
Matters needing attention in sowing Xiaoli

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Soil Xiaoli flower pot planting chooses loose, fertile, good drainage sandy soil, should not use clayey soil. two。 Temperature Xiaoli tenacious vitality, summer high temperature can also grow normally, but it is best to keep the temperature at 15-20 ℃, more conducive to seed germination. 3. Watering seeds should be watered in time after sowing

1. Soil

Xiaoli flowerpot plants choose loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil, not clayey soil.

two。 Temperature

Xiaoli has strong vitality and can grow normally at high temperature in summer, but it is better to keep the temperature at 15-20 ℃, which is more conducive to seed germination.

3. Watering

After sowing, the seeds should be watered in time and thoroughly to keep the soil moist and increase sufficient moisture for seed germination.

4. Light

Xiaoli likes the cool environment, but also likes the sun, and needs some light after sowing, which is more conducive to the growth of seedlings.

Xiaoli seed sowing method to introduce so much to you, I hope it can be helpful to you.

The Culture method of Xiaoli Flower matters needing attention in cultivating Xiaoli Flower

Xiao Lihua, I believe that friends who have been to Yunnan have seen this kind of flower, this kind of flower is the most common in Yunnan, so, how is Xiaoli cultivated? What are the matters needing attention in the process of breeding? If you also have these questions, then follow the editor of Fuwo Decoration Network to take a look. Matters needing attention in cultivating Xiaoli:

Fertilizer and water management:

There is not much demand for fertilizer and water, and they are afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the fertilization (water) principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less fertilizer, more times, and complete nutrition": (1) Spring and autumn: these two seasons are the peak seasons for its growth. Fertilizer and water management follows the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water (at least twice a week). The interval period is about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance, shorter intervals during sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy days or low temperatures. Keep it indoors for 2-6 days, with shorter intervals during sunny or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy or low temperatures. Summer is a season of slow growth, so it is necessary to properly control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management cycle according to the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, the interval period is about 1-4 days of outdoor maintenance, and the interval period is shorter during sunny days or high temperature periods. The interval period is longer or not watered during rainy or low temperature days; in indoor maintenance for 2-6 days, the interval period is shorter in sunny days or high temperature periods, and longer or unwatered in rainy days or low temperature periods. Water it in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and spray the plants frequently. Watering time should be arranged as early as possible when the temperature is low in the morning. (2) during the dormant period in winter, the main purpose of fertilizer and water control is to control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates according to the order of "Hua Bao"-clear water-"Hua Bao"-"Hua Bao"-clear water, and the interval period is about 7-10 days. The interval period is shorter in sunny or high temperature days, longer or not watered in cloudy and rainy days or low temperature periods. Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.

(3) Xiaoli flower is not very cold-resistant, and it is difficult to survive the winter in the open field to the north of the Yangtze River. It is necessary to dig up and store the roots every year from the end of October to the middle of November. When digging, do not hurt the root, especially the neck of the root, dry the root slightly, hide the root in the cellar, cover the root with a layer of sand, cover 20cm of 30cm river sand, cover 10cm wheat bran to keep 3147cm, the sand is slightly moist, and bury the household sand in the carton or move the pot into the room.

(4) in late autumn, winter and early spring, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering and fruiting. If you encounter hot weather or in summer, you need to shield it from about 30% of the sun. For indoor maintenance and viewing after flowering, it should be placed near the southeast doors and windows in order to prolong the flowering period and increase the number of flowers as much as possible. In the northern region, if you sow seeds in a warm place indoors in early February, flowers can be seen on May Day, and if you sow seeds in the open field in early July, flowers will be in full bloom around National Day. Cultivation methods of potted Xiaoli: 1. Soil: Xiaoli should choose dwarf varieties. Potted soil is made of 5 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of fine sand or slag and 2 parts of barnyard manure, and broken tiles should be added as drainage layer at the bottom of the pot. Seedlings with 10 cm basin, slow seedling after pouring a thin cake fertilizer water. The pot was changed twice before the bud appeared before the seedling height was 20 cm. Every time you change the basin, you should add new rotten leaf soil to enrich the edge of the basin. 2. Lighting: Xiaoli receives 6-10 hours of light every day. If there is a long-term lack of light, it will grow poorly, resulting in less flowering and easy to get sick. 3. Shading: Xiaoli likes cold and heat, and the temperature in northern China is more suitable. Xiaoli flowers bloom from summer to autumn, while the Yangtze River basin is high in summer and is in a semi-dormant state. Usually should carry on the leaf surface shade, spray water to cool down. 4. Fertilization: Xiaoli likes fertilizer, applying 10% cake fertilizer and water every 10-15 days in addition to sufficient base fertilizer and midsummer season. After budding, 1% murine 3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied to promote beautiful flowers and colors.

5. Watering: Xiaoli flowers have luxuriant branches and large water consumption. If the lack of water to strengthen the light, light, the leaf edge scorched, heavy, fallen leaves; if too much watering, it is easy to rot the root. Therefore, the basin soil should be either dry or wet. There should be more watering in summer flowering and less watering in spring and autumn. Prevent stagnant water on cloudy and rainy days and raise the flowerpot. Little or no watering before the autumn harvest.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Xiaoli Flower like cold and afraid of heat is suitable for the north

Xiaoli is a beautiful plant, it looks like chrysanthemum, different colors, mostly from the plateau, in Yunnan, China can see this kind of flower. So what are the breeding methods and points for attention of Xiaoli flowers? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

I. the culture method of Xiaoli flower

The best propagation time: the ramet propagation of Xiaoli is best carried out after the soil is thawed in early spring (February and March).

The best growing soil: the fertile sandy loam is the best growing soil for Xiaoli.

Growth humidity requirements: Xiaoli growth humidity is maintained at about 70%.

The optimum growth temperature of Xiaoli is 15-28 ℃. When the daytime temperature is less than 28 ℃ and the temperature difference between day and night is large, it is beneficial to flower bud differentiation.

The best growth light: Xiaoli flower in late autumn, winter, early spring, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight, in order to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering and fruiting.

II. Matters needing attention in breeding Xiaoli

1. Fertilizer and water management

There is not much demand for fertilizer and water, and they are afraid of applying fertilizer indiscriminately, applying concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, and are required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, and complete nutrition":

(1) Spring and autumn: these two seasons are its peak growing season. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao" at least twice a week). The interval period is about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance, shorter intervals during sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy days or low temperatures. Keep it indoors for 2-6 days, with shorter intervals during sunny or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy or low temperatures.

Summer is a season of slow growth, so it is necessary to properly control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management cycle according to the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, the interval period is about 1-4 days of outdoor maintenance, and the interval period is shorter during sunny days or high temperature periods. The interval period is longer or not watered during rainy or low temperature days; in indoor maintenance for 2-6 days, the interval period is shorter in sunny days or high temperature periods, and longer or unwatered in rainy days or low temperature periods. Water it in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and spray the plants frequently. Watering time should be arranged as early as possible when the temperature is low in the morning.

(2) during the dormant period in winter, the main purpose of fertilizer and water control is to control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates according to the order of "Hua Bao"-clear water-"Hua Bao"-"Hua Bao"-clear water, and the interval period is about 7-10 days. The interval period is shorter in sunny or high temperature days, longer or not watered in cloudy and rainy days or low temperature periods. Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.

(3) Xiaoli flower is not very cold-resistant, and it is difficult to survive the winter in the open field north of the Yangtze River. It is necessary to dig up and store it every year from the end of October to the middle of November. When digging, do not hurt the root, especially the neck of the root, air it for 2-3 days, make the root slightly dry, hide the root in the cellar, cover with 20-30 cm river sand, cover 10 cm wheat bran to maintain 3-7 ℃, the sand is slightly damp, and the household sand is buried in the carton or moved into the indoor.

(4) in late autumn, winter and early spring, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering and fruiting. If you encounter hot weather or in summer, you need to shield it from about 30% of the sun. For indoor maintenance and viewing after flowering, it should be placed near the southeast doors and windows in order to prolong the flowering period and increase the number of flowers as much as possible. In the northern region, if you sow seeds in a warm place indoors in early February, flowers can be seen on May Day, and if you sow seeds in the open field in early July, flowers will be in full bloom around National Day.

Pruning essentials:

When cultivating the only Xiaoli flower, remove the lateral buds and leave the main branches. the potted plant should control the height, remove all the axillary buds from the base and pick along with the growth, leaving only one flower in the terminal bud. When cultivating four Xiaoli flowers, when the seedling height is 10-15 cm, two segments are left at the base to form four lateral branches, each of which has only one terminal bud and can produce four flowers. If you want Xiaoli to bloom on National Day, you can renew and prune after blooming in early July, first twist the branches you want to cut, leave a height of about 20 cm, wait for wilting and then cut, properly control the water after cutting, and pick the heart according to the requirements of cultivation, generally carefully cultivate for 2 months, and can bloom on National Day.

2. Main points of reproduction

(1) bulblet reproduction

The underground parts of flowers have bulbs or bulbs, tubers, tubers, roots, and so on. After these bulbs or bulbs, tubers and roots have grown in the ground for a year, small balls will grow around them. Just divide these balls down and plant them, which is easy to operate and easy to manage. Just be careful not to plant the ball too deep: usually the thickness of the cover is not more than twice the diameter of the ball.

(2) ramet propagation

It is best after the soil is thawed in early spring (February and March). Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, each with a considerable root system. and its leaves are properly trimmed to facilitate survival.

Soak the split plants in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for five minutes before putting on the pot, then take out the cool dry and serve. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting. Put the ramet into the basin and irrigate the root or water once. Because its root system is greatly damaged and its water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover new roots. Therefore, it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaf surface one or three times a day (more spraying at high temperature, less spraying at low temperature or no spraying at low temperature). Don't fertilize it these days. After the split, also pay attention to the sun is too strong, can be placed in the shade shed for maintenance.

(3) Cuttage propagation

The terminal bud, axillary bud and foot bud of Xiaoli flower can be cut to root after germination, and the foot bud seedlings grow vigorously and have strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. Generally, the tubers were planted in a plain sand basin in the first ten days of March, kept moist, and germinated at room temperature above 15 ℃. When the foot bud grows 2 true leaves, break it from the root and insert it into the vegetarian sand to promote the root. Spray water 2 or 3 times a day and take root in more than 20 days.

3. Pest control:

The main results are as follows: (1) powdery mildew is harmful to leaves, pedicels and buds, which appears nearly round white powder layer spots, expands into powdery powder layer mottled, leaves twisted and withered. The bacteria spend the winter in the diseased body and spread by airflow, and the disease is serious from September to October. At the initial stage of the disease, 2% antimycin 120 aqueous agent 100% 200 times or 40% polysulfide colloid suspension 800 times can be sprayed once in 10 days for 2 times in a row.

(2) after infected with brown spot, the leaves first appeared yellowish dots, expanded and sunken, and finally formed near round central gray-white, edge dark brown white disease spots, with wheel lines, 1-5 mm in diameter, and light black mildew on the surface. The pathogen overwinters in the remains of diseased leaves, and the disease is serious from June to August, which can be controlled 600 times with 1% Bordeaux solution or 75% chlorothalonil.

(3) the virus disease showed mosaic, chlorosis, dwarfing and other symptoms. The viruses are Xiaoli mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, tomato spot wilt virus, tobacco line virus, leafhopper and aphids. Non-toxic breeding materials can be used to control virus-transmitting insects.

(4) the larvae of Chilo suppressalis are yellowish or reddish, with 2 or 3 generations a year. The larvae are harmful from June to August and can be sprayed 1000 times with 50% fenitrothion. If moths eat human stems, they can be injected with omethoate 100,200 times.

3. Culture methods of potted Xiaoli

1. Soil: Xiaoli should choose dwarf varieties. The basin soil is made of 5 parts of garden soil, 3 parts of fine sand or slag and 2 parts of barnyard manure. Broken tiles should be added to the bottom of the basin as drainage layer. Seedlings with 10 cm basin, slow seedling after pouring a thin cake fertilizer water. The pot was changed twice before the bud appeared before the seedling height was 20 cm. Every time you change the basin, you should add new rotten leaf soil to enrich the edge of the basin.

2. Lighting: Xiaoli receives 6-10 hours of light every day. If there is a long-term lack of light, it will grow poorly, resulting in less flowering and easy to get sick.

3. Shading: Xiaoli likes cold and heat, and the temperature in northern China is more suitable. Xiaoli flowers bloom from summer to autumn, while the Yangtze River basin is high in summer and is in a semi-dormant state. Usually should carry on the leaf surface shade, spray water to cool down.

4. Fertilization: Xiaoli likes fertilizer, applying 10% cake fertilizer and water every 10-15 days in addition to sufficient base fertilizer and midsummer season. After budding, 1% murine 3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate was applied to promote beautiful flowers and colors.

5. Watering: Xiaoli flowers have luxuriant branches and large water consumption. If the lack of water to strengthen the light, light, the leaf edge scorched, heavy, fallen leaves; if too much watering, it is easy to rot the root. Therefore, the basin soil should be either dry or wet. There should be more watering in summer flowering and less watering in spring and autumn. Prevent stagnant water on cloudy and rainy days and raise the flowerpot. Little or no watering before the autumn harvest.