
joint Learn more about joint

  • Li Xuansheng, Vice President of Chiayi Chang Gung Hospital,"Hong Junpei Cultural and Educational Foundation" Public Welfare Speech

    Li Xuansheng, Vice President of Chiayi Chang Gung Hospital,

    (taiwan business daily news) walking, running and jumping every day, joints bear the weight of our whole body. on march 9, the hong junpei cultural and educational foundation invited professor li xuansheng, vice president of chiayi chang gung memorial hospital, to give a lecture on "joint health and happy life."

  • Application of jointing and booting Fertilizer for increasing Wheat yield

    Application of jointing and booting Fertilizer for increasing Wheat yield

    Application of jointing and booting Fertilizer for increasing Wheat yield

  • The system basis and Governance Mechanism of Rural Land Stock Cooperatives

    The system basis and Governance Mechanism of Rural Land Stock Cooperatives

    The emergence of rural land joint-stock cooperatives is the result of bottom-up induced institutional changes, and its institutional basis is the land joint-stock cooperative system. The governance mechanism of rural land cooperatives is related to all aspects, including the establishment and decision-making mechanism of shareholders and the reasonable establishment of equity.

    2016-03-20 Rural areas land shares cooperatives system foundation and governance
  • Huadong Brothers County Jointly Strive to Implement Industrial Joint Promotion Marketing Strategy

    Huadong Brothers County Jointly Strive to Implement Industrial Joint Promotion Marketing Strategy

    After 520, facing the impact of the sudden drop in land passengers, resulting in tourism and people's livelihood problems in the two counties, in order to solve the difficulties faced by the two counties in Hualien County, Fu Kunqi led a team to visit the Taitung County Government to jointly discuss active and effective countermeasures.

  • In which month is the jointing stage of wheat? You can enter in the middle and late March.

    In which month is the jointing stage of wheat? You can enter in the middle and late March.

    The jointing stage of wheat is generally about March 20 of each year, that is, it enters the jointing stage when the ground 2cm emerges from the basal internodes of wheat. The growth rate of wheat is faster from jointing stage to pre-heading stage. in order to increase spike yield and seed setting rate, the growth of wheat can be improved according to the growth of wheat.

    2020-11-08 Wheat pullout festival period in what month March middle and late ten days can enter
  • Field Management of jointing and long panicle stage of planting Rice

    Field Management of jointing and long panicle stage of planting Rice

    Rice jointing begins around the peak tillering stage and does not stop elongation of internodes until a few days after heading, which is called jointing and panicle stage. The goal of field management at jointing and heading stage is to promote strong stems, large ears and prevent apprenticeships on the basis of protecting tillers and increasing ears.

    2020-11-08 Planting rice jointing length heading stage field management
  • The latest course of field management techniques and methods at jointing and panicle stage of rice

    The latest course of field management techniques and methods at jointing and panicle stage of rice

    Rice jointing in the period before and after the peak tillering stage, until the rice began to heading, rice began to stop jointing growth, so in this stage is called jointing and panicle stage. This stage is very important for rice production and is related to the change of rice yield.

    2020-11-10 Latest rice jointing long heading field management technology
  • How to apply jointing fertilizer for summer corn?

    How to apply jointing fertilizer for summer corn?

    How to apply jointing fertilizer for summer corn? When is the effect of applying jointing fertilizer good? Please give guidance on the jointing of summer corn after 18-21 days of emergence. As a sign of entering the jointing stage, from the external morphology, early-maturing varieties, such as Ludan 50, Yedan 20 and Denghai 9, spread 4 leaves and 10 leaves.

  • How can hundreds of millions of farmers make a smooth transition to scale? Jump out of the land transfer

    How can hundreds of millions of farmers make a smooth transition to scale? Jump out of the land transfer

    The heart hanging in mid-air was finally put into practice, and Dai Yasheng was very satisfied with the results of the experts'on-the-spot yield measurement: in the plots where joint ploughing and planting were carried out, the wheat yield per mu was more than 1000 jin this year, which made people overjoyed. The owner of the field said that the field used to be flat in crab ponds and at the bottom of the field.

    2016-01-10 Hundreds of millions of farmers how to smooth transition scale jump out land
  • Field Management techniques for jointing and long panicle stage of Rice

    Field Management techniques for jointing and long panicle stage of Rice

    Field Management techniques for jointing and long panicle stage of Rice

  • Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

  • Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    The fracture of the bone caused by the impact of external force is called fracture (also known as incomplete fracture), and the fracture is called fracture (also known as complete fracture). The joint head of the bone leaves the joint fossa and cannot be automatically restored, which is called dislocation. When the two opposite articular surfaces can not touch each other completely, it is called complete dislocation, and the partial contact between the two articular surfaces is called incomplete dislocation. 1. The cause of traumatic fracture is caused by various mechanical violent shocks, such as whipping, fighting, falling, jumping, etc., such as rickets, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis

  • Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of fracture and dislocation in pigs

    The fracture of the bone caused by the impact of external force is called fracture (also known as incomplete fracture), and the fracture is called fracture (also known as complete fracture). The joint head of the bone leaves the joint fossa and cannot be automatically restored, which is called dislocation. When the two opposite articular surfaces can not touch each other completely, it is called complete dislocation, and the partial contact between the two articular surfaces is called incomplete dislocation. 1. The cause of traumatic fracture is caused by a variety of mechanical violence, such as whipping, fighting, falling, jumping, etc., rickets, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis prone to fracture.

  • Prevention and treatment of joint abscess of pigeon

    Prevention and treatment of joint abscess of pigeon

    The main reason for the occurrence of pigeon joint abscess is that it is caused by leg skin injury and infection caused by long-term feeding in rugged pigeon houses or rough pigeon cages with sharp thorns. It is common in ankle and elbow joints, and the incidence of adult pigeons is high. Symptoms: at the beginning of the disease, the pigeon can not walk well and even limp, the affected joints show red, swollen, hot, painful and inflammatory symptoms, and gradually increase and protrude, and touch it from hard swelling to soft swelling, there is a feeling of fluctuation, and there is pus outflow after incision. Abscess with long course of disease, local skin thickening, hard touch

  • The latest course of wheat field management techniques and methods

    The latest course of wheat field management techniques and methods

    Seedling emergence and tillering stage 1. Growth characteristics: seedling emergence and tillering stage, from sowing and emergence to jointing. ① spring wheat enters the stage of young panicle elongation after emergence and jointing 4 leaves. ② semiwinter wheat enters the stage of young panicle extension from seedling and jointing to 5 leaves. Emergence and jointing of ③ winter wheat

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat field management techniques methods tutorials emergence
  • What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

  • Field Management of Wheat at jointing stage

    Field Management of Wheat at jointing stage

    Field Management of Wheat at jointing stage

  • Treatment and analysis of dislocation of hip joint in cattle

    Treatment and analysis of dislocation of hip joint in cattle

    Dislocation of the hip joint in cattle is very difficult to repair, and most veterinarians regard it as an incurable disease. It is reported that we have successfully repaired a typical dislocation of the hip joint in cattle as follows: Jiejin Baojia, Shangfan Village, Changqiao Township, Guangchang County, a 3-year-old yellow cow. Principal complaint: the cow was tied up for grazing on the road not far from the village on the morning of April 20, 2001. when it went to change the pasture in the afternoon, it was found that the cow had fallen on the side of the road and could not stand. When we learned about it, we rushed to the scene. 1 several people picked up the diseased cow with mixed hind limbs

  • Field management of the latest wheat jointing stage

    Field management of the latest wheat jointing stage

    Wheat is a crop that everyone is familiar with, and it also has a large planting area in the north of our country. Wheat growth will go through several different growth stages. There are different management methods in each stage, and the jointing stage is one of them, and the jointing stage is fast for wheat.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat pull festival of field management yes everyone
  • Prevention and treatment of porcine rheumatoid arthritis in winter

    Prevention and treatment of porcine rheumatoid arthritis in winter

    Porcine rheumatoid arthritis mostly occurs in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other active joints, often symmetrical, but also metastatic. The spine and joints also occur. Acute joint rheumatism is characterized by acute synovitis, joint swelling, fluid accumulation in the joint cavity and fluctuating palpation. When standing, the affected limbs are often flexion, and the movement is dominated by lameness, often accompanied by systemic symptoms. When it becomes chronic, it shows the symptoms of chronic arthritis, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of synovial tissue around synovium, thickening of joints and limited activity. It is difficult to lift the affected limb, the movement is slow, the stride is shortened, and the limp follows the movement.
