
The culture method of red thousand layer

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The culture method of red thousand layer

Evergreen shrubs or small trees of the myrtle family, native to Australia, have been introduced into China for a hundred years. They are cultivated in Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places, suitable for courtyard beautification. For high-grade courtyard beautification, ornamental trees, street trees, garden trees, scenic trees, can also be used as windbreaks, cut flowers or large potted plants, let's take a look at the breeding methods of red thousand layers!

The growth habit of Radix Scutellariae

Red thousand layers like warm and hot climate, can withstand the scorching sun and heat, not very cold-resistant, shade-intolerant, like fertile and moist acid soil, but also can withstand thin and dry soil. Slow growth, strong sprouting, resistance to pruning and wind resistance. In the north, the seedlings can only be potted in a high temperature greenhouse, and the seedlings can survive the winter in the open field. The seedlings can withstand low temperature of-10 ℃ and high temperature of 45 ℃. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃. It is not strict with moisture, but grows fast under humid conditions. Because it is extremely resistant to drought and barren, it can also be cultivated in barren hills or forest parks in the suburbs of cities and towns.

The breeding method of Radix Scutellariae

1, cutting: red thousand layer in March to cut semi-mature non-flowering side branches, length 10-12 cm, the base slightly with 1-year mature branches, cut in semi-sand mud, shed shade to maintain humidity, about 40 days can root, wait for the root group to grow exuberant, then on the basin.

2. Sowing: in April, the red thousand layer picked mature fruit, evenly mixed the seeds with fine sand, then sowed it, slightly covered with fine soil to maintain humidity, germinated in about 35 days, and the seedling was about 15 cm high.

The culture method of red thousand layer

1. Pruning: pruning before seedling emergence is an effective measure to reduce water transpiration, which is conducive to maintaining water balance in the plant, especially in hot summer, where evaporation is large and pruning is more important. The branches and leaves cut off account for about 1/3 of the whole plant, mainly internal chamber branches (shade branches) and newly extracted twigs. When transplanted in winter and spring, it is necessary to retain the top branches with flower buds so that they can blossom in summer after transplantation, and receive the recent greening effect.

2. Seedling emergence: red thousand-layer soil should not be too wet or too dry. The size of the soil ball should be 40cm to 50cm in diameter and 30cm to 40cm in height. It is appropriate to form a cylindrical shape. Immediately after the seedling is wrapped with straw or other materials, it is loaded and unloaded light to prevent the soil balls from falling and the roots exposed, which is an important part of survival.

3. Planting: red thousand-layer tree hole should be 80x80 cm, base fertilizer should be applied well, soil mixed fertilizer 1 should be applied at the bottom, and 5 cm thick pure soil should be compacted, so as to avoid root system contact with fertilizer and burn, remove soil ball packaging, put the plant in the hole, the soil spherical surface is flat with the ground, and then fill the soil layer by layer to tamp the soil, so that there is no gap at the bottom, and water should be filled immediately after planting.

4. Watering: the red layer should be watered once or twice a day after planting, and the soil layer should be watered. At the same time, the branches and leaves should be sprayed to keep the branches and leaves moist, which can reduce water transpiration and maintain the water balance in the plant. Spraying water on branches and leaves is another important link to survive after planting. Some plants with scattered soil, such as strengthening the spraying of water on branches and leaves, can also survive and be transplanted between June and September, when the weather is hot and the amount of water evaporation is large, so the times of spraying water on branches and leaves should be increased appropriately.

5. Fertilization: fertilization in red layer is very important for the rapid recovery of plant growth. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied thinly once 15 days after planting and high-quality organic fertilizer once a month later. In the future, high-quality organic fertilizer can be applied twice a year. Pruning and pruning once a year after flowering can control the growth height and maintain the beautiful shape of the tree, which can promote the germination and flowering of more new branches.

6. Diseases and insect pests: the main diseases are stem rot, so it is appropriate to pull out the diseased seedlings and spray Bordeaux solution to control them. The pests include ground tiger, mole cricket, green weevil and so on, which can be controlled by 1000 times of trichlorfon or 1000 times of dichlorvos.