
emphysema Learn more about emphysema

  • The origin and manifestation of multiple types of emphysema

    The origin and manifestation of multiple types of emphysema

    When it comes to emphysema, people are familiar with it, but most of them don't know why. In other words, people do not understand how many types of emphysema there are, and it is even more difficult to tell the performance of different types of emphysema. There are about six types of emphysema.

  • The harm of emphysema in the onset of the disease

    The harm of emphysema in the onset of the disease

    Most people will think that emphysema only develops from obstructive pulmonary diseases such as tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis, but it is not. The incidence of emphysema is actually related to sleep, digestive system, cardiovascular disease, organ failure, such as long.

  • Spring is the season of onset, which can be secondary emphysema

    Spring is the season of onset, which can be secondary emphysema

    Beijing and many areas in the north, last winter without snow, until recently, warm spring flowers suddenly change the climate, cold wind, rain and snow, lasting for many days. Weak constitution, sub-health, old and young groups, etc. are prone to colds, calls...

  • Various pathological manifestations of emphysema

    Various pathological manifestations of emphysema

    Emphysema is one of the more serious secondary lung diseases, because of the different sources of the disease, the pathological manifestations will be different or very different. There are inflammatory pathological reactions such as repeated infection and chronic bronchitis on the pathogen.

  • Several chronic diseases of emphysema pathogen

    Several chronic diseases of emphysema pathogen

    Explain the causes of emphysema is sputum obstruction and carbon dioxide gas retention, so it is difficult for ordinary people to understand and take positive measures to prevent. In fact, we should start from the diseases that easily cause cor pulmonale to let people understand.

  • Prevention and treatment of emphysema gangrene in farmed dairy cows

    Prevention and treatment of emphysema gangrene in farmed dairy cows

    Emphysema gangrene, commonly known as black leg disease, is an acute septic infectious disease of cattle, characterized by black gas swelling in the plump part of the muscle (especially in the thigh). It is also called black leg disease and gangrene. The pathogen is Rhizoctonia emphysematosus.

    2020-11-08 Breeding dairy cows emphysema gangrene disease prevention commonly known as
  • Patients with emphysema are most suitable for horizontal breathing exercises.

    Patients with emphysema are most suitable for horizontal breathing exercises.

    In severe periods such as emphysema, cor pulmonale and chronic bronchitis, patients may need bed rest and self-cultivation, and many fitness and exercises that contribute to recovery can only be sighed. And horizontal breathing exercises, exercise for these diseases.

  • Classification and staging of COPD

    Classification and staging of COPD

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the abbreviation of chronic obstructive pneumonia. generally, people are easy to be associated with or confused with chronic bronchitis. In fact, there are two series of COPD, one is chronic bronchitis and the other is emphysema.

  • Yang Daowen: it is necessary to recognize the harmfulness of pulmonary vesicles and pay close attention to treatment.

    Yang Daowen: it is necessary to recognize the harmfulness of pulmonary vesicles and pay close attention to treatment.

    If we say emphysema, it may be well known, but when it comes to pulmonary vesicles, not many people know about it. In fact, it is bullous emphysema, also called pulmonary bullae. Emphysema, some people think it is very heavy, others do not think so, if you know.

  • What serious diseases can bronchial asthma complicate?

    What serious diseases can bronchial asthma complicate?

    Bronchial asthma, hereditary constitution, but also acquired disease, but if we do not pay attention to timely treatment and complete cure, will be complicated with serious diseases, and even sudden death. Asthma is also a common point that people don't pay attention to.

  • The characteristics of three types of pulmonary vesicles

    The characteristics of three types of pulmonary vesicles

    Pulmonary vesicles can be divided into three types, although their sources may be different, but the disease degree of type II is deeper than that of type I, and type III is deeper than type II. Therefore, from the clinical manifestations, the more serious the symptoms, the larger the type of disease, some pulmonary vesicles can also be.

  • Polymorphic disease caused by pulmonary bullae

    Polymorphic disease caused by pulmonary bullae

    Pulmonary bullae are a new term for many people, and are not easily associated with pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, pulmonary abscess, etc. In fact, these diseases are the pathogens of pulmonary bullae, and there is a category of idiopathic pulmonary bullae. These bullae...

  • Shadow of pneumoconiosis in complications

    Shadow of pneumoconiosis in complications

    The symptoms of pneumoconiosis are generally dyspnea, expectoration, chronic cough, wheezing, chest tightness, etc. These symptoms are generally not serious and are easy to be ignored by people, and they are easy to be complicated with pneumothorax, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

  • The correlation between chest pain and lung disease is not strong.

    The correlation between chest pain and lung disease is not strong.

    The occurrence of pneumothorax, hemothorax, emphysema and other lung diseases, most will have chest pain. However, among the diseases of the viscera of the whole body, the correlation between chest pain and lung disease is not high. Because in European and American studies, what shows is.

  • Beware of pneumoconiosis complications quickly

    Beware of pneumoconiosis complications quickly

    People who are prone to pneumoconiosis do not have special interference such as dust in their work or living environment. In ordinary times, they mainly smoke indirectly or directly, and smoke or be smoked indirectly. Their frequency and concentration are quite large.

  • Can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When will you plant and harvest? How to eat to fight cancer?

    Can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When will you plant and harvest? How to eat to fight cancer?

    Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, sweet potato, red potato, sweet potato, kudzu, golden potato, radish, sweet potato, annual herbs, which are grown all over China. So can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When to plant and harvest

    2020-11-09 If sweet potato sprouting but also can eat yes what efficacy and
  • Three series of diseases can cause cor pulmonale

    Three series of diseases can cause cor pulmonale

    Cor pulmonale is commonly known as cor pulmonale, and it is widely known to be a serious disease, so many people are also afraid of cor pulmonale. Then it is necessary to clearly understand that there are three series of diseases that can cause cor pulmonale. First, bronchial and lung diseases.

  • What is the difference between viral bronchitis and ordinary chronic bronchitis

    What is the difference between viral bronchitis and ordinary chronic bronchitis

    People may be familiar with chronic bronchitis and chronic bronchitis, but they know little about viral bronchitis, and it is easy to be confused with chronic bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. In fact, viral bronchitis is only one of bronchitis.

  • Pneumothorax and various infections in the development of pulmonary vesicles

    Pneumothorax and various infections in the development of pulmonary vesicles

    Pulmonary vesicles will develop from emphysema, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis, and new symptoms will be formed in the continuous development, such as spontaneous hemopneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, spontaneous pneumothorax, tension hemothorax, and secondary pneumothorax.

  • Aplastic anemia is the same as deficiency of fatigue and blood deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine

    Aplastic anemia is the same as deficiency of fatigue and blood deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine

    In patients with aplastic anemia in western medicine, there are manifestations of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, other pulmonary and thoracic diseases or pulmonary vascular diseases, pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy or right ventricular insufficiency. This and traditional Chinese medicine will be chronic aplastic anemia listed as "deficiency.
