
check Learn more about check

  • What equipment should be checked by sprinkler before planting season? What do you need to pay attention to?

    What equipment should be checked by sprinkler before planting season? What do you need to pay attention to?

    The weather is getting warmer, which indicates that the planting season is coming. Have you made a detailed pre-use inspection of the sprinkler irrigation equipment? If not, let's take a look at the pre-use inspection notes of the sprinkler: 1. Check the center of the equipment.

    2020-11-09 Sprinkler irrigation machine planting pre-season inspection which equipment need
  • Correct use and maintenance of agricultural harvester

    Correct use and maintenance of agricultural harvester

    With the rapid development of China's rural economy and the use of combine harvester, the labor intensity of farmers has been greatly reduced. This paper discusses the correct use and maintenance methods of agricultural harvester, hoping that users can have a deeper understanding of agricultural harvester.

    2020-11-09 Agricultural harvester correct use and maintenance methods along with
  • Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by "three looks and Nine checks"

    Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the epidemic, breeders must carefully observe the flocks of pigeons in the morning, middle and evening every day. The method of "three looks and nine checks" introduced below to distinguish pigeon disease is simple and easy for reference. Three look: a look at the mental state: the healthy pigeon is lively, excited and sensitive; the sick pigeon is lethargic, lazy and slow to respond. Second, look at the diet: healthy pigeons eat and drink normally; sick pigeons eat less or waste food, do not think about drinking or binge drinking, and do not feed squab. Three look at the color and shape of feces: the feces of healthy pigeons are gray, yellowish brown or grayish black.

  • Which of the succulent plants living in the new home is your dish?

    Which of the succulent plants living in the new home is your dish?

    Thank you for lukeey's material has just been installed, the concubines haven't checked in yet to clean up tomorrow to avoid a picture flow, attach a few ugly photos just installed, the concubines haven't checked in yet and put them up tomorrow to avoid.

  • Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    The combine harvester can maintain the machine before leaving the car, keep it in good technical condition, reduce faults, improve work efficiency and prolong the service life of the machine. 1. Self-propelled combine harvester (l) add lubricating oil to each lubrication point every day. (2) after using for a period of time, tighten the front and rear wheel nuts; check and adjust the tension of all triangular belts; check and adjust all transmission chains; clean the dry air filter when the light is on; clean the rotating hood and radiator; check

  • The joint spot check of national grain stocks was launched in 2015.

    The joint spot check of national grain stocks was launched in 2015.

    The reporter recently learned from the State Grain Administration that the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Grain Administration, the Ministry of Finance, the Agricultural Development Bank of China and other departments recently launched a joint spot check by the national grain inventory inspection department in 2015. The working groups of spot checks were sent to the relevant provinces on the 26th.

    2016-01-10 In 2015 the whole country grain inventory joint spot check work start
  • Reasons for more flowers and less pods in soybean

    Reasons for more flowers and less pods in soybean

    At present, when many farmers are planting soybeans, they find that some plots of soybeans blossom more than pods, and the reasons are "five checks". First, check the soil structure, analyze whether the soil pH value exceeds the standard and continue the crop; second, check the fertilization content, analyze whether the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium applied is reasonable; third, check the planting structure and analyze whether the planting density is reasonable; fourth, check the root of the plant; analyze whether there are diseases and insect pests in the root of the plant; fifth, check the soil moisture, analyze the size of the content, excessive drought and waterlogging will affect the pod setting rate. Only seriously.

  • Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    Don't forget to repair agricultural machinery after wheat harvest

    The combine harvester can maintain the machine before leaving the car, keep it in good technical condition, reduce faults, improve work efficiency and prolong the service life of the machine. 1. Self-propelled combine harvester (l) add lubricating oil to each lubrication point every day. (2) after using for a period of time, tighten the front and rear wheel nuts; check and adjust the tension of all triangular belts; check and adjust all transmission chains; clean the dry air filter when the light is on; clean up

  • How to maintain the pointer sprinkler machine?

    How to maintain the pointer sprinkler machine?

    The weather is getting warmer, which also indicates that the planting season is coming. Have you done proper maintenance to the sprinkler irrigation equipment? how to maintain the pointer sprinkler machine? Sprinkler irrigation machines should be properly maintained and maintained, especially in irrigation

    2020-11-09 Pointer type sprinkler should how maintenance repair weather gradually
  • Spot check on key seed production bases launched

    Spot check on key seed production bases launched

    On August 31st, the second meeting of the national seed base (Zhangye) management coordination leading group 2014 was held in Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The meeting made arrangements for the sampling work of the next key seed production bases. It is reported that the seed Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture has been operating since late August.

    2016-03-20 Focus seed production base spot check operation launch August 31
  • Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the disease, breeders must carefully observe the flock three times a day, morning, noon and evening. The following introduction of the three see nine check pigeon disease identification method, simple and easy to do, for reference. Three look at the mental state: healthy pigeons show lively, excited

    2020-11-08 breeding pigeons production identification disease method for early
  • Seed Market Supervision and spot check in 2016 in Gong County, Yibin

    Seed Market Supervision and spot check in 2016 in Gong County, Yibin

    Recently, in order to ensure the quality and safety of the county's seed market in 2016, the county seed management station launched the supervision and inspection of the seed market in accordance with the spot check plan issued by the agricultural department. As of December 14, 2015, it has been opened to 4 townships and 7 seed wholesalers in the county.

    2015-12-26 Yibin Yixian launch 2016 seed market supervision spot check
  • How to maintain the central supporting shaft sprinkler machine?

    How to maintain the central supporting shaft sprinkler machine?

    Central shaft sprinkler, also known as pointer or circular sprinkler, is suitable for agricultural irrigation in large areas such as farms. It is very important to carry out good preventive maintenance and maintenance of the equipment before or during the irrigation season.

    2020-11-09 Center supporting shaft type sprinkler how maintenance center
  • Maintenance and storage of cotton seeders

    Maintenance and storage of cotton seeders

    During the use of agricultural machinery, the performance of parts will be reduced or lost due to natural and artificial factors. Therefore, the technical maintenance of agricultural machinery is extremely important, correct maintenance and storage can greatly improve the service life of agricultural machinery, avoid premature wear of parts, and keep the machinery in good technical condition. The author through this year's Shawan County 514 thousand mu machine cotton picking promotion, to do a good job of cotton planter maintenance and storage summarized some essentials, cotton planter maintenance is divided into three categories: maintenance before operation, maintenance during operation, maintenance after operation

  • One-page advertisement is used again, check carefully and protect the cocoa industry in Pingtung together!

    One-page advertisement is used again, check carefully and protect the cocoa industry in Pingtung together!

    Recently, Pingtung cocoa has been falsely used by one-page advertising again, reminding consumers that although online shopping is convenient and fast, they should still pay attention to whether it is a fake use of web pages. Please check more, do not trust web advertisements, and be careful to choose goodwill electricity when buying online.

  • The welfare cloud of New Taipei City subsidizes a foot check.

    The welfare cloud of New Taipei City subsidizes a foot check.

    (Taiwan Business Daily News) New Taipei City is the first to launch the "New Taipei City Welfare subsidy self-check" service website, as long as through keyword query or simple online question and answer questions, you can quickly list the welfare subsidy items, contents and contact windows that meet your own requirements. ...

  • Technical points of checking whether pigs are healthy or not

    Technical points of checking whether pigs are healthy or not

    At present, pig production in China is still dominated by free-range farming. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge and concept of pig raising, the scientific and technological content of pig breeding, feed preparation, feeding management and disease prevention in production and operation is very low. There have been some problems in pig production, such as slow weight gain, low feed utilization rate, low management efficiency and even loss. Breeders and veterinary technicians should inspect and observe the health status of pigs every day and deal with problems in a timely manner. In order to check the health of pigs, it is generally necessary to master the following skills.

  • After Cold Dew, succulent plants will show the most beautiful posture, but these three problems should be checked in time.

    After Cold Dew, succulent plants will show the most beautiful posture, but these three problems should be checked in time.

    It has been five or six days for Cold Dew, and the Beginning of Winter has less than a month to go in solar terms. The weather in the north is cool now, and the temperature difference between day and night has been opened; while the south is still more than 20 ℃, but it is also cooler in the morning and evening, for those who survive the cool summer.

  • Turn the basin to check the root

    Turn the basin to check the root

    Turn the basin to check the root

  • It's time to check medicine in winter! Attention please

    It's time to check medicine in winter! Attention please

    It's time to check medicine in winter! Attention please
