
do not dig seed Learn more about do not dig seed

  • Can the latest fragrant snow orchid not dig the seed ball?

    Can the latest fragrant snow orchid not dig the seed ball?

    Xiangxue orchid as a potted plant has a very high ornamental value, and generally need to remove the residual flowers in time after flowering, cut off the branches to save nutrients to raise the ball, at the same time, it is also necessary to fertilize properly after flowering, the purpose is also to raise the ball well. And then summer comes.

    2020-11-10 The latest fragrant snow orchid can do not dig seed ball as
  • Can Xiangxue orchid not dig the seed ball?

    Can Xiangxue orchid not dig the seed ball?

    Can Xiangxue orchid not dig the seed ball?

  • Don't waste digging seeds on the leftover passion fruit to plant the next year's fruit and bend the branches.

    Don't waste digging seeds on the leftover passion fruit to plant the next year's fruit and bend the branches.

    Huahua recently caught on fire is particularly serious, went to the supermarket to buy a few passion fruit home with honey to drink, but finished passion fruit how to do? Why not take it and plant a pot at home? How to get the seeds of passion fruit? When you go to the supermarket to buy passion fruit.

  • Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

    Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

    Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

  • Seed selection and seed retention techniques of Lotus Root

    Seed selection and seed retention techniques of Lotus Root

    Seed selection and seed retention techniques of Lotus Root

  • Prevent browning of lilies after digging

    Prevent browning of lilies after digging

    In the process of picking and collecting lilies, the lily scales change from white to brown due to exposure to the sun for too long, which is called browning. Browning is an oxidation reaction catalyzed by biological enzymes in lily scales. Browning reduces the quality of commercial lilies, such as lilies, the germination rate of browning bulbs is low, causing rotten seeds. Lily ripens early this year and is expected to be dug around early July. Therefore, attention should be paid to early prevention of browning. Attention should be paid to shading cover when digging. Lilies dug out from the soil are often easy to grow in strong sunlight.

  • Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation and processing techniques of Gastrodia elata

  • The latest course of technical methods for seed selection and retention of lotus root

    The latest course of technical methods for seed selection and retention of lotus root

    Lotus root is a vegetable crop of Nymphaeaceae, which is loved by many people in our country. Lotus root is rich in nutrients, which can not only be fried, but also eaten raw. And the non-staple food and all kinds of snacks processed by lotus root are very popular. Now lotus

    2020-11-10 Latest lotus root seed selection seed retention techniques methods tutorials
  • Harvest and storage methods of sweet potato

    Harvest and storage methods of sweet potato

    Harvest and storage methods of sweet potato

  • A New Method for High-yielding Cultivation of Potato

    A New Method for High-yielding Cultivation of Potato

    In order to simplify the traditional potato planting technology, reduce labor intensity, reduce labor force, reduce production cost and improve planting efficiency, we carried out the experimental demonstration of potato "four don 'ts" planting technology, which is summarized as follows. 1. Technical advantages 1. Save labor and effort. Compared with the traditional method, the technology has four changes: one is to change ploughing to no-tillage; the other is to change digging holes to sowing on soil; the third is to change intertillage to weeding; the fourth is to change digging to picking potatoes

  • Which bonsai are suitable for the bedroom? how long can I keep the buttercup seed ball? How do I keep it?

    Which bonsai are suitable for the bedroom? how long can I keep the buttercup seed ball? How do I keep it?

    The buttercup flower is smaller than the peony flower, but its color is very rich and extremely beautiful, even if it is not as big as the peony, it undoubtedly reflects the delicate temperament of the peony. Therefore, it is often called celery leaf peony, and many potted friends like to pot at home.

  • Dandelions can also be potted at home. The method is very simple.

    Dandelions can also be potted at home. The method is very simple.

    Dandelion is a common wild vegetable, sometimes it is also sold in the vegetable market, and it is of great medicinal value. It is very popular with the middle-aged and elderly. If you plant a few pots of dandelion on the balcony, you don't have to dig so hard in the wild, and there is no pollution.

  • Break through the fog and dig out wealth

    Break through the fog and dig out wealth

    Break through the fog and dig out wealth

  • Breeding method of beautiful kapok

    Breeding method of beautiful kapok

    Dibble method, that is, dig a small pit with a depth of about seed height in the medium soil, add enough water, bury seeds, mix fertilizer, and fill the pit. It is important to note that when sowing, do not sow too deep. If the seeds are too deep, it will affect the germination time of the seeds.

  • Pear in syrup

    Pear in syrup

    Production method 1. Fruit selection: do not choose raw or overripe fruits, pears are ripe until yellow and slippery, and pears that are prone to discoloration such as rotten, mulberry, iron head, diseases and insect pests and apples are selected. The core temperature is above 5 ℃. two。 Pick the handle and peel it: first pick the pear handle and peel it mechanically. 3. Cut the seed nest in half and dig the seed nest in half longitudinally, dig out the seed nest and pedicle tendons, cut and trim into a complete 1 stick and 2 pieces. In the process of treatment, the fruit pieces must be immersed in 1: 2% salt water to protect the color, and the process should be shortened as much as possible.

  • Scientific planting technology of Fangfeng

    Scientific planting technology of Fangfeng

    [summary] aliases: side Wind, Guan Fangfeng, Dongfeng Fangfeng. Fangfeng is the dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk., a perennial herb of Umbelliferae. It has the effect of dispelling wind and dehumidification. Treat cold, headache, arthralgia and other symptoms.

    2020-11-08 Fangfeng Science planting Technology [ Overview ] alias Pangfeng
  • What kind of buttercup balls can be kept for bonsai suitable for the bedroom? How do I keep it?

    What kind of buttercup balls can be kept for bonsai suitable for the bedroom? How do I keep it?

    The buttercup flower is smaller than the peony flower, but its color is very rich and extremely beautiful, even if it is not as big as the peony, it undoubtedly reflects the delicate temperament of the peony. Therefore, it is often called celery leaf peony, and many potted friends like to pot at home.

  • Mulberry planting technology

    Mulberry planting technology

    Mulberry planting technology

  • Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

  • Planting technique of Aconitum multiflorum

    Planting technique of Aconitum multiflorum

    Aconitum multiflorum is a kind of plant whose root tuber can be used as medicine and can be used to treat rheumatic diseases. Today we will have a brief understanding of the planting techniques of Xiacao Wu. Planting techniques of Aconitum multiflorum L. soil preparation and soil preparation are selected as root crops, with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and water.

    2020-11-09 Caowu planting technology is a kind of plant its root tuber