
glyph Learn more about glyph

  • Some common layout of pots in Japanese co-planted jungle

    Some common layout of pots in Japanese co-planted jungle

    Co-planting jungle generally take the odd number, pay attention to the scattered echo of high and low thickness, and mostly use the layout of heart characters and product characters. (the number circle represents the thickness of the tree, the thicker the higher) the wonderful content of 5-pole character shape and 7-pole heart shape.

  • New technology of rice and fish engineering culture

    New technology of rice and fish engineering culture

    New technology of rice and fish engineering culture

  • How to identify high quality orchids? Nine, you need to know when you smell it.

    How to identify high quality orchids? Nine, you need to know when you smell it.

    The appreciation criteria of orchids are different from geography or personal preferences. Generally speaking, orchids are fragrant when they bloom. In some areas, only those who are famous with traditional names are considered good. In some areas, regardless of petals or leaves.

  • Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

    Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

    Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

  • The method of making Ganoderma lucidum bonsai teaches you to make Ganoderma lucidum bonsai

    The method of making Ganoderma lucidum bonsai teaches you to make Ganoderma lucidum bonsai

    The method of making Ganoderma lucidum bonsai teaches you to make Ganoderma lucidum bonsai

  • Cultivation techniques of Ya-shaped Peach Tree

    Cultivation techniques of Ya-shaped Peach Tree

    Peach is a common fruit in our country, which is planted almost everywhere, and some of them are specially planted to make money. What are the cultivation techniques of zigzag peach trees? 1. Select and prepare a piece of fertile land, apply enough basic fertilizer, and then dig a piece of land according to the row spacing.

    2020-11-08 Ya glyph peach tree cultivation techniques peach is common in our country.
  • Seedling transplanting and direct seeding propagation of Angelica sinensis

    Seedling transplanting and direct seeding propagation of Angelica sinensis

    1. Seedling transplanting (1) fresh seeds bearing fruit in the second year after transplanting should be selected for seed selection. Before and after the Beginning of Autumn, when the seed epidermis is blue or pink and the scape is drooping, cut off the scape together and put it in a ventilated and dry place to dry, threshing and storage. Avoid exposure, baking and rain. (2) sowing seedlings is usually sown with picking around the beginning of autumn, and it is suitable to sow seeds from mid-August to early September in low-altitude areas with slightly higher temperature. Timely sowing can avoid early bolting of Angelica sinensis. Too early, the seedling growth period is long.

  • Planting method and time of alpinia officinalis

    Planting method and time of alpinia officinalis

    The planting method of sand ginger: select dry land, paddy field, etc., the soil should be fertile and loose, good drainage and irrigation, 15 days before planting, the soil should be ploughed and sterilized, and then the seeds with disease-free, uniform size and hard texture should be selected. heap and sow after exposure for a week

    2020-11-08 Sand ginger planting method and time abstract sand ginger
  • Can the seeds of soft seed pomegranate be eaten? What is its planting and management method?

    Can the seeds of soft seed pomegranate be eaten? What is its planting and management method?

    Pomegranate is a very good-looking and delicious fruit, pomegranate pulp as red as agate, sweet and sour, very attractive. But many people find it troublesome to eat pomegranates and have to spit seeds one by one. In recent years, a kind of soft-seed pomegranate on the market is very popular. that,

    2020-11-08 Soft seeds pomegranates seeds can be eaten molasses its planting and
  • Storage and fresh-keeping Technology of Golden Pear

    Storage and fresh-keeping Technology of Golden Pear

    1. Key points of storage technology 1.1 timely harvest of golden pears in North China is from September 20 to 30. At this time, the fruit has matured, the nutrients are fully accumulated, and the storability is the best. Early harvest (September 10) the decay rate of pear fruit was high during the whole storage period, and the pericarp was easily browned. When harvested too late (early October), brown scald occurred seriously during storage (18.94%). Special attention should be paid to avoid bruising in the process of harvesting. 1.2 the purpose of grading fruit crystal classification is to standardize the commodity. I

  • Cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    Cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    As we all know, Auricularia auricula can also be cultivated artificially, and the commonly used cultivation technique is Auricularia auricula, so what is the specific cultivation technology of Auricularia auricula? First, the site selection of a suitable site, generally requires leeward to the sun, light

    2020-11-08 Auricularia auricula Duan Mu cultivation techniques as we all know too.
  • Cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    Cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    As we all know, Auricularia auricula can also be cultivated artificially, and the commonly used cultivation technique is Auricularia auricula cultivation technology, so what is the specific cultivation technology of Auricularia auricula? First, the site selection of a suitable site, generally requires leeward to the sun, light

    2020-11-09 Duan Mu Auricularia auricula cultivation techniques as we all know also
  • Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol made from sweet potato

    Alcohol, also known as ethanol, is an important chemical raw material, which can produce a variety of organic reagents and solvents, as well as dyes, paints, medicines, spices, synthetic materials, detergents and so on. 1. Technological process: koji-making mother-cooking gelatinization-saccharification fermentation-distillation 2. Key points of technological operation: ① koji making: most of the saccharifying agents used in this process are cultured in solid medium. 5%-10% grain bran or fine rice husk was added to wheat bran as medium, and Aspergillus Niger or Aspergillus flavus was cultured as saccharifying agent.

  • How do figs grow? Ficus fig facility planting technology

    How do figs grow? Ficus fig facility planting technology

    How do figs grow? Fig Facility Planting Technology Fund Project: Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Shandong Province (2014 GNC112007); Fruit Innovation Team Construction Project of Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System of Shandong Province (SDAIT-06-19)...
