
tube Learn more about tube

  • Prevention and treatment of Lentinus edodes tube changing color and not producing mushroom

    Prevention and treatment of Lentinus edodes tube changing color and not producing mushroom

    The main results are as follows: 1. the color change of mycelium of Lentinus edodes is not only the physiological process of mycelium development, but also the sign of mycelial physiological maturity. The suitable conditions for the color conversion of the bacterial tube are as follows: the temperature is 18 ℃ ~ 24 ℃, the air humidity is 80% to 85%, there is a certain degree of scattered light, and the ventilation is good. If the indoor temperature is more than 25 ℃ when changing color, and the high temperature lasts for a long time, it can cause the bacteria tube to secrete a large amount of yellow water and pigment, and then form a thick sauce skin. The thick skins formed can isolate the air, so that the hyphae can not get oxygen.

  • How to cultivate flowers in the tube, how to raise flowers in the tube to become a "sucking tree"

    How to cultivate flowers in the tube, how to raise flowers in the tube to become a

    Also known as the suction tree is our multi-meat tube flower moon, there is always such a fresh literary name must be multi-meat nature is not simple oh. It is a succulent plant of the genus Chrysosaur in the family Crassulaceae, originally native to South Africa. The following small series will introduce you to the breeding knowledge of the flower moon in the tube

  • Insert esophagus or trachea to inject drugs into pigs and be careful.

    Insert esophagus or trachea to inject drugs into pigs and be careful.

    Pigs often lose their appetite and even do not eat when they get sick, which makes it difficult for artificial forced drug administration. So, how can we solve this problem? First of all, hold the sick pig and make it stand or lie on its back. Then, use the mouth opener to pry open the pig's mouth and quickly insert the gastric tube into the esophagus along the tongue surface through the root of the tongue. When the position of the inserted gastric tube is correct, the pre-dissolved drug can be injected, and then a small amount of gas is filled into the tube after filling, so that the drug in the gastric tube is emptied. Finally, pull out the stomach tube quickly. Special attention is required.

  • Technical regulation for production of edible bacteria

    Technical regulation for production of edible bacteria

    Edible strains refer to artificially cultured pure mycelium of edible fungi, which are usually divided into mother species, original species and cultivated species. Mother species are pure mycelia identified as valuable for production through strict screening. The mother seed is cultured with test tube slant medium, which is also called test tube species or first-class species. The mother seed is propagated and transferred to sawdust or grain culture medium to obtain the strain, which is called the original seed or secondary species. The culture container is mostly a can bottle or a strain bottle. The strain propagated from the original seed is called cultivated species or tertiary species, which can be directly used for production and cultivation. 1. Preparation of mother seed 1. Preparation of mother seed

  • Seven methods for the storage of edible fungi and notes on the introduction of edible fungi

    Seven methods for the storage of edible fungi and notes on the introduction of edible fungi

    Seven methods for Storage of Edible Fungi

  • Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

    Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

    Seven simple and feasible preservation methods of edible bacteria

  • Preservation of Edible Fungi

    Preservation of Edible Fungi

    1. Distilled water method. It is suitable for Pleurotus ostreatus, Flammulina velutipes and Lentinus edodes. 1. Preserve Pleurotus ostreatus and Flammulina velutipes. After 80% of the bacteria to be preserved in the test tube were transferred into the inoculation box for sterilization, the medicinal syringe was injected with steamed water from the test tube plug to submerge the culture medium to 2 cm at the mouth of the tube. The mouth of the tube is sealed with mineral wax and stored in a cool place at room temperature for 1 to 1.5 years. two。 Preserve Lentinus edodes and fungus strains. A 150x15mm finger tube will be used to culture medium well's solid or

  • The latest culture method of long tube flower, how to grow bulb

    The latest culture method of long tube flower, how to grow bulb

    First, long tube flower culture method 1, sunshine: long tube flower is more like the sun, when raising it, it should be put in a place with relatively good light conditions to raise. During the growing season, direct light can be given to it. But in summer, you should enter

    2020-11-10 The latest long tube flower culture method bulb how plant one
  • Tube leaf flower moon

    Tube leaf flower moon

    Tube leaf Huayue is a kind of succulent plant with small shape and peculiar leaf shape, which is very suitable for ornamental breeding. Aquaculture tube leaves Huayue, generally potted indoor culture, when the light is sufficient, the leaves show red.

  • The Culture method of succulent Plant Tube Leaf Huayue Cuttage points for attention

    The Culture method of succulent Plant Tube Leaf Huayue Cuttage points for attention

    The shape of the tube leaf flower moon is different from the general succulent, its leaves are cylindrical, generally green, and some will appear a circle of red at the top of the leaves, which looks very chic. Many people don't know how to get in when they are succulent in the middle tube.

    2020-11-08 Succulent plant tube leaf flower leaf culture method cuttage
  • Propagation technique of virus-free test-tube plantlets of potato

    Propagation technique of virus-free test-tube plantlets of potato

    Potato is the fifth largest crop in Heilongjiang Province, only after rice, wheat, corn and soybeans. it can be used as food, vegetables, industrial raw materials and other crops. Potato is still a new industry in Heilongjiang Province, with a history of only more than 20 years. The formation and development of this industry is accompanied by the research and development of potato detoxification technology. Through the smooth implementation of the poverty alleviation and development project of "joint construction of courtyards and counties" and under the guidance of experts and professors of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huachuan County has established Sujiadian Town and Lifeng Township.

  • How to give medicine to sick pigs

    How to give medicine to sick pigs

    In the process of pig production, we often encounter such a problem: after suffering from disease, pigs often lose their appetite, or even do not eat, which brings difficulties to sick pigs to take drugs internally. So, how to solve this problem, the method is to carry out artificial forced infusion. The technique of giving medicine to diseased pigs is introduced: standing or recumbent Baoding, the head is fixed so that it can not move freely, the pig mouth is pried open with a mouth opener, and the stomach tube is quickly inserted into the esophagus from the tongue through the root of the tongue. When it is determined

  • Preservation Technology of Edible Fungi

    Preservation Technology of Edible Fungi

    Strain is not only the main biological resources, but also the primary means of production for the production of edible fungi. After a good strain has been selected and bred, its excellent characters must be kept unchanged or changed slowly as little as possible, so that the production performance will not be reduced and can be used in production for a long time. Therefore, the preservation of strains is of great significance in the production of edible fungi. First, the principle of strain preservation there are many methods of strain preservation, but the principle is more or less the same. First of all, good purebred should be selected. The use of spores, spores and nutrients of microorganisms; secondly, according to their physiology and biochemistry

  • What are the breeding methods and precautions of the tube leaf flower month?

    What are the breeding methods and precautions of the tube leaf flower month?

    The tube-leaf flower moon, also known as the suction tree, horseshoe horn, horseshoe red, Yushu roll, is a fleshy plant mainly based on viewing leaves, deeply loved by people. Its leaves are green and evergreen all the year round. It is mostly used as decorations for offices, rooms and balconies. A small amount is also used to make meat.

    2020-11-09 tube leaf flower month of culture method and precautions what
  • Actual patting of orchid pots made from waste

    Actual patting of orchid pots made from waste

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread orchid knowledge 1, pick up two pieces of waste bamboo, take into three short sections. 2, the enlarged cavity of bamboo tube 3, the upper cavity of bamboo tube with drainage hole 4, the middle cavity of bamboo tube with plant growth eye 5, the middle cavity of bamboo tube with drainage hole 6, press on the bamboo tube.

  • How to grow long tube flowers, how to plant bulbs

    How to grow long tube flowers, how to plant bulbs

    How to grow long tube flowers, how to plant bulbs

  • Storage method of edible fungus strain and mastery of topdressing method of edible fungus

    Storage method of edible fungus strain and mastery of topdressing method of edible fungus

    Storage methods of Edible Fungi

  • Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of edible fungi, storage of edible fungi

    Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of edible fungi, storage of edible fungi

    Storage of edible fungi

  • Main points of inoculation technology of edible fungi

    Main points of inoculation technology of edible fungi

    Inoculation is one of the key links in the production of edible fungi. If the inoculation technology of female fungi is not up to standard, it will cause contamination of miscellaneous fungi, and the survival rate is low and all previous efforts are wasted, let alone cultivation. Whether it is strain isolation, passage or propagation, it must be carried out under aseptic conditions in strict accordance with aseptic operating procedures. The specific points are as follows: 1. Personnel quality 1.1 Vaccination personnel should have the spirit of seriousness, meticulous, self-consciousness and responsibility for the cause. 1.2 Inoculators should firmly establish the concept of sterility and should not be lucky.

  • The key technology of Lentinus edodes tube safe oversummer

    The key technology of Lentinus edodes tube safe oversummer

    First, choose a suitable place for summer. Can choose the bungalow of civil structure, auditorium, warehouse, also can build shady shed outdoors to spend the summer. Indoor requirements clean, cool, air convection, no direct sunlight, outdoor shady shed over the summer requirements of each border and around the open ditch, cover the film to protect against rain on rainy days. Second, the scientific placement of bacteria.
