
early sunny Learn more about early sunny

  • Hangzhou sunny Xihu Longjing Tea picked 10 days early

    Hangzhou sunny Xihu Longjing Tea picked 10 days early

    Hangzhou sunny Xihu Longjing Tea picked 10 days early

  • The succulent plants on the sunny little windowsill began to be colored

    The succulent plants on the sunny little windowsill began to be colored

    Thank you for the yunyun223 material. The sun came out early in the morning when the weather was fine. Take a few pictures before you go to work while the light is good. The weather is fine today and the sun has come out early in the morning. Take some pictures before you go to work while the light is good! Today.

  • Cultivation techniques of all kinds of cabbage

    Cultivation techniques of all kinds of cabbage

    Cultivation techniques of all kinds of cabbage

  • The planting time of Wutan vegetable is different in different areas.

    The planting time of Wutan vegetable is different in different areas.

    If planted in North China, direct sowing can be carried out from early May to early June, from mid-late August to early September, or from early September to early September, and transplanted to sunny beds in late October; if planted in cold areas in the north, every

    2020-11-08 Wutang vegetables planting time different regions sowing there are differences
  • Technical Guidance and Protection of Early Rice Breeding and Transplanting in South China

    Technical Guidance and Protection of Early Rice Breeding and Transplanting in South China

    Technical Guidance and Protection of Early Rice Breeding and Transplanting in South China

  • Matters needing attention in sowing Xiaoli

    Matters needing attention in sowing Xiaoli

    1. Soil Xiaoli flower pot planting chooses loose, fertile, good drainage sandy soil, should not use clayey soil. two。 Temperature Xiaoli tenacious vitality, summer high temperature can also grow normally, but it is best to keep the temperature at 15-20 ℃, more conducive to seed germination. 3. Watering seeds should be watered in time after sowing

  • How to raise primrose culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise primrose culture methods and matters needing attention

    Primrose is a highly ornamental flower plant, the flower is common in the yellow flowers, because it blooms in the spring, so the name. Primrose used to be common in the wild, but now many people have begun to raise it. But before breeding,

    2020-11-08 Primrose how to raise breed method and matters needing attention
  • What should I pay attention to in spring?

    What should I pay attention to in spring?

    Winter is better than spring difficulty is the experience of flower experts talk. How to make potted flowers safe in spring? (1) Avoid cold air. Potted flowers in the indoor after a long winter, -to early spring people often like to open the front and rear doors and windows, when the cold wind directly attacked the flowers, so that the original tropical high-temperature flowers

  • Maintenance skills of primrose bonsai

    Maintenance skills of primrose bonsai

    Primrose likes light, drought and cold resistance, and its requirements for soil are not strict. Neutral sandy loam with good drainage is suitable, and slightly acidic soil or light saline-alkali soil can also adapt. I can't stand stagnant water. Primrose bonsai can be mixed with rotten leaf soil and loam.

  • Peppermint planting technology: how to harvest mint?

    Peppermint planting technology: how to harvest mint?

    How do you harvest mint? Please introduce peppermint in detail to harvest twice a year. The first time is from late June to early July, but no later than mid-July, otherwise the second yield will be affected. The second time was at the flowering stage in early October. When harvesting, choose sunny days after 10:00 to 4 p.m., from 12:00 to 2 p.m.

  • Early ripening cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Early ripening cultivation techniques of eggplant in greenhouse

    Seed selection and seedling cultivation: eggplant varieties with early maturity, high yield, disease resistance and high quality should be selected for eggplant cultivation in early spring. Such as Zhoukou crooked rough, Xinxiang rough green eggplant. These two varieties generally have 7 leaves and are suitable for close planting. The seedlings are raised by hot wire in the greenhouse. The seedlings are 90-100 days old and have 7-8 leaves. They are best planted in big buds. Miao.

  • Cultivation and culture methods of echinacea

    Cultivation and culture methods of echinacea

    Echinacea is an open-field perennial flower that grows well in the north, with a florescence from May to October. Like warm and sunny, although suitable for fertile soil, but also resistant to thin, semi-overcast, afraid of stagnant water and drying early, and good resistance. Strong growth, strong adaptability and strong resistance. The florescence is long and the ornamental value is high. It is best to spend the winter indoors in winter.

  • How to prolong the flowering period of Calendula

    How to prolong the flowering period of Calendula

    How to prolong the flowering period of Calendula

  • Winter red fruit potted cultivation method can eat it

    Winter red fruit potted cultivation method can eat it

    Winter red fruit can now be potted culture, but many people find that potted culture winter red fruit is always not good, how can this be done? What is the potted cultivation method of winter red fruit? Can I eat red fruits in winter? Winter red fruit potted culture method: winter red fruit hi sunny and cool dry environment, cold resistance

  • What are the conditions for more blossoms of evening primrose?

    What are the conditions for more blossoms of evening primrose?

    Evening primrose, also known as evening primrose, has large yellow flowers, and it can blossom up to 20 on each branch. Generally open at dusk, golden in color, fragrant and generous, gradually turn red in the early morning of the next day, and fade gradually after sunrise. Without manual intervention, the florescence is from June to September.

  • The "three fears and four demands" of five-needle pine bonsai


    Through the cultivation of five-needle pine over the years

  • Planting conditions and Management techniques of Calendula

    Planting conditions and Management techniques of Calendula

    Calendula, also known as everlasting chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, marigold, etc., is an herbaceous flower of the genus Calendula of Compositae, native to Europe. It was introduced into China from abroad after the 18th century. After the 1980s, with the introduction of double petals, large flowers and dwarf calendula.

  • High-yielding cultivation of Potato in Spring in the second cropping area

    High-yielding cultivation of Potato in Spring in the second cropping area

    1. The second season of high-quality virus-free seed potato is selected as the area, and the time suitable for potato growth in spring is relatively short (60-70 days). Early-maturing and virus-free varieties with short dormancy period, early tuber setting, rapid expansion, strong stress resistance, high quality and high yield must be selected, such as Yu Potato No.1 and No.2, Fewurita and so on. The seed consumption is 120 kg per mu. Second, cut into pieces early and sprout early. Warm the seed and cut into pieces. Before slicing, the seed potato was treated with warm seeds in the room or in the sunny bed at a temperature of 12: 15 ℃ for 5-7 days to promote the seed potato to break dormancy and promote bud eye germination. Before sowing 2

  • The fruit of litchi and longan should be preserved early.

    The fruit of litchi and longan should be preserved early.

    Litchi downy blight mainly harms the flower ear and fruit, causing the flower ear to dry, the young fruit to fall off, and the mature fruit to rot and deteriorate. After the temperature rises in early spring, it first infects the flower ear, and then infects the young fruit and ripe fruit. If the occurrence and infection of the disease cannot be controlled before flowering, it will suffer on young and mature fruits.

  • How to raise money wood well?

    How to raise money wood well?

    How to raise money wood well?
