
jejunum Learn more about jejunum

  • How to deal with Shrimp jejunum and empty stomach

    How to deal with Shrimp jejunum and empty stomach

    Shrimp is a common aquatic product, there are also many breeding areas, there will be a variety of problems in the process of shrimp culture, so how to deal with the empty stomach of shrimp jejunum? First, the reasons for the empty stomach of shrimp jejunum 1. The weather changes greatly, which leads to the shrimp in a state of stress for a long time.

    2020-11-11 Shrimp jejunum empty stomach how to handle shrimp yes a common
  • Porcine rotavirus infection

    Porcine rotavirus infection

    Epidemic characteristics sick people, animals and carriers of recessive infection are all sources of infection. The virus exists in the intestinal tract, excretes to the outside world with feces, and infects susceptible people and animals through the digestive tract. The disease spreads rapidly and mostly occurs in the cold season. Piglets and piglets are common. Adult pigs are generally occult infection. Pathological changes of diseased piglets are depressed spirit, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, feces are yellow or gray, watery or paste. The lesions were mainly limited to the digestive tract (especially jejunum and ileum), the intestinal tube became thinner and the small intestinal villi shortened.

  • Characteristics and Control of sudden attack Disease in Sheep

    Characteristics and Control of sudden attack Disease in Sheep

    Sheep sudden shock is a kind of toxemia caused by type C Weissoin, which is characterized by acute death, peritonitis and ulcerative enteritis. The pathogen Clostridium welchii, also known as "Clostridium perfringens", belongs to the genus Clostridium. The bacteria are gram-positive and can form a capsule in animals, and the spores are located in the center of the cell. Clostridium welchii can be divided into five toxin types according to toxin-antitoxin neutralization test. Sheep

  • Regulation of water color in shrimp ponds in middle and late stages

    Regulation of water color in shrimp ponds in middle and late stages

    Regulation of water color in shrimp ponds in middle and late stages

  • The identification and diagnosis of 10 kinds of porcine diarrheal infectious diseases are too complete, hurry up to collect them!

    The identification and diagnosis of 10 kinds of porcine diarrheal infectious diseases are too complete, hurry up to collect them!

    The identification and diagnosis of 10 kinds of porcine diarrheal infectious diseases are too complete, hurry up to collect them!

  • Diagnosis and treatment of Campylobacter jejuni outbreak in cultured peacocks

    Diagnosis and treatment of Campylobacter jejuni outbreak in cultured peacocks

    Campylobacter malachi is a bacterial infectious disease of young and adult peacocks caused by campylobacter infection. The disease generally shows a chronic process, and acute cases are rarely reported. In June 2004, 200 birds raised by a special breeding professional household in Tancheng County were about 30 days old.

    2020-11-08 Breeding peacocks outbreaks jejunum bends bacilli diagnosis and treatment
  • With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    In late spring and early summer, the seasons change, the climate is changeable, all kinds of epidemic diseases are high, and pigs are easy to be infected with epidemic diseases. A group of diagnosis and treatment methods of infectious pig diseases are specially arranged for farmers' reference. 1. In pig production, we often encounter the following typical dysentery.

    2020-11-11 Season change contagion pig disease multiple look breeding talent
  • Physiological and anatomical map of cattle

    Physiological and anatomical map of cattle

    Physiological and anatomical map of cattle

  • Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

    Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

    Physiological and anatomical map of pigs

  • How to prevent and cure red dysentery of piglets with high mortality rate of bleeding and sparse stool

    How to prevent and cure red dysentery of piglets with high mortality rate of bleeding and sparse stool

    How to prevent and cure red dysentery of piglets with high mortality rate of bleeding and sparse stool

  • How to raise little turtles in winter

    How to raise little turtles in winter

    We often see many little turtles do not wake up because their owners are not ready to hibernate in time. It is a great pity. Many novice turtles are worried about how to raise turtles during the winter. The following is an introduction for you as follows: first, how does the little turtle spend the winter?

    2020-11-11 Little turtle winter how raise we classics often meet see
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    Diagnosis and treatment of pig distiller's grains poisoning

    Pig lees poisoning is often caused by lack of other feed combinations due to long-term feeding of lees, or sudden feeding of a large number of lees or moldy lees. The toxic components of distiller's grains are alcohol remaining in distillers' grains, and organic acids and fusel oils produced by continuous fermentation and rancidity of distillers' grains, such as acetic acid, n-propanol, isobutanol and so on. 1. Clinical symptoms 6 35kg~45kg fattening pigs raised by a farmer showed poisoning symptoms after eating wine trough, and one of them died. At the initial stage of poisoning, the feed intake of pigs dropped sharply.

  • Prevention and treatment of Clostridium diarrhea in rabbits

    Prevention and treatment of Clostridium diarrhea in rabbits

    The disease is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by Clostridium perfringens type An in rabbits, which is characterized by severe diarrhea, foul smell of feces and rapid death. The etiological pathogen was Clostridium perfringens type A. Epidemiology except lactating rabbits, rabbits of different ages, breeds and genders are susceptible to this pathogen. The incidence of rabbits from 1 month to 3 months old was the highest. Infection is mainly caused by digestive tract or injured mucosa, which is caused by improper feeding and management, shortage of green feed and low content of crude fiber.

  • Trichinellosis of pigs

    Trichinellosis of pigs

    It is caused by the adults of Trichinella spiralis parasitic in the intestine and its larvae in the striated muscle. The disease is mainly seen in pigs, rats, dogs, cats and so on are also easy to infect, but also a great harm to human beings, zoonotic parasitic disease. 1. The adult of the pathogen Trichinella spiralis is a slender nematode. The length of the male worm is 1.4-1.6 mm, and the female worm is 3-4 mm long. The larva parasitic in the muscle can reach 1.15 mm in length and curl up between the muscle fibers to form a cyst. The two ends of the cyst are obtusely fusiform, about 0.5-0.8 mm long. The pig eats.

  • How to deal with White stool in Shrimp Culture

    How to deal with White stool in Shrimp Culture

    How to deal with White stool in Shrimp Culture

  • Diagnosis and treatment of sudden death of Clostridium welchii in pigs

    Diagnosis and treatment of sudden death of Clostridium welchii in pigs

    Sudden death syndrome of Clostridium welchii in pigs, also known as porcine red intestine disease, is a kind of porcine enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium welchii types A, C and D. 1. Symptoms of the disease generally have no premonitory symptoms and show sudden death. It can also be seen that some sick pigs died of mania, ataxia, hoarseness, abdominal swelling, dyspnea, sudden fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth, muscle trembling, limb movement, pale skin, reverse expansion of the horn bow, and died within 1-3 hours. 2. Pathological changes: dead pigs have good fat condition and complete rigor.

  • What are the selection methods of crayfish seedlings when raising shrimps in spring? Watch this 3 o'clock!

    What are the selection methods of crayfish seedlings when raising shrimps in spring? Watch this 3 o'clock!

    As the temperature rises in spring, crayfish farming should be prepared for six consecutive years, and fertilization is also important before breeding. What are the selection methods for crayfish seedlings when raising shrimps in spring? Watch this 3 o'clock! I. Selection of crayfish seedlings

    2020-11-11 in spring when raising shrimp small lobster seedlings of selection method there are
  • Treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Porcine toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is most common in pigs and can be caused by traumatic contact or eating raw meat infected with the disease. therefore, it is of great significance to ensure the development of aquaculture and human health to do a good job in pre-slaughter quarantine and post-mortem inspection of Toxoplasma gondii in designated slaughterhouses. 1 pigs with porcine toxoplasmosis were quarantined before slaughter, with a temperature rise of 41 to 42 ℃, loss of appetite or loss of appetite, runny nose, cough or dyspnea, poverty

  • Quarantine and treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Quarantine and treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Porcine toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is most common in pigs and can be caused by traumatic contact or eating raw meat infected with the disease. therefore, it is of great significance to ensure the development of aquaculture and human health to do a good job in pre-slaughter quarantine and post-mortem inspection of Toxoplasma gondii in designated slaughterhouses. 1 Pigs with toxoplasmosis were quarantined before slaughter, with a temperature rise of 41 to 42 ℃, loss of appetite or loss of appetite, runny nose, cough or dyspnea, anemia, conjunctival congestion

  • How to distinguish between high-quality lobster seedlings and poor-quality lobster seedlings?

    How to distinguish between high-quality lobster seedlings and poor-quality lobster seedlings?

    After all the measures in the pond have been done, we should begin to prepare for the release of crayfish, and the quality of lobster seedlings is a key factor in lobster yield. So what kind of shrimp seedlings are high-quality shrimp seedlings? Next, let's take a look at the characteristics of high-quality shrimp seedlings so that everyone

    2020-11-11 High quality lobster sapling and inferior quality how to distinguish pond inside