
Can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When will you plant and harvest? How to eat to fight cancer?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, sweet potato, red potato, sweet potato, kudzu, golden potato, radish, sweet potato, annual herbs, which are grown all over China. So can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When to plant and harvest

Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, sweet potato, red potato, sweet potato, kudzu, golden potato, radish, sweet potato, annual herbs, which are grown all over China. So can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout? What is the effect and effect? When will you plant and harvest? How to eat to fight cancer?

Can you still eat sweet potatoes if they sprout?

Sweet potato sprouting will not produce ingredients that are harmful to the human body like potatoes. As long as the buds on sweet potatoes are removed, they can be eaten, let alone the legendary symptoms of poisoning. However, it should be noted that after sprouting, sweet potatoes not only taste bad, but also lose their edible value due to the massive loss of nutrition and water. As for the saying that eating sprouted sweet potatoes will be poisoned, there is no basis, it is also unscientific, and it is purely a misunderstanding in life.

What is the effect and function of sweet potato?


1. Efficacy of medicinal properties:

Sweet potato root has active ingredients, such as anti-cancer, heart protection, prevention of emphysema, diabetes, weight loss, beauty and other functions, known as "longevity food".

Sweet potato contains unique bioflavonoids, which can promote smooth defecation, effectively inhibit the occurrence of breast and colon cancer, improve the function of digestive organs, nourish liver and kidney, and effectively treat hepatitis and jaundice.

Sweet potato has high protein quality, which can make up for the lack of nutrition in rice and white noodles. Regular consumption can improve the utilization rate of nutrients in staple food, make people healthy and prolong life.

Sweet potato is rich in dietary fiber, which has the special function of preventing sugar from turning into fat; it can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation, used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissure, and also plays a certain role in preventing rectal and colon cancer.

Sweet potato has a special protective effect on human organ mucosa, which can inhibit cholesterol deposition, maintain vascular elasticity, prevent connective tissue atrophy in liver and kidney, and prevent the occurrence of collagen disease.

2. For external use:

Potato application to treat sores, leaf juice to treat eczema, rattan application to treat snake and dog bites, tender potato seedling leaves, water spinach tender leaves, brown sugar to apply navel, nephritis edema and cirrhotic ascites all have a certain effect. Brazilian sweet potato Simon1 is the most effective variety in clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine, with difficult cases such as cancer and type 17 diabetes.


1. Anti-cancer:

Scientists have found that sweet potatoes contain a chemical called hydroepiandrosterone, which can be used to prevent colon and breast cancer. The most anticancer nutrients in diet are β-carotene (vitamin A precursor), vitamin C and folic acid, all of which are rich in sweet potatoes.

A small sweet potato (about 2 pairs) can provide 2 times the amount of vitamin A, one-third of the daily vitamin C and about 50 micrograms of folic acid; the content of dietary fiber is higher than that of a bowl of oatmeal. Eating sweet potatoes regularly helps maintain normal folic acid levels in the body, and low folic acid levels in the body can increase the risk of cancer. The high content of dietary fiber in sweet potato can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation and colorectal cancer.

2. Good for the heart

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, all of which help prevent cardiovascular disease. Potassium helps balance fluid and electrolytes in human cells, maintaining normal blood pressure and heart function.

β-carotene and vitamin C have the effects of anti-lipid oxidation and preventing atherosclerosis. Folic acid and vitamin B6 supplementation help reduce blood homocysteine levels, which can damage arteries and are independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

3. Prevention of emphysema

Why some long-term smokers live to be over 90 years old without emphysema may be related to the high content of vitamin An in their diet. The researchers advise smokers or passive smokers to eat foods rich in vitamin A such as sweet potatoes every day to prevent emphysema.

4. Antidiabetic effect.

Japanese researchers found that blood insulin levels of diabetic obese rats decreased by 26% and 60% respectively after eating white-skinned sweet potatoes for 4 and 6 weeks, respectively, and found that sweet potatoes could effectively inhibit the increase of blood sugar levels after oral glucose in diabetic obese rats. eating sweet potatoes can also reduce the levels of triglycerides and free fatty acids in diabetic rats.

The study suggests that white-skinned sweet potato has a certain anti-diabetic effect. A clinical study at the University of Vienna in Austria found that patients with type 2 diabetes improved their insulin sensitivity after taking white-skinned sweet potato extract, which helps to control blood sugar.

When will sweet potatoes be planted and harvested?

The main results are as follows: 1. Sweet potato is cut from mid-late April to early and mid-May. The temperature needed for sweet potato growth is more than 15 degrees when the local average temperature is stable, and it is more suitable when the ground temperature in the shallow soil layer is 17-18 degrees. To prevent slow seedling growth or serious lack of plants.

2. Generally speaking, sweet potatoes will be harvested in October. If they are planted in May, then the best harvest time is late September or early October. If they are planted in June, then the best harvest time should be around late October, which should be judged according to the planting time in different regions, but generally speaking, October is the best time for sweet potato harvest. Search

When the ground temperature is about 18 ℃, the weight of sweet potato increases little; when the ground temperature is about 15 ℃, the sweet potato stops expanding; when the ground temperature is below 9 ℃ for a long time, chilling injury will occur. Therefore, sweet potatoes are generally harvested when the ground temperature is 18 ℃ and finished before dry frost.

Spring sweet potatoes for dry cutting or winter wheat for stubble are generally harvested in front of Cold Dew; summer sweet potatoes for seed use are harvested in front of Frosts Descent; sweet potatoes for storage and consumption are harvested later, but they must be harvested before the frost.

How to eat sweet potato to fight cancer?

1. Sweet potatoes are best eaten at noon, because the calcium contained in sweet potatoes needs to be absorbed in the human body for 4-5 hours. After eating sweet potatoes at noon, the sun in the afternoon can promote the absorption of calcium, which will not affect the absorption of calcium in other foods during dinner. Eat sweet potatoes at night, too much sugar, the body can not be absorbed for a while, but also easy to produce flatulence.

2. Don't eat with sweets. Sweet potato itself is high in carbohydrates and has a certain degree of sweetness. if eaten together with sweets, it will increase the possibility of gastroesophageal reflux.

3. Don't eat roasted sweet potatoes with skins. Sweet potato skin contains more alkaloids, eating too much will lead to gastrointestinal discomfort. Experts suggest that it is best not to eat roasted sweet potatoes with skin, because sweet potatoes contaminated by black spot bacteria are not easy to identify after baking, so sweet potatoes with black spots or burnt sweet potatoes should not be eaten, which may cause poisoning. Sweet potatoes baked with coal will produce a lot of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide when roasted, and eating too much is also bad for health.

4. Don't eat on an empty stomach. Sweet potato has a high sugar content, eating on an empty stomach will produce a lot of stomach acid, when too much stomach acid will stimulate the gastric mucosa and cause acid return, making people feel heartburn. Sweet potatoes also contain a kind of oxidase, which produces a lot of carbon dioxide gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which can easily cause symptoms such as stomach distension and hiccups. In addition, sweet potatoes should not be eaten raw, because the cell membrane of starch in raw sweet potatoes is not damaged by high temperature and is difficult to digest in the human body. In addition, sweet potato had better be mixed with rice and white noodles, which can improve the nutritional value of staple food. Sweet potato is called by experts as the most nutritionally balanced health food, as long as eating the right method can make people live longer and have less disease.