
Strengthen the culture tube at the bud stage of cotton

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, After transplanting cotton this year, there was continuous drought and little rain, the temperature was unstable, and the squatting time was long, which seriously affected the growth of cotton plants. in addition, aphids and red spiders occurred in a large number and seriously harmed, resulting in the emergence of secondary squatting seedlings, a small number of cotton seedlings with red stems to the top, and true leaves dry and shedding. Recently, Rain Water alleviated the drought, and the seedling condition began to transform. The interplanting of cotton had 7 or 9 true leaves and began to bud, and the cotton also began to grow after wheat (oil), but the overall seedling condition was not as good as in previous years. The bud stage is the most important period in cotton life, so we should focus on the following measures.

After transplanting cotton this year, there was continuous drought and little rain, the temperature was unstable, and the squatting time was long, which seriously affected the growth of cotton plants. in addition, aphids and red spiders occurred in a large number and seriously harmed, resulting in the emergence of secondary squatting seedlings, a small number of cotton seedlings with red stems to the top, and true leaves dry and shedding. Recently, Rain Water alleviated the drought, and the seedling condition began to transform. The interplanting of cotton had 7 or 9 true leaves and began to bud, and the cotton also began to grow after wheat (oil), but the overall seedling condition was not as good as in previous years. The bud stage is the most important period in cotton life, so we should focus on the following cultivation and management measures.

The matching ditch system has many rainy days and heavy rainfall during the Meiyu period, which is easy to cause stagnant water, waterlogging and dark stains in the cotton field. The "three ditches" inside and outside the cotton field should be excavated and dredged to drain and reduce the stains so as to promote root growth.

Strengthening the cultivation tube rainfall is easy to cause soil consolidation, cotton seedling root yellowing, water soaking and stiff seedlings. After rainfall, the cultivation pipe of cotton field should be strengthened, the soil should be loosened comprehensively, the ditch should be cleared and the soil moisture should be adjusted to promote the growth of cotton seedlings.

The stable application of bud fertilizer is also called hair fertilizer, which is mainly used for the setting up of late and thin cotton seedlings and the balanced supply of nutrients for normal growth cotton seedlings. Generally, 20 kg of special compound fertilizer, 20 kg of potassium chloride and 200 kg of mature organic fertilizer are applied per mu. Special attention should be paid to the application of potash fertilizer to meet the demand of flowering and boll setting in the middle and later stage of cotton growth.

Looking at the seedlings to promote and control the weak growth, the stiff seedlings can adopt the method of "spraying up and chasing down" to promote the establishment of trees, that is, on the basis of soil fertilization, combined with spraying foliar fertilizer for insect control. Because most of the cotton seedlings are thin and weak in the early stage, chemical control is not necessary at present. after Tianqing cotton seedlings are transferred to normal growth, some cotton fields with prosperous growth, larger leaves and small red stem ratio (with 3-4 fruit branches and plant height of more than 35 cm) are sprayed with methylphenidate. Most of the local cotton fields have low transplanting density. In order to give full play to the advantages of individual growth and promote the growth of vegetative branches, chemical control of cotton seedlings with normal bud growth is not advocated.

Select vegetative branches as early as 1 and 2 dominant vegetative branches extending between rows in order to increase the number of bolls per plant. The principle of keeping big to small, high to low, and extending to the rows to the plants was adopted in the selection of vegetative branches. When there were 4 or 5 secondary fruit branches on the vegetative branches, the top was removed (around July 20).

The excessive control of diseases and insect pests by Rain Water often aggravates the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in cotton fields. We should grasp the appropriate time for prevention and control, make good use of the right insecticides, and control pests such as the blind Toona sinensis in a timely manner. Verticillium wilt is easy to occur after the sharp turn of drought and waterlogging, so we should strengthen the cultivation pipe in cotton field and use medicine in time to control and pull out the diseased plant. (contributions from planting stations in Rudong County)