
How do figs grow? Ficus fig facility planting technology

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How do figs grow? Fig Facility Planting Technology Fund Project: Science and Technology Development Plan Project of Shandong Province (2014 GNC112007); Fruit Innovation Team Construction Project of Modern Agricultural Industrial Technology System of Shandong Province (SDAIT-06-19)...

How to plant figs? Planting techniques of figs in facilities

Fund projects: Shandong Science and Technology Development Plan Project (2014GNC112007); Shandong Modern Agricultural Technology system Fruit Innovation team Construction Project (SDAIT-06-19); Shandong Spark Science and Technology demonstration Project (2015XH024).

1 to build a garden

Fig has strong adaptability to environment, resistance to drought and barren, and lax requirements on soil. General sandy soil and sandy loam can grow normally, and neutral sandy loam with deep soil layer and good water and fertilizer conservation is suitable. When building the garden, we should choose leeward and sunny places, avoid waterlogging depressions, avoid continuous cropping, and have the conditions of drainage and irrigation.

Facilities can choose solar greenhouse, plastic greenhouse, etc., artificially create a special controllable microclimate to meet the needs of normal growth and fruit of figs, and achieve the purpose of producing high-quality fresh fruit. Cold-resistant varieties such as Masiyi Taofen are selected to promote cultivation in winter-warm solar greenhouse; when cold-resistant varieties such as Qingpi and Bojihong are delayed cultivation, plastic greenhouse can be selected.

The main limiting factor of fig cultivation in open field is low temperature in winter. when the extreme lowest temperature in winter is lower than the critical temperature of cold tolerance of cultivated varieties, freezing injury will occur in the upper part of the plant. Therefore, if non-cold-tolerant varieties such as Masiyi Taofen are selected in protected cultivation, the low temperature during dormancy period is generally not lower than-4 ℃, and the cold-tolerant varieties such as Qingpi and Bojihong are selected, and the low temperature during dormancy period is generally not lower than-7 ℃, otherwise they should be protected against cold as soon as possible after dormancy is completed in winter.

2 cultivation and management techniques

2.1 selection of varieties

Facility cultivation of figs is recommended to choose varieties with beautiful appearance, good fruit shape, large fruit, good quality and resistance to pruning, such as Bojihong and Masiyi Taofen. In the experiment, it was found that the trees of Jin Aofen, Malia and Qingpi were strong, easy to grow, and the comprehensive characters were not good.

2.2 Seedling preparation

Select 1 ~ 2-year-old high-quality hardwood cuttings to strengthen seedlings. It is required that there are not less than 6 lateral roots with seedling height ≥ 80cm, stem diameter ≥ 1.0cm and root diameter ≥ 0.2cm, lateral root length ≥ 18cm, no splitting of root and stem, no dry shrinkage of epidermis.

2.3 colonization

It can be planted from autumn defoliation to spring sprouting period, that is, from mid-late November to mid-April of the following year. The specific planting time should be determined according to the construction of cultivation facilities. Generally, when building a garden first and then a shed, it is appropriate to plant in spring, which can not only avoid freezing in autumn, but also ensure that there is a half-year growth period after seedling planting, and delayed cultivation can be carried out in the autumn of that year to ensure that most of the autumn fruits mature normally; if the cultivation facilities are built ahead of time, depending on the specific conditions, spring planting or autumn planting in the existing solar greenhouse or plastic greenhouse can enter the facilities to promote or delay cultivation and production.

The suitable cultivation density and planting direction were determined according to the type of facility, cultivation variety, shaping mode, soil fertility condition and garden function (production garden or picking garden). In the east-west direction of the solar greenhouse, the zigzag tree can be used in the east-west direction, and the plant spacing is 1.5 × 2m × 3m. The happy tree is mostly in the north-south direction, and the row spacing is 1.5cm × 1.52m (figure 1). In order to facilitate management and picking, Bojihong varieties with relatively good upright branches and no need to set up brackets for fruit branches in the growing season can be planted in the north-south row with a zigzag or happy shape, in which the two fruiting mother branches can extend along the rows with a spacing of 1 m × 2.5 cm. Plastic greenhouses are mostly north-south, and seedling planting is also north-south.

Fig. 1 fig low dry and happy shape in winter greenhouse

Before planting, the garden should be turned over deeply and fully fertilized with organic fertilizer. Dig the planting hole of 60cm square, in which the soil fertilizer is 20kg, or dig the planting ditch and apply 2000kg mature organic fertilizer per 666.7m2. When digging, separate the topsoil from the core soil, mix the topsoil and organic fertilizer, fill the ditch, then fill the core soil, and then pour water to make the backfill soil firm, and then fill the planting ditch and wait for seedlings. When planting, straighten the stem of the seedling, stretch the root system, lift the seedling gently while filling the soil, and finally step on the soil. Water thoroughly after planting. The fixed stem height is determined according to the target tree shape. Generally, the natural happy shape fixed dry height is 30~40cm, and the zigzag fixed dry height 20~40cm. The height of fixed stem increased gradually from south to north according to the planting position of the plant.

2.4 exposure time of the buckle shed

It is determined according to the conditions of the facility and the external temperature. Facilities facilitate cultivation usually when figs have gone through dormancy and the outside temperature drops to-5 ℃ before the greenhouse heats up. The solar greenhouse in Weihai is generally held from mid-January to early February before and after the Spring Festival. After the first ten days of May, the grass curtain or canopy can be removed as long as the night temperature is not lower than 15 ℃. After the first ten days of June, when the open field temperature can meet the normal growth results, the greenhouse film can be removed. Delayed cultivation in facilities, covering plastic film when the lowest temperature dropped to 15 ℃ in September, adding grass curtain or greenhouse cover in the later stage with the drop of temperature, ensuring that most of the autumn fruits matured normally, delaying the harvest time to about the first ten days of December, opening the vents and making the plants in the greenhouse go into dormancy.

2.5 temperature and humidity control in the shed

Facilitate cultivation. The budding stage of ①. Within 15 days from the beginning of heating, the temperature in the greenhouse should be properly controlled to avoid irregular germination due to rapid heating, rapid germination, rapid growth on the ground, low ground temperature, slow root activity and insufficient absorption function. At this time, the temperature is kept at 15: 20 ℃ in daytime and 10 ℃ at night. After 15 days, the temperature in the greenhouse was gradually increased to 25: 30 ℃ in the daytime, and the straw curtain or canopy was covered at night to keep the temperature at about 15 ℃. During the budding period, the humidity in the shed is relatively high, and the relative humidity of the air is kept at 80%-90%. ② shoot growth period. The temperature is 25: 30 ℃ in daytime and 13: 15 ℃ at night. The relative humidity of the air is 60% and 80%. During the growing period, the temperature and humidity of the new shoot are too high, which leads to the growth of the new shoot and the improvement of the initial fruiting node. Attention should be paid to properly controlling temperature and water in production to avoid excessive growth of new shoots, resulting in tree canopy closure and deterioration of light conditions. ③ fruit expansion period. The highest temperature during the day is no more than 32 ℃. In the later stage, the greenhouse film can be removed gradually and enter the open field production mode.

Delayed cultivation. In the middle and last ten days of September, plastic film mulching was carried out in advance before the lowest temperature dropped to 15 ℃. When the night temperature was lower than 15 ℃, the covered shed was insulated. The highest temperature in the greenhouse was no more than 32 ℃, and the lowest temperature was not less than 15 ℃. The suitable temperature was 20-30 ℃, which promoted the ripening of most autumn fruits in the later stage.

2.6 shaping and pruning

Fig facility cultivation can choose low dry happy shape or zigzag tree.

Low dry happy shape (figure 1). After the seedlings were planted, 30~40cm was left to dry to promote sprouting and branching. Three or four branches with ideal azimuth angle and growth potential were selected as the main branches to re-pick the heart and promote the lateral branches when they reached 40~60cm. In the second spring, the lateral plump buds were selected from the opposite branches to enlarge the crown. After 3 years, the main branches were shortened every year to promote strong branches, and useless branches such as dense branches, clump branches, disease and insect branches, aging branches and dry and withered branches were cut off. As a result, the branches are heavily truncated and renewed at the base when they are senescent. In the growing season, 22 leaves and 26 leaves can be left for the new shoots with vigorous growth, which can promote the growth of secondary secondary shoots with fruit, promote the fruit ripening of secondary shoots and increase the yield through delayed cultivation.

A glyph ("T") (figure 2). After the seedlings were planted, when the new shoots grew to 15cm, two strong new shoots were preserved and cultivated as the main branches with a zigzag shape of 180 °between the two rows, and the rest were erased. The extension direction and opening angle of the two main branches can be fixed by bamboo pole or iron wire, and the growth potential of the two main branches can be balanced as far as possible. When cutting in winter in that year, the length of the reserved branch was about 2 prime 3 for short cutting, and full lateral buds were left at the cut. Before the sap flow in the next spring (mid-April), No. 810 iron wire was set up on the ground about the height of 20cm to bind the main branch. After the buds on the main branches germinated, the sprouts were selected and cultured by interval 20cm as fruit branches, and the rest of the buds were erased as soon as possible. When the selected fruiting branch is 1 ~ 1.2m in length, the second layer of wire is set up to guide and fix it. In summer, according to the growth situation, the sprouting tillers and secondary shoots were removed in time, and the growth potential was controlled by coring to promote fruit ripening. When the main branch is pruned in winter, the apparent distance of the main branch is retracted at the full bud (the adjacent main branch is close but does not overlap). The fruiting branch on the main branch retains 1-2 bud heavy truncation at the base, and the cutting bud retains the outer bud. Since then, 1-2 buds were retained in the fruiting mother branches and the outer buds were re-cut in winter cutting every year. It can also let the new shoots grow up naturally in the year of planting, and the branches with ideal orientation and growth potential can be selected before heating up in the buckle shed, which is flattened by the word "one". The cultivation and retention, growth management and winter pruning of fruiting branches in the later stage are the same as above.

Fig. 2 "one" tree

2.7 Fertilizer and Water Management

The base fertilizer is generally applied from mid-late October to mid-November, mainly mature manure, and the standard of application is to apply 2kg fertilizer and a small amount of compound fertilizer for every production of 1kg figs. Topdressing is divided into early topdressing and late topdressing. The peak period of fertilizer demand is from the middle of April to the first ten days of June, in which topdressing is applied twice, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, and from the first ten days of July to the first ten days of September is the harvest time of fruit ripening, which can be topdressing twice, mainly phosphorus and potash fertilizer. combined application of trace elements or low nitrogen and high potassium fertilizer.

Figs are resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, and should not be watered too much. Generally, figs are watered once in the shoot growth period in mid-late March and after applying base fertilizer in autumn in mid-late October. After topdressing in the growing season, appropriate amount of water should be watered to keep the relative field capacity at 60%-80%. The fruit should be watered as little as possible during ripening to avoid cracking and rotten fruit. If there are conditions for the garden, drip irrigation can be configured, and the integrated technology of fertilizer and water can be applied to reduce the waste of fertilizer and water, reduce soil consolidation and save labor. In rainy season, it is necessary to drain waterlogging in time.

2.8 Disease and pest control

There are few diseases and insect pests in the cultivation of figs in Weihai area. In recent years, it has been found that two-spotted spider mites have harmed leaves and fruits in individual protected gardens. 1500 times of 25% triazoltin wettable powder or 34% of paraben EC 2000 times or 1.8% avermectin EC 2000 times 4000 times can be used for control.

2.9 ripening stage regulation

According to the market demand, at the end of the fruit expansion period, the fruit eyes are open, the fruit top is raised, and the pericarp color enters the initial color conversion period (figure 3), edible vegetable oils such as peanut oil and rapeseed oil are dipped in with cotton swabs and dripped from the fruit mesh to make the fruit appear on the market 2-3 days earlier.

Fig. 3 dripping oil to accelerate the ripening of fig fruit

2.10 picking and packing

For near-ground sales, the fruit is harvested when the fruit changes color completely and the fruit is inflated and soft, showing the inherent flavor of the variety; for export, it is suitable to use the octagonal ripe fruit with complete coloring, complete expansion but not soft peel, and the best harvest time is in the early morning. Figs can not bear storage, timely dissipate the field heat into the cold storage pre-cold, small packaging (about 2kg) on the market.