
field tube Learn more about field tube

  • Grasp the spring tube technique of strawberry cultivation in the open field in the peak growing season in March

    Grasp the spring tube technique of strawberry cultivation in the open field in the peak growing season in March

    Grasp the spring tube technique of strawberry cultivation in the open field in the peak growing season in March

  • Industrialization Technology of Potato in Vitro

    Industrialization Technology of Potato in Vitro

    This achievement includes potato test-tube potato virus-free, rapid propagation. A series of industrial techniques for inducing microtubers to be planted in field. According to the basic theory and operation technology of biological engineering, combining with the physiological mechanism of tuber formation, the axillary buds of potato tube seedlings and tube seedling segments were induced to form tube tubers suitable for plant cultivation under suitable medium and culture conditions, thus achieving commercial production. Through proper induction technique and improvement of culture container, the productivity of test tube alarm per unit culture area was increased by 3~5 times, and the highest productivity per square meter per year was 2

  • Potato field tube method

    Potato field tube method

    Potato wet sand stratification method: potato germination is generally carried out about 30 to 40 days before sowing. Sprouting can be carried out in sunny beds, cold greenhouses, indoor, greenhouses and greenhouses. Yang bed to promote germination should be in the shelter from the wind to the sun, east-west to build a bed, generally a seedling bed depth of 0.4 to 0.5 meters, width of 1.3 meters, north to build a 0.5 meter high wind shield.

  • Four Reform measures of planting Ganoderma lucidum in bags

    Four Reform measures of planting Ganoderma lucidum in bags

    First, the culture medium changed sawdust into wood blocks. Ganoderma lucidum has a tough texture and needs to absorb a lot of lignin and cellulose in the process of growth. Using sawdust or cotton shell as the culture medium, due to the loose texture, the lignin in the matrix is easy to be decomposed by hyphae. If the use of wood blocks with coarse sawdust as the medium, the same volume contains more lignin, more gaps between wood blocks, good ventilation performance, conducive to the growth of Ganoderma lucidum, so high yield and high quality. Second, change indoor cultivation to field soil mulching cultivation. When Ganoderma lucidum is planted in indoor bags, the surface of the fungus tube is easy to form a layer.

  • Five key points of winter tube for growing wheat

    Five key points of winter tube for growing wheat

    To do a good job in the field management of winter wheat, we should focus on the following measures: first, we should strengthen the management of three types of seedlings. The three kinds of seedlings should seize the favorable opportunity of unfrozen before winter, give priority to management and promote root growth. It is necessary to hoe and loosen the soil in time to raise the ground temperature. For those with good soil moisture

    2020-11-08 Plant small Ophiopogon japonicus tube five key points do well winter wheat field
  • What are the key points of banana tissue culture seedling cultivation technology?

    What are the key points of banana tissue culture seedling cultivation technology?

    The test-tube seedlings usually have no diseases and insect pests, grow uniformly, and are easy to transport, which is conducive to the large-scale popularization of improved varieties. At present and in the future banana, banana powder, banana dragon tooth, even plantain widely used. But the test-tube seedling stage is tender and weak, the resistance is poor, susceptible to flower leaf heart rot and other diseases and insect pests, and easy to hurt or die seedlings when planted in bad weather.

  • The spring tube of wheat focuses on fertilizer and water.

    The spring tube of wheat focuses on fertilizer and water.

    It is common to crack down on hoes and rakes at the top. Rake or suppression can crush soil blocks, settle soil, increase soil moisture and preserve soil moisture, transfer deep water, and promote roots and tillers. Through suppression, capillaries in the soil are formed, and the deep soil moisture rises to the upper soil along the capillaries, which is beneficial to nourish the root growth. Hoe and rake in early spring.

  • Planting wheat and grasping spring tube according to the characteristics of late sowing wheat

    Planting wheat and grasping spring tube according to the characteristics of late sowing wheat

    Every year, the sowing time of some wheat fields is too late, and the characteristics of late sowing wheat are as follows: first, the tillering stage is short. Because of late sowing and seedling emergence, there is no tillering stage before winter, and the tillering stage in spring is generally less than 20 days, so there are fewer tillers per plant and fewer tiller roots, resulting in slow growth in spring.

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat according to late sowing characteristics catch spring tube every year there are always
  • Tips for increasing production of Lentinus edodes planted in spring

    Tips for increasing production of Lentinus edodes planted in spring

    Raise the temperature of Liu mushroom bed to create long mushroom conditions as the mushroom farm in early spring is still cold, it can be adjusted by natural temperature combined with artificial adjustment. The method is to cover the film tightly, increase the ground temperature, and dilute the sunshade on the shed surface on a sunny day, let the sun penetrate into the mushroom field, increase the heat source, increase the temperature of the mushroom bed, and keep the film cold at night. The temperature difference between day and night in early spring can promote the occurrence of mushroom buds. Beat the canister to promote the recovery of mycelium growth due to the cold climate in early spring, the mycelium is mostly dormant, no mushroom or rarely mushroom. Generally available racket

  • How to plant Ganoderma lucidum in bags?

    How to plant Ganoderma lucidum in bags?

    How to plant Ganoderma lucidum in bags? What are the technical points? Bag cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum need to pay attention to the following points: first, the culture medium to change sawdust into wood blocks. Ganoderma lucidum has a tough texture and needs to absorb a lot of lignin and cellulose in the process of growth. Using sawdust or cotton shell as culture medium, due to the loose texture, the lignin in the matrix is easy to be hyphae.

  • Strengthen the culture tube at the bud stage of cotton

    Strengthen the culture tube at the bud stage of cotton

    After transplanting cotton this year, there was continuous drought and little rain, the temperature was unstable, and the squatting time was long, which seriously affected the growth of cotton plants. in addition, aphids and red spiders occurred in a large number and seriously harmed, resulting in the emergence of secondary squatting seedlings, a small number of cotton seedlings with red stems to the top, and true leaves dry and shedding. Recently, Rain Water alleviated the drought, and the seedling condition began to transform. The interplanting of cotton had 7 or 9 true leaves and began to bud, and the cotton also began to grow after wheat (oil), but the overall seedling condition was not as good as in previous years. The bud stage is the most important period in cotton life, so we should focus on the following measures.

  • Management method of late rice at tillering stage affected by typhoon in southern China

    Management method of late rice at tillering stage affected by typhoon in southern China

    Management method of late rice at tillering stage affected by typhoon in southern China

  • Production Technology of buried Lentinus edodes

    Production Technology of buried Lentinus edodes

    The scope of this technology stipulates the management standard of planting Lentinus edodes on anti-seasonal cover land. This technique is suitable for planting Lentinus edodes in out-of-season land. 2. The choice of cultivation site 1. The cultivation site should be selected in the mountain ridge field with good ecological environment, fresh air, good water quality, unpolluted soil, no various pollution sources around 300 meters, east-west mountain, short light, and large temperature difference between day and night. The best source of water is mountain spring water or reservoir water, the terrain is relatively flat, drainage and irrigation is convenient, transportation is convenient. 2. Often hit by hail

  • What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust?

    What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust?

    What are the reasons for the occurrence and prevalence of peanut rust? Peanut rust is a fungal disease caused by peanut stalk rust. The summer spores are yellow, round or nearly round, with micro-thorns on the surface, and there is a germination hole on each side of the middle part of the summer spores. Most summer spores produce only one germinating tube, which forms appressorium at the top of the germ tube.

  • Summer tube technology of Duanmu Ganoderma lucidum

    Summer tube technology of Duanmu Ganoderma lucidum

    First, Ganoderma lucidum: mature fungi begin to form primordia about 10 seconds after covering the soil, because the light in the artificial shade is generally strong. The cross section of fungus is easy to form more primordia when stimulated by light. In order to improve the quality of Ganoderma lucidum, the excess primordium should be removed. There are only two sturdy primordia left in each section of fungus. If two primordia are left, the distance should be more than 15 cm. Otherwise, the cap will stick together due to crowding after differentiation, resulting in deformities and reducing the value of the commodity. Ganoderma lucidum can be removed directly by hand and covered with fine soil in the original place.

  • Autumn tube onion do not relax

    Autumn tube onion do not relax

    Summer to autumn, green onion growth into a vigorous stage. At this time, the main goal of management is to promote the rapid growth of leaves, leaf sheath (onion white) elongation, thickening, weight gain, roots robust and stable. The technical measures of field management can be summarized in four agricultural proverbs: first autumn tube onion do not relax, four fertilizer seven water successive attack, three hoe two cultivation row waterlogging, control three diseases and six insects. One, four fertilizer seven water attack four fertilizer refers to hair fertilizer (early August), mu application of high-quality decomposed fertilizer 2000 - 2500 kg, urea 10 kg or ammonium bicarbonate 20 - 25 kg

  • Ganoderma lucidum planting technology: is there any way to increase the yield of Ganoderma lucidum?

    Ganoderma lucidum planting technology: is there any way to increase the yield of Ganoderma lucidum?

    The output of planting Ganoderma lucidum has not come up, is there any way to increase the production of Ganoderma lucidum? It is hoped that the yield of Ganoderma lucidum under the guidance of friends is low, and the following methods can be used to increase production: first, change the sawdust into wood blocks of Ganoderma lucidum with hard and tough texture, which needs to absorb a lot of lignin and cellulose in the process of growth. With wood.

  • A new variety of Lycium barbarum "Ningqi No.1", a cloned plant, has been published.

    A new variety of Lycium barbarum

    The first high-tech private research institute in Ningxia has achieved remarkable economic benefits after the popularization and application of the new technology of non-test-tube efficient and rapid propagation of plants at home and abroad. At present, more than 10 million asexual plants have been bred in the nursery, such as the new variety of Chinese wolfberry "Ningqi No.1", and the applied production has reached more than 10,000 mu. After research, Li Changxiao, chairman of Ningxia Cologne Industrial Co., Ltd., director of Cologne Biological Engineering Development Institute and researcher Li Changxiao, has made a breakthrough in non-test-tube efficient and rapid propagation of plants. 80.

  • How do field snails reproduce?

    How do field snails reproduce?

    Field snails reproduce through eggs. The field snail is dioecious and hermaphroditic. It is an oviparous animal with a unique way of reproduction. The mature eggs meet and fertilize with sperm at the top of the fallopian tube, and the fertilized eggs undergo embryonic development in the womb of the female snail. Embryonic development of Oncomelania hupensis

    2020-11-11 Field snail how reproduction field snail pass egg offspring.
  • Out-of-season soil-covered bag planting technique of Lentinus edodes

    Out-of-season soil-covered bag planting technique of Lentinus edodes

    Soil-covered bag cultivation of Lentinus edodes is a new mode of Lentinus edodes cultivation. The Lentinus edodes cultivated in this model has the advantages of good mushroom shape, high yield, easy to produce mushrooms, time-saving and labor-saving. It is also a more advanced method in the cultivation of Lentinus edodes at present, especially the off-season soil-covered bag cultivation of Lentinus edodes to produce high-quality Lentinus edodes in summer and autumn, with high market price and good economic benefits. The technology has been tested and popularized in the north of Guangdong province, and the effect is good. The techniques of off-season soil-covered bag cultivation of Lentinus edodes are introduced as follows: first, the seasonal arrangement has the advantages of high temperature resistance, round mushroom, thick meat, thick mushroom stalk and high yield.
