
called pulp Learn more about called pulp

  • The new variety of watermelon introduces the characteristics of orange-stuffed watermelon. How much carotene is there in the pulp of watermelon?

    The new variety of watermelon introduces the characteristics of orange-stuffed watermelon. How much carotene is there in the pulp of watermelon?

    Do you like eating watermelons? Now there are more and more new varieties of watermelons in the open field, and there are many different watermelons on the market. Before, there were golden watermelons in two colors, and now there are carrots and watermelons. Carrots and watermelons are called because

    2019-06-23 Watermelon new variety introduction orange pulp characteristic pulp you
  • Preparation and processing of Sweet Potato starch

    Preparation and processing of Sweet Potato starch

    Sweet potatoes can be divided into two types: fresh sweet potatoes and dried sweet potatoes. Starch produced by fresh sweet potato generally belongs to manual production in rural areas, while sweet potato starch factories mostly use dried sweet potato as starch raw material, so it belongs to industrial production. 1. The technological process of producing starch from fresh sweet potato is as follows: raw material selection-washing-crushing-grinding and filtration-mixing-skimming and sitting-skimming-pulping-drying. The production process is as follows: (1) selection of raw materials: due to different sweet potato varieties, their quality and starch content are also different, even if the same variety is in different producing areas.

  • Emperor guava variety introduction, Taiwan red meat/Yilan red meat/Yan Chao rainbow guava variety that good

    Emperor guava variety introduction, Taiwan red meat/Yilan red meat/Yan Chao rainbow guava variety that good

    Guava is also called guava, guava planting technology is relatively easy, do you know which guava varieties? If you don't want to know, let's take a look at the following four varieties and see if you have eaten them! Tainong No. 1 (Imperial Guesthouse) Introduction: 2006 by

    2019-06-01 imperial guesthouse breed introduction taiwan red meat ilan swallow nest
  • Processing of fresh Peach Fruit Tea

    Processing of fresh Peach Fruit Tea

    Fruit juice with meat is also called pulp fruit juice, and its trade name is fruit tea. Fresh peach fruit tea is one of the most popular fruit juice drinks in the market. The technological process is as follows: first, the raw materials are fully ripe, fresh, good flavor, juice-rich, disease-free peach fruit, and the peach fruit that is not mature enough should go through post-ripening. Second, raw material pretreatment 1, cleaning. After the raw materials are selected, wash and remove the hair with clean water, rinse in 1% hydrochloric acid solution or detergent solution, remove pesticide residues, rinse in clean water and drain.

  • How to fry in August?

    How to fry in August?

    Fried in August is also called Northern White Banana. It is a kind of wild vine fruit with delicious taste and rich nutrition. Its fruit is olive-shaped and cracked when ripe. So how to grow deep-fried in August? 1. From September to October last year, some wild fruits were picked and pulped

    2020-11-08 August fried how seed also known as north white banana
  • How to eat passion fruit, the king of fruit juice? When is the best time to eat? How do you drink water?

    How to eat passion fruit, the king of fruit juice? When is the best time to eat? How do you drink water?

    Egg fruit, also known as passion fruit. Widely planted in tropical and subtropical regions. The plant life is about 20 years, and the economic life is generally 8 to 10 years. The king of fruit juice is only called. So how do you eat passion fruit? When is the best time to eat? How do you drink it in water? First, how about passion fruit

    2020-11-09 Juice king "passion fruit " how eat when?
  • What are the common varieties of peaches? What are the characteristics?

    What are the common varieties of peaches? What are the characteristics?

    As the saying goes, "peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people". Peaches are one of our common fruits with juicy pulp and good taste. Peach trees can be planted in all parts of our country. Peach trees hibernate for a long time in the north and sprout later. Maturity of early ripening peach varieties in North China

    2020-11-27 Common yes peaches all have which varieties what characteristics
  • Flowers and plants are very thoughtful.

    Flowers and plants are very thoughtful.

    The plant leaves are very attentive. The flower language of the orchid that conveys love is to let love pass on. The thick leaves of the orchid have an almost perfect heart shape. Many leaves concave inward in the petiole, forming a heart-shaped shape, but the heart bulb orchid is in the leaf.

  • Can I eat shy fruit? What is the planting method?

    Can I eat shy fruit? What is the planting method?

    Shy fruit, the scientific name of sour pulp, belongs to eggplant fruit vegetables, which is called Jinzhenguo in the north. So can I eat shy fruit? Where does it come from? What is the planting method of shy fruit? Let's take a look at it with the editor. First, can you eat shy fruit?

    2020-11-09 Shy fruit edible yes what planting method shyness
  • Li Linjiao / bergamot banana is a rare banana variety in the market. How much is the taste price of bergamot banana?

    Li Linjiao / bergamot banana is a rare banana variety in the market. How much is the taste price of bergamot banana?

    Li Linjiao (Pisang Lilin), a rare banana variety in the market, is also known as canna, bergamot, Niujiao banana and tree banana; the pulp is whiter than the northern banana and has its own flavor, which is native to Nanyang. The rare bergamot banana is called bergamot because it is similar to Guanyin bergamot in appearance.

    2019-05-12 Market rare banana variety Li Lin bergamot taste
  • This kind of fruit is full of seeds without any pulp. The price is five times that of passion fruit. Farmers don't eat it.

    This kind of fruit is full of seeds without any pulp. The price is five times that of passion fruit. Farmers don't eat it.

    Warm tips: Hemu report is intended to share and popularize all kinds of plant information and functions, for reference only, if medicinal, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor to avoid problems! When it comes to "King of Fruits," many people can name a few names, more than...

  • Even the skin of this fruit can be eaten sweeter than the pulp. Vitamin C is five times the size of litchi. It's rare in the north.

    Even the skin of this fruit can be eaten sweeter than the pulp. Vitamin C is five times the size of litchi. It's rare in the north.

    Many people love to eat fruit, especially sweet and sour, pulp-rich fruit, both appetizer, but also supplement vitamins, is an essential food in the daily diet. Most fruits are eaten directly after peeling, such as oranges.

  • Peach: which varieties are popular

    Peach: which varieties are popular

    China is a big peach growing country, which is rich in variety resources, and its cultivation technology is in the leading position in the world. Therefore, in recent years, although some peach varieties have been introduced from abroad, it has not had a great impact on peach production in China. In China's seedling market last year, the more popular peach varieties are almost all local varieties. So, what kind of peach is more popular at present? Zhang Shubin, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, answered this question. Experts in the industry usually divide peaches into white peaches and nectarines according to their appearance characteristics.

  • Can the latest mysterious fruit change the taste?

    Can the latest mysterious fruit change the taste?

    The mysterious fruit is called the magician in the orchard. It is native to West Africa, Ghana and Congo. It has been cultivated in China since the 1960s. The pulp is rich in peculiar glycoprotein, vitamin C, KI, citric acid, succinic acid, oxalic acid and so on.

    2020-11-10 The latest mysterious fruit can change taste Mo quilt
  • What is the effect and function of sweet horn? What are the points for attention? Can pregnant women eat it?

    What is the effect and function of sweet horn? What are the points for attention? Can pregnant women eat it?

    Sweet horn, also known as tamarind, the fruit is ripe brown after maturity, the shell and fruit are very similar to longan, is a specialty of Yunnan. Sweet horn pulp contains a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C and other elements, so what is the effect and effect of sweet horn? What are the points for attention? Pregnant woman

    2020-11-09 Sweet horn of efficacy and function what is it points for attention there are
  • Culture methods of generations of flowers

    Culture methods of generations of flowers

    Generation (citrusaurantium) alias: Dai Dai, generation fruit, generation flower, stinky orange, lime, green orange family: Rutaceae, citrus morphological characteristics: evergreen shrub. Branches sparsely short spines, twigs angular. The trunk bark is green with volatile oil glands. Leaves alternate, leathery

  • How much are the cherry saplings?

    How much are the cherry saplings?

    How much are the cherry saplings?

  • Brief introduction to the production of royal jelly

    Brief introduction to the production of royal jelly

    Royal jelly is the secretion of glands such as tongue gland (commonly known as royal jelly gland) and upper palatal gland of worker bees. it is the lifelong food of worker bees, drones larvae and queens within 3 days old. With the difference of florescence, production season and bee species, royal jelly is milky white to yellowish curd, with sour, spicy, astringent and slightly sweet taste. Royal jelly is a kind of natural health product, which has no harm to human body and has a wide range of application. Men, women, old and young can all benefit. After taking it, it can improve the immune function of the body, promote the rehabilitation after the disease, and treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and spirit.

  • Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    Peach varieties: what are the best peach varieties? Which varieties are popular?

    China is a big peach growing country, which is rich in variety resources, and its cultivation technology is in the leading position in the world. Therefore, in recent years, although some peach varieties have been introduced from abroad, it has not had a great impact on peach production in China. In China's seedling market last year, the more popular peach varieties are almost all local varieties. So, what kind of peach is more popular at present? Zhang Shubin, a researcher at the Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, answered this question. Experts in the industry usually divide peaches into white peaches and nectarines according to their appearance characteristics.

  • Corn husk, spray corn husk, corn protein feed, corn bran, corn DDGS

    Corn husk, spray corn husk, corn protein feed, corn bran, corn DDGS

    Corn husk, spray corn husk, corn protein feed, corn bran, corn DDGS
