
Storage date of bulb flowers

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Storage date of bulb flowers

After dormant, bulb flowers are generally dug up and stored under suitable conditions. Because bulbs store a lot of nutrients, preserve buds or growth points, and most bulbs differentiate flower buds during storage, the quality of bulb storage will affect the normal growth and flowering of plants after planting.

I. Storage of overwintering bulbs

Overwintering bulbs mainly refer to spring planting bulbs. Different kinds of bulbs require different environmental conditions during storage.

1. Humid substrate and lower temperature are required during storage at humid and low temperature. This kind of bulb mainly has Dahlia and banana chips.

Canna pilling, drying the rhizome properly, then burying it with wet substrate, sand, saw, vermiculite or moss, and storing it under the condition of 5 ℃ to 7 ℃. The well should pay attention to ventilation. When the quantity is small, it can be stored in earthen basin or wooden box, and when the quantity is large, it can be stored indoors or in cellar.

When the dahlia is pilling, dig out the root (if divided, you must bring part of the rhizome and coat it with plant ash), properly dry for 2 to 3 days and store. The method is basically the same as that of canna.

Lilies require low temperature and slightly wet conditions. Although lily bulbs are planted in autumn, their flowering period is late and dormancy period is short. Bulbs harvested in summer and autumn must be refrigerated at low temperature to release dormancy. Otherwise, the plant growth is inconsistent after planting. The cold storage temperature varies slightly with different varieties, generally 0 ℃ to 10 ℃, the lily bulb has no skin and is easy to lose water and dry, so it is necessary to bury it with slightly damp sand during storage, but to prevent disease and rot due to moisture.

2. Storage at dry and low temperature

There are mainly gladiolus, evening fragrant jade and so on. These bulbs are very susceptible to disease and mildew if the environmental humidity is high during storage, which has a serious impact on the growth after planting. Therefore, during storage, the environment must be kept dry, well ventilated and properly kept at a low temperature. Bulbs need to be set up during storage, and bamboo curtains, Reed curtains or bamboo screens should be placed on the shelves, and they should be turned frequently during storage. Check to prevent mildew. The temperature requirements and specific storage methods vary with the types of bulbs.

Radix Puerariae should be dried for a week after pilling and disinfection, and then stored under the condition of 2 ℃ to 4 ℃. When the temperature is lower than 0 ℃, the corm is easy to mildew and rot, and if it is higher than 4 ℃, it is easy to sprout.

After the evening fragrant jade was forced to dormancy in winter, the thin layer of the long fibrous root under the leaf and bulb was cut off and dried in time, and the outer skin was dried and stored on the shelf. The initial room temperature was 25 ℃ to 26 ℃, and then maintained at 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ after two weeks.

II. Storage of over-summer bulbs

The bulb root in summer mainly refers to the bulb root planted in autumn. The rice with good bulb root in summer is to keep the storage environment highly dry and cool, to prevent muggy and humid, the temperature should be suitable for flower bud differentiation, the bulb root should be fully dry when pilling, and it is best to set up a frame during storage. The bulb root can also be spread out and checked frequently during storage. Be sure to maintain good ventilation.

After pilling, tulips should be prevented from bruising or exposure, and stored in a dark, ventilated and cool environment after drying and grading.

Before storage, the daffodils cut off the fibrous roots, seal the bulbs and the foot buds connected on both sides with mud, protect the foot buds from falling off and spread them in the sun. after being sealed and dried, they are stored in a low temperature environment.

Iris bulb should not be separated from the root system during storage so as not to rot the wound and separate it again when planting in autumn. The environment should be cool, dry and ventilated.

No matter overwintering bulbs or summer bulbs, they should not be mixed with fruits and vegetables during storage, and beware of rats.