
bulbs Learn more about bulbs

  • Common breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zhu Dinghong

    Common breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zhu Dinghong

    The bright color of Zhu Dinghong is very popular with people. Some friends make it into canned flowers, which is convenient for florists to grow. The editor will introduce to you Zhu Dinghong's common breeding methods and matters needing attention. Interested friends can learn about it together.

  • A succulent plant with summer halo--light bulb

    A succulent plant with summer halo--light bulb

    As mentioned in the second article today, it is extremely difficult to raise more meat in summer. Then, is there any meat with its own summer halo? There are, like... light bulbs. don't laugh, it's a plant name. It looks like this: a light bulb. Picture...

  • How to raise succulent light bulb methods and matters needing attention for succulent plant culture

    How to raise succulent light bulb methods and matters needing attention for succulent plant culture

    The light bulb is a very cute succulent, round, fat and electric bulb is very similar, the unique shape of the light bulb also makes the bulb succulent body is very fragile, so it is necessary to find out its needs in the aspects of watering, light and temperature. The following will

    2020-11-08 Succulent light bulb how raise plant breed method and
  • Asexual propagation method of lily bulb

    Asexual propagation method of lily bulb

    (1)Bulb natural propagation method: natural division of the mother bulb into a single bulb (2 - 5 different, each containing a growth point), planted in the field for one year, can grow into a larger new bulb, and then re-plant and reproduce, so repeated can be in line with the standard bulb. The disadvantages of this method are slow growth in quantity, large amount of seed used, serious disease and variety degradation, and the advantage is that the propagation time is shortened, and seed balls can be obtained in 1-2 years. (2)bulb propagation method: seed small bulbs into large ones

  • How to breed succulent bulbs the living habits of succulent bulbs

    How to breed succulent bulbs the living habits of succulent bulbs

    How to breed succulent bulbs the living habits of succulent bulbs

  • Lily planting: what is lily bulb Rhizopus soft rot?

    Lily planting: what is lily bulb Rhizopus soft rot?

    What is lily bulb Rhizopus soft rot? What harm does lily bulb Rhizopus soft rot have? How to prevent and cure Rhizopus soft rot of lily bulb? Please netizens introduce the prevention and control methods of lily bulb Rhizopus soft rot: Lily bulb storage or transportation process, the skin on the primary water stains, after the color becomes darker.

  • How to choose the bulbs of daffodils

    How to choose the bulbs of daffodils

    If you want to raise daffodils well, you must choose the bulbs of daffodils. The quality of daffodils determines how many flowers bloom and whether the flowers are fragrant or not. The selection of daffodil bulbs can be carried out from four aspects: shape, color, pressing and asking the village. (1) shape: high-quality daffodil bulbs, large, flat and hard.

  • Plant morphology of succulent bulbs how to cultivate succulent bulbs

    Plant morphology of succulent bulbs how to cultivate succulent bulbs

    Plant morphology of succulent bulbs how to cultivate succulent bulbs

  • What are the varieties of bulb fennel? How to choose and raise seedlings?

    What are the varieties of bulb fennel? How to choose and raise seedlings?

    Bulb fennel is a high-quality health care vegetable, raw food, cooked food are extremely delicious, deeply loved by consumers. Many people want to grow bulb fennel, but do you know what varieties it has? In addition, how to raise seedlings? Let's get to know it. Bulb fennel has

    2020-11-27 Bulbs fennel there which varieties how seed selection seedling bulbs
  • Storage date of bulb flowers

    Storage date of bulb flowers

    Storage date of bulb flowers

  • Culture method of perfume lily bulb

    Culture method of perfume lily bulb

    Seed ball selection perfume lily culture, most of them choose seed ball culture. In the selection of perfume lily bulbs, consider the survival rate, need to choose some surface intact bulbs. After choosing a good perfume lily seed ball, you need to plant it as soon as possible to prevent it from rotting.

  • Bulb flowers need to grow balls first when they return to flowers.

    Bulb flowers need to grow balls first when they return to flowers.

    The flower bud formation of bulbous flowers is mostly stimulated by temperature difference. Most parts of our country have four distinct seasons of climate, without any stimulation, bulb flowers can be reflowered, that is to say, as long as a good ball, reflowering is sooner or later, a variety of bulbous flowers can be reflowered. So it comes down to-the point is to raise the ball well.

  • What should Zhu Dinghong pay attention to during the dormant period?

    What should Zhu Dinghong pay attention to during the dormant period?

    Zhu Dinghong is a perennial bulb flower, which blossoms in spring, grows in summer and autumn, and the bulb goes dormant in winter. For bulb germination and early flowering, attention should be paid during its dormancy period: pot plants under the control of ① temperature should be moved indoors for overwintering and leaves should be cut off. Room temperature should be kept at 5-10 ℃, if the temperature is below 5 ℃

  • Propagation method of lily

    Propagation method of lily

    1. The young bulbs of Lilium bulb should be cultivated continuously for several years and reach a certain size before they can be harvested and eaten. The bulbs used for sowing in the year of harvest are called bulbs. The main results are as follows: 1) this method is suitable for varieties that can produce pearl teeth, such as Yixing lily, more than half of the leaves and leaf axils of Yixing lily can grow bulbs, and each plant can produce more than 40-50 buds. 2) the bulbs, namely bulbs, were cultivated with bulbs, which were born in the soil at the base of the aboveground stem. Many lilies can form bulbs, such as Lanzhou lily, each lily can

  • Dahlia bulb planting method, how to accelerate the germination of Dahlia bulb is better to plant in which month

    Dahlia bulb planting method, how to accelerate the germination of Dahlia bulb is better to plant in which month

    Do you know the method of planting dahlia bulbs? Do you want to know if you grow a pot of dahlias that you still see? Then learn quickly! Dahlia bulbs must be planted with light bulbs in full bloom in spring before starting the cold and dormancy they need.

    2019-04-12 Dahlia flowers bulbs planting methods flower species balls how sprouting
  • Lily selected bulbs and sterilized

    Lily selected bulbs and sterilized

    Before sowing, according to the natural growth of the bulbs, carefully separate the bulbs that grow together (a seed bulb can consist of 5 bulbs) with a bamboo knife or hand, and grade them according to their size. The big ones are sold, the small ones continue to breed, and the medium ones are planted. The size of the bulb varies according to the breed. Generally speaking, the diameter of the bulb varies according to the variety. The bulb with no diseases and insect pests, no damage, and no deformity should be selected as the bulb, and the original root system should not be damaged when separating the bulb. Disinfection method: benzene at 1RU 500

  • Breeding method of Zhu Dinghong

    Breeding method of Zhu Dinghong

    1: the bulb can produce 2-3 bulbs every year, which can be taken off and planted separately. The ball takes about 2 years to blossom. Reproduction is carried out from March to April, and the balls around the mother ball are removed and planted separately. Do not cover too much soil when planting, and be careful not to hurt the roots of the bulbs.

  • Bulb cultivation techniques of Oriental Lilium in mountainous area

    Bulb cultivation techniques of Oriental Lilium in mountainous area

    In recent years, the production and consumption of cut lilies in China have increased rapidly, but the bulbs are still almost dependent on imports. Self-sufficiency of bulbs has become the "bottleneck" of controlling the production of cut lilies in China, so it is imperative to realize the localization of high-quality commercial seed balls of lilies. There are many geomorphological types in Zhejiang Province, and the use of temperature differences at different elevations is very beneficial to the bulb expansion and flower bud differentiation of bulb flowers. The cold cultivation in the mountain area of Zhejiang Province was selected to purify and rejuvenate the lily and breed the seed bulb, so as to solve the problem that the lily bulb could not be self-sufficient for a long time in our country.

  • Planting method of tulip bulb when to plant tulip bulb

    Planting method of tulip bulb when to plant tulip bulb

    Tulips I believe we are very familiar with, many people like to buy tulips to give people, its moral is very beautiful, and beautiful flowers, rich and colorful colors, with a very high ornamental value. Tulip is also a famous bulb flower, mainly by planting bulbs.

    2020-11-08 Tulips bulbs planting methods when species tulips
  • Conventional cultivation techniques of tulips (with control of tulip diseases and insect pests)

    Conventional cultivation techniques of tulips (with control of tulip diseases and insect pests)

    Conventional cultivation is a cultivation method without supercooling treatment of tulip bulbs.
