
Bulb cultivation techniques of Oriental Lilium in mountainous area

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the production and consumption of cut lilies in China have increased rapidly, but the bulbs are still almost dependent on imports. Self-sufficiency of bulbs has become the "bottleneck" of controlling the production of cut lilies in China, so it is imperative to realize the localization of high-quality commercial seed balls of lilies. There are many geomorphological types in Zhejiang Province, and the use of temperature differences at different elevations is very beneficial to the bulb expansion and flower bud differentiation of bulb flowers. The cold cultivation in the mountain area of Zhejiang Province was selected to purify and rejuvenate the lily and breed the seed bulb, so as to solve the problem that the lily bulb could not be self-sufficient for a long time in our country.

In recent years, the production and consumption of cut lilies in China have increased rapidly, but the bulbs are still almost dependent on imports. Self-sufficiency of bulbs has become the "bottleneck" of controlling the production of cut lilies in China, so it is imperative to realize the localization of high-quality commercial seed balls of lilies. There are many geomorphological types in Zhejiang Province, and the use of temperature differences at different elevations is very beneficial to the bulb expansion and flower bud differentiation of bulb flowers. In order to solve the problem that lily bulbs can not be self-sufficient in our country for a long time, it is of far-reaching significance for the development of lily cut flower industry to choose cold cultivation in mountainous areas of Zhejiang Province to purify and rejuvenate lilies and breed seeds.

1. Breeding and cultivation techniques of oriental lily in mountainous area.

1.1 varieties

The best-selling varieties of oriental lilies in the market are mainly Siberia (Siberia), Sorbonne, Marcopolo, Acapulco and Tiber. Seed balls with a circumference of 6-9 cm are selected for breeding. Lily seed balls can be directly imported and self-propagated. Due to the restriction on the export of bulbs in the Netherlands in recent years, film-mulched ground cutting and full-matrix temperature and humidity control techniques were used for large-scale scale cutting, and a large number of high-quality oriental lily bulbs were obtained. In order to promote the disinfection of new roots and seeds, the seeds were soaked with a mixture of fungicides and hormones before planting.

1.2 Parcel selection and preparation

In order to ensure the safety of lily plants in summer and the longest growth period of the whole year, it is necessary to choose mountain conditions with an elevation of 800m and 1000m above sea level. Lily should avoid continuous cropping and is sensitive to soil salinity, so it is necessary to choose new land for planting. Before planting, the depth is 30 cm, the height of the border is at least 25 cm, the width of the border is about 1.1 m, and the access road is 50 li 60 cm. Before planting, the soil should be fully loose, and the water content should be about 60%. Lily like organic fertilizer, per mu should put fully mature compost, cow manure and other organic fertilizer 2000mur3000kg, in order to promote the rapid development of seed ball, increase the application of bone meal, calcium magnesium phosphate, calcium superphosphate and other phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needed by lily should be 5:10:10.

1.3 Mountain planting parameters

Lily bulbs can be planted from February to April in spring or in autumn from September to November, but it is most avoided to transplant after the temperature rises at the end of spring, otherwise the survival rate will decrease. When the supply conditions of seed bulbs permit, it should be planted in autumn. The colonization time was from April 15 to April 28 in Dayang Town, Jinyun County in 2003, and from March 20 to April 12 in 2004 in Gaoping Township, Suichang County.

The planting density of lily varies with variety and bulb size. Oriental lily can plant 1.5-18000 seeds per mu with seed balls of 9 cm in size, with a plant spacing of 8 mi 10 cm and a row spacing of 20 mi 25 cm. To prevent topsoil from hardening, autumn planting should cover the surface with straw or peat soil. Lily has fleshy traction root, and the planting depth should be a little deeper. Generally speaking, the distance from the top of the bulb to the soil surface is 6mur12cm. If the bulb is large, it should be planted properly.

1.4 cultivation and management techniques in mountainous area

Watering: the lily grows rapidly when it is warm in spring, and the irrigation times are determined according to the weather conditions, mainly irrigation or sprinkler irrigation, with as little ditch irrigation as possible. Watering should be carried out in the morning and evening, high temperature in summer, large water demand, should be carried out before 10:00 in the morning, and can be combined with appropriate foliar spraying to ensure water supply.

Fertilization: applying dilute liquid fertilizer such as cake, fertilizer and water for 3 times from May to June, nitrogen application is mainly to ensure the sturdy stem growth of lily in the middle and later stage, but in order to avoid the phenomenon of leaf burning of nitrogen fertilizer, the plant should be washed with clean water after nitrogen application. In order to improve the strength of the stem of the plant, the application of calcium superphosphate, plant ash and other phosphorus and potassium fertilizers for two times should be far away from the base of the stem, and the imported compound fertilizer granules should also be applied, especially after rain. After stopping fertilizing at high temperature in summer, the Beginning of Autumn continued to use phosphate and potassium fertilizer and applied calcium nitrate 1 Mel twice, using the standard of 1 kg of calcium nitrate per 100 square centimeters, or 0.2% Mel 0.3%.

Weeding: there is a large amount of work in bulb breeding and cultivation, so it is necessary to weed between ditches regularly, combined with mid-tillage, to remove young weeds in time and prevent weed cover; after the Beginning of Autumn, the lily plant has formed a closed state, so there is no need to shovel grass as far as possible to prevent damage to the root system.

Flower picking: in order to ensure the concentrated supply of nutrients to lily bulb development, it is necessary to pick flowers in time. Picking flowers should be removed when the bud is obviously enlarged, either too early or too late. Note that it should be carried out around noon on sunny days. Picking flowers on cloudy and rainy days is easy to cause bacterial infection in the wound.

Pest control: due to the high temperature and rainy weather in Zhejiang, lily plants are easily infected with gray mold (Botrytiscineren). In order to ensure the high quality and high yield of lily bulb breeding, 50% carbendazim 600x solution or 75% chlorothalonil 800x solution must be sprayed in time after rain, and diseased leaves and plants must be removed in time.

Harvest and treatment of 1.5 kinds of balls

Timely harvest: lily bulbs should not be harvested too early (the bulbs have a post-ripening process), nor too late (to prevent the bulbs from freezing). Since the mountain begins to cool down in late October, the ball usually begins in mid-late October and ends by mid-November. Adopt the manual method to harvest, first dig and loosen the soil and then pilling, be careful not to hurt the bulb.

Cleaning and disinfection: put the lily seed ball in the flat basket and rinse the attached mud and sand with clean water to make the surface of the seed ball white and clean. The washed seed ball connected box was immersed in the disinfection pool for about 20 minutes, and the disinfectant was better with 600x carbendazim and 1000 times hydantoin. After taking out the seed ball box from the disinfectant, blow-dry or place a blower to fully drain the moisture on the surface of the seed ball, and then pack it in stages.

Graded packaging: using self-made rings, the bulbs are graded according to 1214cm, 14mm, 16cm and more than 18cm. The packing is based on imported peat, or fillers such as northeast peat or sawdust (fresh sawdust) are placed together with the seed ball in a plastic box and moisturized with film. It is required that the moisture content should be moderate, and the water content in the matrix should be 40% 45%. If it is too wet, it is easy to cause the seed ball to rot in the box. The packing specifications are: 16mi 18cm 200 tablets / box, 14Mel 16cm 300 tablets / box, 12Mel 14cm 400 tablets / box.

After graded packaging, the bulbs were pre-cooled at 15 ℃ for 2 weeks, then stored at 2 ℃ for 8 weeks to break dormancy at low temperature, and finally stored for a long time in a library of minus 1.5 to minus 2 ℃.

2. The effect of self-propagation of lily bulbs in mountainous areas.

2.1 Ball quality and Leaf number

In order to monitor the quality of self-propagating lily bulbs in time, we analyzed the relationship between the number of plant leaves and the quality of bulbs. Taking oriental lily variety Suoclam as an example, the lily plants in the same planting area were divided into four groups according to the number of leaves: less than 15 leaves, 15-17 leaves, 18-20 leaves and more than 20 leaves. The plants were dug up on September 25, October 11 and November 15, and the morphological indexes of their bulbs were measured.

The results showed that the plant height, fresh weight and circumference of harvested bulbs increased significantly with the increase of leaf number. There was no significant difference among the spaced leaf groups on September 25, but there were significant differences among the spaced groups. The leaf number of lily plant is closely related to bulb circumference, fresh weight and lily plant height. If the number of leaves is more than 18 mi 20, the seed bulb with a circumference of 16 mi 18 cm can be harvested. Therefore, it is of great practical value to grasp the growth of the underground part of the plant and the size of the seed bulb harvested in the future through the number of leaves.

2.2 Ball formation rate of planting balls in mountainous areas

The breeding of oriental lily bulbs was carried out in the mountains of Zhejiang Province. after one year of cultivation, the ball formation rate of commercial balls (more than 12 cm) reached 71.7%, and the average ball formation rate of large size balls (more than 16-18 cm) reached 15.4%. It can be seen that the effect of mountain breeding is good.

Cultivated in the mountains of Zhejiang Province, different varieties of oriental lily have different ball-forming rates of different sizes, for example, the ball-forming rate of large-size species of clam is higher than that of Siberia.

2.3 comparison of nutrients between domestic and imported balls

In order to evaluate the quality of self-propagated bulbs of lilies more accurately, the contents of starch, soluble sugar and sucrose in bulbs were determined during harvest, and the nutrient contents of domestic bulbs were compared with those of imported bulbs. It is found that the starch content of domestic bulbs is similar to that of imported bulbs, and the quality meets the requirements of commercial bulbs. The content of soluble sugar in domestic ball was slightly lower than that in imported ball, but the content of sucrose in domestic ball was similar to that in imported ball. Lanzhou lily has high soluble sugar and sucrose content, and its sugar content is sufficient, so Lanzhou lily has better taste as edible lily.

However, at present, due to the post-harvest dormancy-breaking treatment and low-temperature storage technology, the nutrient content decreased greatly in the postharvest treatment and storage process of post-harvest bulbs, which made it difficult to guarantee the quality of commercial bulbs. The quality of cut flower production is also significantly affected.

2.4 comparison of production costs between domestic balls and imported balls

According to the estimation of the production cost of breeding oriental lily bulbs in the mountainous areas of Zhejiang Province, according to the average ball rate of 72%, the productive cost of each lily harvest ball is 0.33 yuan. That is, the production cost of self-propagating seed ball is 0.51 yuan per ball, while that of imported seed ball is 0.91 yuan per ball. At present, the production cost of lily bulbs in the Netherlands is about 0.12UR 0.15 euros, or 1.2RMB1.5 per ball. Therefore, Lily domestic ball has a very low production cost and a strong price advantage.

3. Summary

The production practice in recent years shows that the production cost can be reduced by using alpine self-propagating ball production technology, on the basis of optimizing planting parameters, combined with flower picking and formula fertilization, and the technical system of domestic breeding of oriental lily bulb has been basically established. However, such as the localization of provenances and the detoxification of seed bulbs, the autonomy and quality of provenances can not be guaranteed. Zhejiang mountainous region is rich in climatic resources, which is more suitable for bulb breeding, but due to too much Rain Water in spring and high temperature and rain in summer, it often leads to serious gray mold of lily, which affects the quality of bulb. In addition, mountain soil often needs reasonable fertilization because of its strong sandy property and poor fertilizer conservation ability, and the virus disease caused by continuous or partial continuous cropping is also one of the problems to be solved urgently. Therefore, in the process of localization of lily bulbs, there are still a series of problems to be further studied and solved.