
Planting technique of Aconitum multiflorum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Aconitum multiflorum is a kind of plant whose root tuber can be used as medicine and can be used to treat rheumatic diseases. Today we will have a brief understanding of the planting techniques of Xiacao Wu. Planting techniques of Aconitum multiflorum L. soil preparation and soil preparation are selected as root crops, with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and water.

Aconitum multiflorum is a kind of plant whose root tuber can be used as medicine and can be used to treat rheumatic diseases. Today we will have a brief understanding of the planting techniques of Xiacao Wu.

Planting technique of Aconitum multiflorum

I. selection of land and land preparation

Caowu is a root crop, choose sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, convenient water source, and can drain and irrigate. Semi-sunny back-shaded hillside or semi-shady and humid land can be used. Potato and rape can be used as the previous crop. After the previous crop harvest, ploughing and Kang soil should be ploughed in time to fully mature the soil, increase fertility and reduce diseases and insect pests. Plough and rake twice before sowing or planting, and combine with cultivated land to apply sufficient base fertilizer at one time, remove weeds, and break large soil blocks after exposure for several days, so that the soil is fully uniform and loose, making the border 1.2-1.5 meters wide and 12-20 centimeters high. it is usually best for the border and slope to move vertically to the north and south, with a ditch of 30-40 cm between the two borders, which is convenient for management and drainage and irrigation.

II. Planting methods

The main results are as follows: 1. Seed direct seeding method: rake the selected land and make a fine bed as a seedling bed; sow on the seedbed according to the row spacing of 40cm, use seeds 500g-700g per mu, mix seeds in 200kg coarse sand, sow 0.3kg sand mixture per square meter, cover soil 0.5cm-0.7cm after sowing, finally cover grass.

2. The whole sowing method of tuber roots: the whole tuber roots of plants with strong growth, no diseases and insect pests and typical characters were selected for sowing. The suitable single weight of tuber roots was 2-3G, and the sowing amount was 50-70kg per mu. Soaking seeds with 50% carbendazim 200 times solution before planting for 10 minutes, drying and then sowing. All adopt ditching strip sowing, apply rotten farm manure per mu, then shallow hoe, achieve the fusion of soil and fertilizer, and then cover with a layer of 2-3 cm fine soil, and water it in time after covering the soil.

3, root sprouting method: after digging, use a sterilized knife to cut the upper top bud of the larger grass black root 2-3 cm, cut it off and use it as a seed. Sprinkling plant ash on the incision will disinfect the surface with fungicides, dry the surface and dry the lower part of the root block to do commodity processing; after sowing, the soil surface should be covered with shade, such as straw and pine leaves, and be sure to be suddenly moist before emergence to avoid sunburn when emergence.

3. Transplanting

15-20 days after emergence, dilute nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to improve the growth rate and resistance of the seedlings, and the ground mulch should be removed step by step. When the seedlings emerge neatly, fertilizer should be applied every other period of time. The principle of fertilization is a small amount of fertilizer for many times. When the seedling height is 4-5 cm, the basal leaves are 5-7, the leaves are dark green, and the roots are 2-3, you can transplant. The general transplanting period is from Cold Dew to Frost. Granules can be used for transplanting, or stored in a cool room until mid-December. Transplanting should be graded according to large, medium and small grades.

IV. Field management

1. Irrigation and drainage: Caowu is afraid of both drought and waterlogging, and different seasons and different growth periods have different requirements for water. After emergence, the soil should be moist throughout the growth period, and if it is too dry or too wet, it will lead to poor growth. Attention should be paid to drainage in summer.

2. Topdressing: the main harvest of Aconitum multiflorum is rhizome, so timely and appropriate amount of topdressing is especially important for the growth and development of Aconitum multiflorum. Generally, topdressing should be carried out 2-3 times during the whole growth period, and topdressing should be determined according to the condition of the seedling. If the seedling is small and weak, nitrogen fertilizer can be applied appropriately, and the crisp and tender seedlings are mainly fertilizers with high content of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

3. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: according to the growth of the root system of black grass, the methods of deep ploughing, then shallow ploughing, far deep ploughing and near shallow ploughing should be used in mid-ploughing.

4. Building frame to cultivate soil: Aconitum multiflorum is a vine-shaped plant. In order to produce high yield, it is necessary to build a frame to promote the growth of adventitious roots.

5. Capping and branching: in order to restrain the overgrowth of the aboveground part of Aconitum multiflorum, in addition to leaving seed plants, topping and branching should be carried out to concentrate nutrients on the development and expansion of underground roots, so as to increase yield.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

The main diseases are downy mildew, powdery mildew and root rot, and the insect pests are mainly ground tigers; in drug selection, we should ensure that the raw materials produced are pollution-free and pesticide residues are kept in a very safe range.

VI. Harvesting and processing

1. Seed harvesting: harvest when the fruit is dark brown but not open from September to November, dry the shell in the sun after harvest, gently tap in a plastic bag, the seed can break out of the shell, remove impurities, and store in a cool and dry place with a cloth bag.

2. Root harvesting: it is usually dug after the aboveground part has withered from the end of November to the beginning of December. If the root is harvested after sprouting, the yield and quality will be affected. The method is to dig a ditch 30 cm deep on one side of the ground with a hoe, and then dig it sequentially. After digging, the large ones are for sale, and the small ones are used for seed. Pay attention to do not hurt the root when digging, dig out the stems, leaves and soil, put them on the ground to dry, take off part of the moisture, take it back when exposed to Microsoft, soak and wash the surface soil with water, and spread it on the bamboo fence after cleaning.

The cultivation of Aconitum multiflorum requires a certain amount of patience. Interested friends can consult experienced people before considering it.