
New technology of rice and fish engineering culture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, New technology of rice and fish engineering culture

First, the technical introduction. Rice field engineering fish culture technology is a new aquaculture technology gradually formed in recent years through experimental research, technical development, improvement and improvement on the basis of traditional rice field fish culture. This technology can effectively make use of the ecological conditions of rice fields to develop aquaculture and increase the production of aquatic products on the basis of not competing with the planting industry. The cultivation of aquatic organisms in rice fields also has multiple functions, such as saving land, saving water, saving fertilizer (less chemical fertilizer), removing insects, killing pests, loosening soil, improving the ability of water storage and irrigation and drought resistance in paddy fields. Therefore, rice and fish engineering technology is playing an increasingly important role in adjusting agricultural industrial structure and increasing farmers' income. Operation points 1, rice field project construction (1) fish letter (fish slip) construction; fish letter accounts for about 5% of the total area, can be built in the center of the field or field edge or corner, excavated into a square or round fish letter, fish letter depth of 80 cm, communicated with the center of the fish ditch, fish letter can be dug 30 times 40 days before planting seedlings, buried every 10 days after excavation, continuous finishing 3-4 times, fish letter shape is better. (2) the construction of fish ditch: accounting for 3% of the total area. According to the size and shape of the field, it is excavated into "-" glyph, "ten" glyph, "well" glyph or "field" glyph. The ditch is 40-60 cm wide and 30 cm deep, so that the horizontal groove, longitudinal groove and perimeter groove are connected. The central fish ditch grows along the edge of the field, and a ditch is opened in the center of the field; the surrounding fish ditch is excavated 1.5 meters away from the ridge of the field. (3) heighten and widen the ridges, strengthen the ridges, heighten and reinforce the ridges before transplanting seedlings, the reinforced ridges are generally 80 ~ 120 cm high and 60-80 cm wide, and hammered solid to prevent the ridge from collapsing or the water flooding out of the ridge to escape fish. (4) Open the injection, drain and install the fish fence: the inlet and drain should be excavated on the corresponding ridges of the paddy field to make the water flow smoothly. The size of the drain. It should be determined according to the size of the field and the amount of water inflow during the rainstorm, and the safety of the fish will prevail. Fish bars are installed at the inlet and drain to prevent escaping fish and wild miscellaneous fish from entering the fish-farming rice field. The fish fence can be made of iron wire, bamboo strips and other materials. the length of the fish fence is 3 times that of the drain, so that it is curved, with a height of 20cm higher than the ridge of the field, and 30cm of hard soil inserted at the bottom. 2. The selection of culture species, the determination of stocking specifications and stocking quantity, etc. (1) Fish culture in rice fields: 150 carp species with a body weight of 50 grams per mu, 70 grass carps with a weight of 50 grams or 800 fish species with an inch fillet, with a stocking ratio of 60% 80% for carp, 20% for grass carp and 10% for crucian carp. Generally after 8 months of breeding, you can harvest 100 kg of adult fish or about 80 kg of large-sized fish. (2) raising crabs in rice fields: if you plan to produce more than 20 kg of commercial crabs per mu, you can put 5kg of crabs per mu, and if you plan to produce more than 30 kg of commercial crabs per mu, you can put 6Mel and 7kg of crabs of the above specifications. Mixed culture of fish and crabs can also be carried out, with a specification of 80 per mu, 120 crabs / kg, 2.5-3 public halls of crab breeds, and 10 Mel 15 kilograms of large fish fry. (3) raising green shrimps in rice fields: usually put 15,000 to 20,000 shrimp species of more than 1.5 cm in size per mu, or 0.3rel 0.5 kg of parent shrimp holding eggs, and appropriate release of a small amount of silver carp and bighead carp summer flower, in order to make full use of paddy water space and regulate water quality. 3. Scientific feeding management. The daily feeding amount should depend on the water temperature, water quality and season. Generally, the daily feeding amount accounts for 3% of the body weight of pond fish or 58% of the body weight of prawns and crabs. Feed once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon, and the type of bait to be fed is determined by the breed. River crab and green shrimp are omnivorous aquatic economic animals. Plant bait and animal bait all like to eat, especially animal bait, and have the habit of gluttony. Therefore, in the combination and overall planning of river crab and green shrimp bait, we should adhere to the principle of "combination of meat and vegetables and combination of fine breeding". While making full use of natural bait in rice fields, we should also feed more green fodder such as aquatic plants, vegetable leaves and pumpkins, supplemented with small miscellaneous fish, screws and other animal bait, so as to feed them scientifically to make them eat well and promote their growth. 4. Water quality control and management. The management of water level and water quality in fish culture rice field should not only serve the growth needs of fish, but also be subject to the dry, dry and wet environment required by rice growth. Therefore, the following points should be done well in water quality management: first, adjust the water level according to seasonal changes. At the beginning of the stocking in April and May, in order to improve the water temperature, the water depth in the ditch should be kept at 0.6 min 0.8 m. As the temperature rises and the fish grow up, the water depth can reach 1 meter in July, and the water level can be raised to the maximum in August and September. Second, adjust the water level according to the changes in weather and water quality. Usually from April to June, the water is changed every 15 murals every 20 days, and each time the water is changed. In the high temperature season from July to September, the water was changed twice a week, and each time was changed by 1 stroke. Later, with the decrease of the temperature, the times of changing water and the amount of water changed gradually decreased. The third is to regulate the water level according to the requirements of paddy field pest control. When the rice needs to dry the field, the water level can be lowered to the surface of the field, the drying time should be short, and the water level will be increased to the original water level at the end of the drying. If rice wants to spray to control pests, foliar spraying should be done as far as possible, and fresh water should be changed according to the situation to maintain a good ecological environment. 5. Daily management. The daily management of rice field culture requires strict seriousness and perseverance, visiting the fields once a day in the morning and evening, paying attention to check the changes of water level, the feeding activities of fish and the integrity of anti-escape facilities, etc. take corresponding technical measures in time when problems are found, and do a good job in disease prevention and control. Matters needing attention 1. When digging ditches in the construction of rice fields, fish ditches should be dug according to the current or east-west direction, so as to facilitate flood discharge, facilitate ventilation and light transmission in paddy fields, and increase rice yield. 2. Rice pest control drugs should be used properly, trichlorfon, dichlorvos and other pesticides should not be used, other low-toxic and high-efficiency pesticides should be used without harm to fish, spray method should be adopted, and water should be changed in time after medication. In recent years, the cultivation scale of low-lying dual-purpose fields in our province is getting larger and larger, and the momentum of development is good. The broad masses have successively created many planting and breeding models according to their respective conditions. Some are species-based, some are breeding-based, and some are the combination of planting and breeding, and the benefits of various models are different. The brief introduction of the two efficient planting and breeding models is as follows. The main results are as follows: (1) Technical points of two-crop planting model of lotus root and rice the model is to cultivate early-maturing lotus root in the first half of the year and late rice in the second half of the year. It has the advantage of two crops a year, which improves the utilization rate of land, takes into account both cropping and grain, has less investment and higher economic benefits. This model is suitable for dual-purpose farmland with high terrain and very round position, the tillage layer is about 30cm, and the county field is small. Key points of ① lotus root cultivation. The key to the cultivation of lotus root in this model is to select a good variety, and the key point is to promote early development by early management. Lotus varieties should choose early-maturing varieties in shallow lotus roots, Elian No. 1, etc., and avoid mid-and late-maturing varieties. Planting in late March, proper close planting, the amount of seed per mu 200kg and the amount of base fertilizer are twice as much as those of early rice. The management of lotus root field should grasp early and promote early development, the amount of topdressing fertilizer is basically the same as that of early rice, scientifically control the water level, and strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Lesser Heat can take tender lotus root before and after, before and after digging, yield fresh lotus root 1000kg per mu. Key points of planting ② late rice. Late rice should choose mid-maturing or early-maturing high-quality late hybrid varieties, according to Greater Heat before and after transplanting and variety characteristics requirements, timely sparse planting strong seeds, appropriately increase the amount of seeds used. The field of lotus root Fang fertilizes more, this stubble must not use more topdressing, in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insects and lodging, suitable for potash fertilizer. The yield of late rice is generally about 500kg. Economic benefits of ③. This model has a fresh lotus root yield of 1000kg per mu in the first half of the year, and the output value per mu is about 2000 yuan because of the high price in the early stage of listing. In the second half of the year, the yield of rice per mu is 500kg, with an output value of 620 yuan. The annual output value per mu can reach 2620 yuan, the general lotus root farmers will keep their own lotus root seeds, and the net income per mu is about 2000 yuan. The amount of fertilizer used in the lotus root field is relatively large, if the soil is not fertile enough, there must be an adequate source of fertilizer. At the same time, digging lotus root and early rice harvest encounter, labor is more concentrated, we should also pay attention to the sales market. (2) the mode of comprehensive culture of pearl and duck is to raise meat ducks near the field and raise fish in water; to cultivate plankton in duck manure and residue for feeding pearl clam and filter-feeding fish; the final products are pearl, meat duck and by-product fish. Its advantages are in the comprehensive cultivation of water and land, it has a stable fertilizer source, the feed is fully utilized in two levels, the output is large, and the economic benefit is remarkable, but the input is larger and the risk is also greater. This model is suitable for dual-purpose farmland with low topography and deep water level, and it can be operated for a long time. Main points of raising ① meat duck. The feeding conditions of ducklings (within 4 weeks of age) are higher, so they should be reared in a separate house, while he only keeps young ducks in captivity. Duck species can choose lean French muscovy duck or Beijing duck, but Beijing duck is a little fat. About 100 young ducks are raised in each mu of paddy field, and duck houses, duck beaches and water stores are built according to 8 / m2, 6 / m2 and 1 / m2 respectively. The best duck house is north to south, and if the water surface is large, the site will be sorted. The duck feed can use the formula feed sold in the market, or the mixed feed can be made according to the feeding standard of meat duck. Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of duck disease. Generally speaking, a batch of meat ducks can be given out every 3 months. Key points of ② pearl culture. Hyriopsis cumingii is selected for bead clam, and the variety is flaky nucleated pearl. Do a good job of pearl inoculation quality, and calculate the total hanging quantity of pearls according to 800 pearls per mu of water surface. Duck manure should be strongly fermented, and fresh manure should not be applied directly. The transparency of the pool water should be kept at 20~25cm, and it is required to be alive and cool. We should do a good job in the prevention of mussel disease. The cultivation of nucleated pearls is generally a production cycle of 1.5 years, and the average annual production of nucleated pearls is 2.6kg per mu of water. Key points of ③ by-product fish culture. In order to make full use of the water body, this model can raise a small number of fish, and the fish yield can be controlled at 100-150kg according to the water depth. Species are mainly subordinate eating fish, do not put in principle, depending on the situation to increase the artificial feed. The drugs used in dual-purpose fields and ponds should take into account both clams and fish, and all drugs that are sensitive to mussels should be used with caution. Economic benefits of ④. According to the calculation of 3 batches of meat ducks raised in dual-purpose fields and ponds every year, there are 300 meat ducks per mu of water, with an output value of about 8100 yuan. The average annual output value of nuclear pearl 2.6kg per mu of water surface is about 3300 yuan. The by-product fresh fish produces 125kg per mu, and the output value is about 800yuan. The total annual output value of the two aquaculture projects is 12200 yuan per mu of water. The net income is about 2900 yuan. (3) feeding management and disease control. The feeding management and disease control methods of aquaculture technical model in low-lying dual-purpose fields are the same as those of pond culture techniques, which are not described here.