
coccidia Learn more about coccidia

  • Technical points of immunity with coccidia in chickens

    Technical points of immunity with coccidia in chickens

    Technical points of immunity with coccidia in chickens

  • Reference materials of anti-coccidial drugs

    Reference materials of anti-coccidial drugs

    Reference materials of anti-coccidial drugs

  • Prevention and treatment of Chicken Enterotoxic Syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of Chicken Enterotoxic Syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of Chicken Enterotoxic Syndrome

  • How to prevent and cure coccidial diarrhea in young rabbits caused by convulsive failure of their limbs

    How to prevent and cure coccidial diarrhea in young rabbits caused by convulsive failure of their limbs

    How to prevent and cure coccidial diarrhea in young rabbits caused by convulsive failure of their limbs

  • Control of coccidiosis in cultured nutria

    Control of coccidiosis in cultured nutria

    Pathogen 1 coccidiosis (C. The pathogen of ccidiosis is sporozoa, which is a parasitic single-celled protozoa. Coccidia parasitize in the mucosal epithelial cells of the small intestine and reproduce asexually (mitotic reproduction) for many generations, resulting in many new individuals. After a number of cleavage

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture sea nutria coccidia disease control pathogen ball worm disease
  • Disease prevention and treatment of farmed muskrat

    Disease prevention and treatment of farmed muskrat

    1. Symptoms of pasteurellosis: pasteurellosis is mainly induced by drinking water, feed or exogenous infection. The diseased mice showed refusing to eat, dishevelled coat, rapid and difficult breathing, a few diseased mice with hindlimb paralysis, muscle spasm and contraction, and sudden onset, often in the body.

    2020-11-08 Culture Musk Mouse of Disease Prevention one Pasteurella multocida
  • What kind of diseases do rabbits have?

    What kind of diseases do rabbits have?

    What kind of diseases do rabbits have?

  • Five colors of chicken feces

    Five colors of chicken feces

    1. Red 2, green 3, white 4, water sample 5, feed color red feces 1, first generation cleavage stage 2, orange unformed enteritis 3, purplish red blood cecal coccidia 4, brown stool more in the morning, less normal brown stool in the afternoon, less normal brown stool in the morning, polyvibrio hepatitis 5 in the afternoon, mechanical injury and scratching green in blood stool.

  • What are the common diseases of chicks

    What are the common diseases of chicks

    What are the common diseases of chicks

  • Is too much drinking water a symptom of disease?

    Is too much drinking water a symptom of disease?

    Title 1: Drinking more water causes feed stools? Net friend asked: chicken 35 days or so, drink water suddenly increased, chicken pull not pull material and chicken drink water temperature has nothing to do with...

  • What drugs are used to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits

    What drugs are used to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits

    What drugs are used to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits

  • Symptoms of chicken red feces

    Symptoms of chicken red feces

    1, strips of beef filamentous-coccidiosis of the first generation 2, orange landing unformed-enteritis 3, purplish red blood stool-cecal coccidia 4, brown stool, more in the morning, less in the afternoon-normal. Brown stool, less in the morning and more in the afternoon-Vibrio hepatitis 5. Mechanical injury of bloody stool

  • Rabbits should be repelled of coccidiosis in summer.

    Rabbits should be repelled of coccidiosis in summer.

    Rabbit coccidiosis is a common and most serious disease in rabbits. Rabbit coccidia belong to unicellular protozoa, which are parasitic in rabbit liver, bile duct epithelial cells and intestinal epithelial cells. When coccidiosis is parasitic, the rabbit is emaciated, anemic, rough-haired and stagnant, which eventually leads to death. The disease has no obvious seasonality and can be infected all the year round, but it occurs frequently in the hot and humid season in summer and autumn, and its distribution and epidemic are very widespread. Prevent coccidiosis: 1. To keep the rabbit house clean, always disinfect the cage with 2%-3% caustic soda water.

  • How to prevent rabbits from epidemic in autumn

    How to prevent rabbits from epidemic in autumn

    In the hot summer, the disease resistance of rabbits has declined, and it is worth changing hair and giving birth in autumn, so epidemic prevention is very important. 1. Vaccination against ① rabbit plague vaccine. At present, the effect of tissue inactivated vaccine is better. Each mouse was injected subcutaneously with 1 ml, 5ml for 7 days to produce strong immunity, and the immune period was up to 6 months. ② rabbit plague-Pasteurella multocida vaccine. One milliliter of subcutaneous injection of each animal could be protected from rabbit plague infection within half a year and Pasteurella multocida within 4 months. ③ type An inactivated vaccine of Clostridium welchii. Each animal is injected subcutaneously.

  • Pay attention to safety management of rabbit raising in autumn due to temperature change and disease prevention

    Pay attention to safety management of rabbit raising in autumn due to temperature change and disease prevention

    Pay attention to safety management of rabbit raising in autumn due to temperature change and disease prevention

  • A little knowledge of breeding that is helpful to you

    A little knowledge of breeding that is helpful to you

    The main results are as follows: 1. the liver is enlarged, copper-green, with necrotic foci of different sizes, and typhoid fever is common in clinic. 2. After ten days of age, we must make the chickens hungry every day.

  • What problems do you need to pay attention to in raising rabbits in autumn?

    What problems do you need to pay attention to in raising rabbits in autumn?

    The air temperature changes greatly in autumn and winter, which is the stage of high incidence of rabbit plague, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella, Weishella and other severe infectious diseases, so it is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in epidemic prevention of the above diseases. Generally above weaning, each rabbit is subcutaneously injected with rabbit plague, regardless of whether it is big or small.

    2020-11-08 Raising rabbits autumn need pay attention to which problems autumn and winter season
  • How to control coccidiosis in summer

    How to control coccidiosis in summer

    How to control coccidiosis in summer

  • Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Due to abnormal climate change, the temperature difference between day and night varies greatly. Enterotoxic syndrome characterized by diarrhea, undigested feed in feces, significantly decreased feed intake, slow growth, weight loss, dehydration and decreased feed returns often occur in broilers and laying hens. 1. Clinical symptoms: the mental state of the chicken flock is still good, but the growth is slow, the crown is pale, some diseased chickens show white strip or mucous feces, there is undigested feed in the feces, and the feces are yellowish. Individual chickens have mental depression, shrinking head, head tremor, running back and forth, and easy to scream.

  • Do a good job of disease prevention in different production periods of pigeons

    Do a good job of disease prevention in different production periods of pigeons

    (1) Pay attention to the prevention of trichomoniasis in nursing pigeons. Trichomoniasis mainly by parent pigeons with worms and direct transmission to young pigeons, to check whether parent pigeons with worms, if there are timely treatment. Pay attention to the prevention of pigeon pox, pigeon pox is generally popular from March to June, to do a good job of vaccination prevention and mosquito control work. Once it happens, surgery should be performed in time. Can also spray a small amount of low-toxicity mosquito water on the young pigeons to prevent mosquito bites, but avoid excessive. In addition, attention should be paid to the prevention of coccidia, mycoplasmas, Salmonella and other diseases. (ii) Child breeding pigeons
