, then spread a layer of 20 cm thick ginger, spread another layer of 10 cm thick wet sand on the ginger block, and then spread a layer of ginger. In this way, one layer of sand and one layer of ginger is spread layer by layer to a heap height of 1 to 1.5 meters, and the surface is covered with a layer of sand 20 cm thick, every 20 ~

  • Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus: culture and fermentation

    Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus: culture and fermentation

    The fermentation of culture material can be divided into primary fermentation and secondary fermentation. The main results are as follows: (1) one day before the construction of the pile by one-time fermentation, cut off the rice (wheat) grass, drench it with clean water, make it fully absorb water, and pile it for 1 day. 7-10 days before building the pile, wet the dry feces with water or urine, and then build the pile to ferment. When composting, one layer of dung and one layer of grass are required to be stacked layer by layer, and the fourth layer begins to be watered. All cake fertilizer, calcium superphosphate, gypsum and half amount of urea are added layer by layer from the fourth layer to the eighth layer. After stacking for 10 layers, the stack is as high as 1.5.

  • Methods and matters needing attention of white thousand layer culture

    Methods and matters needing attention of white thousand layer culture

    Methods and matters needing attention of white thousand layer culture

  • The benefit of layered co-culture of pigs and chickens is high.

    The benefit of layered co-culture of pigs and chickens is high.

    It is reported that the good method of layered co-breeding of pigs and chickens was first popularized and used in rural areas of Shanxi Province in 1998. Seven years later, this feeding method has been widely promoted in most rural areas of our country, and has achieved good economic and social benefits. According to the introduction of pig-chicken joint farmers, in the pig-chicken joint breeding house of about 32 square meters, using the method of high-bed cage (upper layer raising chickens, lower layer raising pigs), the upper layer can raise about 180 ~ 200 laying hens, and the lower layer can raise 6 ~ 8 fattening pigs (or piglets).

  • Regulation of water layer in different growth periods of shallow lotus root

    Regulation of water layer in different growth periods of shallow lotus root

    The suitable water level of shallow lotus root is 10 cm to 20 cm, and the maximum water tolerance depth is 50 cm. The water layer must be regulated according to different growth periods of shallow lotus root. The general principle of shallow lotus root water layer management is front shallow, middle deep and rear shallow. After planting lotus root, the standing leaves should be kept in a shallow water layer of 4-7 cm in order to increase the soil temperature and promote germination. With the growth of stems and leaves, the water layer gradually deepened to 12-15 cm. After the termination leaves appeared, the plant began to form lotus root, and the water layer gradually decreased to 4-7 cm deep, which promoted the formation of lotus root.

  • Key points of Management of Pleurotus ostreatus shed in Autumn and Winter

    Key points of Management of Pleurotus ostreatus shed in Autumn and Winter

    Preventing the degradation of bacteria can increase the yield, reduce the occurrence and development of diseases and insect pests and reduce the amount of pesticides, which is the basis of the production of organic Pleurotus ostreatus. 1. The ambient temperature of cultured bacteria should not exceed 28 degrees, and the storage time of cultured bacteria at room temperature should not exceed half a month. two。 Have a good grasp of the culture medium.

  • Experience of raft culture of abalone in shallow sea

    Experience of raft culture of abalone in shallow sea

    1. Selection of sea area selection of sea area for abalone culture: smooth water depth, fresh water quality, no pollution, no rivers nearby, rich seaweed resources, relatively stable and medium salinity. The specific requirements are: 1. Water depth: abalone sea area, the sea water is not easy to be too shallow, the most

    2020-11-08 Shallow sea raft aquaculture abalone experience one sea area
  • The simplest orchid plant configuration, each layer of soil has different requirements.

    The simplest orchid plant configuration, each layer of soil has different requirements.

    The simplest orchid plant configuration, each layer of soil has different requirements.

  • The culture method of red thousand layer

    The culture method of red thousand layer

    The culture method of red thousand layer

  • Talking about the dry-wet method of glass slide perspective basin soil

    Talking about the dry-wet method of glass slide perspective basin soil

    Talking about the dry-wet method of glass slide perspective basin soil

  • A lover's balcony of succulent plants will you fall in love with them?

    A lover's balcony of succulent plants will you fall in love with them?

    Thanks to the lynn860718 material finally coming out of the sun! After the new convex window was finished, the sun came out for the first time, which proved that my idea was correct. The upper and lower layers could be perfectly exposed to the sun, and finally officially entered the exposed age! I'm lucky.

  • What is the method of planting Gastrodia elata in double-layer boxes

    What is the method of planting Gastrodia elata in double-layer boxes

    At the bottom of the box, put 6 cm thick soybean straw or sesame straw (must be fresh and mildew-free and spoiled straw), flatten it with culture material, plant the first layer of flax according to single-layer planting method, and add culture material 3 cm thick (half of the whole box). Then plant the second layer according to the first layer planting method and add the culture material to the full box.

  • Artificial cultivation and processing techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

    Artificial cultivation and processing techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

    Artificial cultivation and processing techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

  • Pay attention to the four hurdles in the three-layer cage of broilers in early spring

    Pay attention to the four hurdles in the three-layer cage of broilers in early spring

    Pay attention to the four hurdles in the three-layer cage of broilers in early spring
