
Cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As we all know, Auricularia auricula can also be cultivated artificially, and the commonly used cultivation technique is Auricularia auricula, so what is the specific cultivation technology of Auricularia auricula? First, the site selection of a suitable site, generally requires leeward to the sun, light

As we all know, Auricularia auricula can also be cultivated artificially, and the commonly used cultivation technique is Auricularia auricula, so what is the specific cultivation technology of Auricularia auricula?

I. site selection

The selection of a suitable site generally requires leeward to the sun, long lighting time, small temperature difference and so on.

In addition, we should also choose places with less shade below 1000 meters above sea level, warmer, more humid, rich in ear tree resources and close to water sources.

After the site is selected, it is necessary to clean up the weeds, dead branches and leaves, open the drainage ditch, and sprinkle lime and spray dichlorvos on the ground to sterilize and kill insects.

2. Ear tree selection

There are many kinds of ear trees that cultivate Auricularia auricula, and any tree species that can cultivate Lentinus edodes can be used to cultivate Auricularia auricula. Fagaceae, Betulaceae and other tree species are mainly selected, such as Quercus variabilis, Quercus variabilis, Quercus Quercus, Castanopsis carlesii, Fahrenheit oak, etc.; in addition, maple poplar, maple incense, elm, locust, willow, mulberry, Platycladus orientalis, banyan and other tree species are also commonly used in producing areas.

The period of tree felling is from after the trees go dormant to before the new buds sprout. The age of the tree should be 8 ~ 10 years old. It is better to have a tree diameter of 10 cm to 14 cm. Cut down the tree and go to the top. Shaving branches, according to a section of wood truncated into 1-1.2 m. Put the sawed wood in a high, dry, ventilated and sunny place to ferment it as soon as possible. Turn it every 10 days or so to make the wood dry evenly. General frame insolation for 30 days, the section of wood has 70%, 80% dry, can be inoculated. If the section is infected with miscellaneous bacteria and pests, it can be smoked with thatch or branches before inoculation until the epidermis blackens, which can not only remove diseases and insects, but also enhance the heat and water absorption of bark, which is beneficial to the growth of Auricularia auricula hyphae.

Third, the cultivation process

1. Artificial inoculation

Generally, the temperature is stable above 15 ℃, which is beneficial to the mycelium growth of Auricularia auricula. The specific time varies according to different climatic conditions, and the southern provinces are about March to April. Proper early inoculation is beneficial to early bacteria, early ear emergence, and early inoculation with low temperature, which can reduce the infection of miscellaneous bacteria and pests.

Before inoculation, clean the surface of the wood, and then put it in the sun for 2-3 hours and then set aside. The commonly used strains of artificial inoculation are sawdust, branch and wedge-shaped wood. If you connect sawdust and branch bacteria, punch the hole with an electric drill or a belt with a diameter of 11mm and 12mm, and probe 15cm to 20cm. Generally, the distance between longitudinal and horizontal seed holes is 10-12 cm and 4-6 cm respectively.

If close planting is appropriate, the distance between longitudinal holes can be shortened to 6-7 cm, which is beneficial to the occurrence of bacteria and increase the yield. Row and row points staggered finished glyph or plum blossom-shaped arrangement. The sawdust bacteria fortress is full of holes, plus a bark cover 2mm larger than the diameter of the inoculation hole, which is flat and tight to prevent the bacteria from drying. If you pick up the branch bacteria, the seed wood should be pasted flat with the earwood. Burrowing, inoculation and capping should be carried out continuously to maintain the original humidity of the inoculation hole, strain and bark cover, which is beneficial to the survival of the strain. If the wedge-shaped wood block strain is used, it is necessary to use an inoculation axe or woodworking chisel to cut into a 45 °angle 2 cm deep inoculation mouth on the section of wood, and then hammer the wedge-shaped wood block strain into the inoculation mouth with a small hammer, hammer tight and hammer flat.

2. The upper pile of bacteria

After inoculation, in order to maintain high temperature, humidity and enough air, to promote early bacteria in earwood, early colonization, and improve the survival rate, the earwood must be piled up. The method is that the inoculated earwood is arranged into a "well" shaped frame, layered and stacked into a small pile one meter high, and the dry and wet thermometers are hung in the heap. The surrounding is tightly covered with thin film, the stack temperature is controlled between 22-28 ℃, the air relative humidity is kept at about 80%, and a gap of 5-6 cm is left between the earwood to facilitate good ventilation. Turn the pile every 6-7 days after the heap, and change the position of the ear wood up and down, inside and outside, so that the temperature and humidity are consistent and the whitening is uniform. If the earwood is dry, it can be adjusted by spraying water properly, and then covered with plastic film after the bark is slightly dry. When the temperature is high, uncover the film for ventilation at noon every 3-5 days, combined with water spray to cool down. Generally, after 3-4 weeks of stacking, the mycelium of Auricularia auricula has grown into the auricularia auricula, which can be stacked and put on display.

3. Show off in bulk

The stacking is the continuation of the heap, which aims to spread the hyphae to the depths of the earwood and quickly turn it from the growth stage to the development stage. The venue of the ostentation is required to be sunny and humid, and properly sheltered. During the ostentation, the earwood will be laid one by one on the ground with short grass. In the case of muddy land, a small wooden pole should be placed horizontally, and then the earwood will be placed on the crossbar one by one, with each earwood 6 to 8 centimeters apart. This is not only beneficial to absorb moisture on the ground, accept sun, rain and fresh air, promote ear bud growth, but also avoid earwood sticking to the ground, resulting in excessive dampness, stuffy bacteria and soil splashing ear wood. Ostentation stage, every 10 days or so to turn the earwood, well spray water to adjust humidity, after more than a month, a large number of ear buds can be off the shelf.

4. Shelf management

The shelves should choose the early sunny weather after the rain, and check the ear trees one by one, where half of the ear buds grow out of the ear trees can be detected on the shelves, with four 1.5-meter-long poles, cross-tied into an "X" shape, above a crossbar, and then the detected earwood staggered leaning against the crossbar to form a "human" shaped ear shed with an angle of 300cm 45, leaving 4cm spacing for each ear wood. In management, we should mainly pay attention to the coordination of temperature, humidity, light, ventilation and other conditions of the ear field, especially water management. The water content of the wood should be kept at about 70%, and the air relative humidity should be controlled between 85% and 95%. Water management should have promotion and control, and the combination of promotion and control. The time, frequency and amount of water spraying should be flexibly mastered according to climate, ear wood in wet and young ear growth, generally spray more in sunny days, less spray or no spray in cloudy and rainy days, and spray in the morning and evening every day when the temperature is high. Spraying water alternately with dry and wet is beneficial to the formation and growth of fruiting bodies. Stop spraying water for 2-3 days after each ear picking, let the earwood be exposed to the sun for a period of time, make it slightly dry, and then spray water to stimulate the formation of the next batch of ear buds after the mycelium resumes growth.

IV. Pest control

The miscellaneous bacteria harmful to Auricularia auricula are more common, such as black furuncle, leather fungus, porous bacteria, Penicillium, Trichoderma and so on. Common pests are snails, maggots, thrips, slugs, pseudo-walkers, four-spotted blades and so on. The policy of "prevention first and comprehensive prevention" should be carried out conscientiously in prevention and control. Generally speaking, the following prevention and control measures should be taken:

1. In the process of cutting down trees, shaving branches, cutting sections, turning piles, etc., try not to damage the bark, and disinfect the cut and wound with lime water to prevent the invasion of miscellaneous bacteria.

2. Select excellent bacteria, appropriately advance the inoculation season, and control the inoculation quality, so that the mycelium of Auricularia auricula is dominant in auricularia auricula, in order to restrain the harm of miscellaneous bacteria.

3. Clean the ear field carefully, sprinkle lime powder to disinfect the ground and spray 200 times dichlorvos solution to eliminate overwintering pests so as to cut off the source of disease and insect.

4. If there are miscellaneous bacteria on the earwood, it should be scraped off in time to prevent the spores from spreading, and wash the earwood with lime water, expose it in the hot sun for 2-3 days, and then use sur spray to kill it.

5. Different drugs should be used to control pests according to different species. Snails and slugs can be sprayed with 300 to 500 times pentachlorophenol sodium, or caught manually in the early morning and evening. You can also use 1:50:50 calcium arsenate with wheat peel and water to make poison bait. Thrips can be sprayed with 15000 to 3000 times dimethoate. Pseudo-walking insects can be killed with 1000-1500 times dichlorvos or 0.1% 0.2% trichlorfon spray. Sibanligan can be sprayed with fish rattan essence, or 300 times 500 times dichlorvos can be sprayed on the ground to drive away adults.

Mature black fungus, the color from dark to light; the ear piece stretches to soft, fleshy thick ear root contraction, the ventral side of the fruiting body produces white spore powder, it can be harvested.