
bacterial period Learn more about bacterial period

  • What if the canna is infected with bacterial wilt?

    What if the canna is infected with bacterial wilt?

    In order to beautify the living environment and improve people's aesthetics, canna has been planted on both sides of the road in recent years. It is very popular because of its rich color and fragrance, but it is prone to the destructive bacterial wilt of canna in some areas, which seriously affects the value of the landscape.

  • Prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests: what medicine is good for rice bacterial blight?

    Prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests: what medicine is good for rice bacterial blight?

    What medicine is good for rice bacterial blight? What are the hazards of rice bacterial blight? What are the causes of rice bacterial blight? Please introduce that bacterial blight is one of the main diseases of rice. Once it occurs, the yield can be reduced by 10%, and in severe cases, it can be reduced by 50-60%. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the prevention and control of bacterial blight.

  • Rapid propagation of bacterial wilt at high temperature and humidity how to control pepper bacterial wilt

    Rapid propagation of bacterial wilt at high temperature and humidity how to control pepper bacterial wilt

    Rapid propagation of bacterial wilt at high temperature and humidity how to control pepper bacterial wilt

  • Effect of bacterial bags on yield in summer management measures of bag material Lentinus edodes

    Effect of bacterial bags on yield in summer management measures of bag material Lentinus edodes

    Effect of bacterial bags on yield in summer management measures of bag material Lentinus edodes

  • Heavy Control of Bacterial Wilt in Peanut Flowering and Needle Falling Stage

    Heavy Control of Bacterial Wilt in Peanut Flowering and Needle Falling Stage

    Peanut bacterial wilt is a devastating disease. Once infected, the whole plant dies and cannot be cured. During flowering and needle dropping period of peanut is the outbreak period of bacterial wilt, during which attention should be paid to spraying control. Specific control methods: When peanuts begin to bud, spray 1500 times 70% hymexiline solution on leaves every 10~15 days.

  • New techniques of cylindrical high-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    New techniques of cylindrical high-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

    New techniques of cylindrical high-yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Why is bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur in tomato?

    Bacterial pith necrosis is an important disease in tomato cultivation, which seriously affects the yield and quality of tomato. Sometimes even lead to the whole shed out of production, why bacterial pulp necrosis easy to occur? Let's take a look at it together. 1. Environmental causes

    2020-11-09 why tomato bacterial pith necrosis easy to occur
  • Technical countermeasures for prevention and control of citrus bacterial wilt in orange area of Xinkou town

    Technical countermeasures for prevention and control of citrus bacterial wilt in orange area of Xinkou town

    Citrus bacterial wilt is more harmful, once the disease occurs, it can make citrus plants die quickly. The following takes the orange area of Xinkou Town as an actual case to talk about the occurrence and prevention and control technology of citrus bacterial wilt. 1 Xinkou Town Orange District Citrus Industry Development.

  • Bacterial leaf spot of green radish

    Bacterial leaf spot of green radish

    [symptoms] at the initial stage of the disease, water-stained necrotic spots appeared on the green radish leaves, and the later diseased spots gradually turned dark brown, and there were often concentric wheel lines and yellow edges on the diseased spots. after the green pineapple was infected by bacterial leaf spot, the ornamental value decreased greatly. [pathogen and pathogenesis] is a bacterial disease, the pathogen is Pseudomonas chrysanthemum

  • Six taboos on the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    Six taboos on the use of bacterial biological insecticides

    Edible fungi occur insect pests due to the special smell of hyphae during the period of fungus and mushroom emergence, so insecticides are often used when insect pests occur. When there are insect pests in edible fungi, we should first choose insecticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and short residual period, such as enemy killing, dichlorvos, etc., and do not use BHC and DDT prohibited by the state.

  • Control techniques of bacterial wilt in pepper

    Control techniques of bacterial wilt in pepper

    Pepper bacterial wilt is a typical bacterial soil-borne disease, and its pathogen is Pseudomonas solanacearum. The pathogen survived for a long time, mainly through the invasion of plant stem wounds, agricultural operations such as transplanting and loosening soil, as well as root injuries caused by insects.

    2020-11-08 Pepper green blight disease control technology pepper yes
  • Analysis on the causes of rice bacterial blight and its control techniques

    Analysis on the causes of rice bacterial blight and its control techniques

    The pathogen of rice bacterial blight is Xanthomonas oryzae, bacteria, Xanthomonas genus. Bacterial blight is one of the main diseases of rice. Once it occurs, the yield can be reduced by 10% in general and 50-60% in serious cases. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the control of bacterial blight. 1. Causes of disease 1.1 Incidence and climatic conditions...

  • The latest scientific and high-yield cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    The latest scientific and high-yield cultivation techniques of Auricularia auricula

    With the improvement of people's living standards, Auricularia auricula has become a favorite edible fungus for consumers. Auricularia auricula is delicate, smooth, crisp and nutritious, and has high edible and medicinal value. Its protein content is second only to meat, eggs, fish and beans.

    2020-11-08 The latest blackwood otology high yield planting cultivation techniques with
  • Key points of management of mycelium growth period of Lentinus edodes

    Key points of management of mycelium growth period of Lentinus edodes

    Management points of Lentinus edodes mycelium growth period the suitable conditions for Lentinus edodes mycelium growth are temperature 22 ℃ ~ 26 ℃, air humidity 60% ~ 65%, good ventilation, dark or weak light. 1-6 days after inoculation, it was the period of mycelium germination and colonization. Because the mycelium grew weakly, the bag temperature was 1 ℃ ~ 3 ℃ lower than the room temperature. In order to provide the suitable temperature for the mycelium, the room temperature should be adjusted to 28 ℃ ~ 29 ℃. The room temperature, stack temperature and bag temperature should be measured every day. At this time, it is not appropriate to move the bacterial bag to prevent miscellaneous bacterial infection.

  • Bacterial wilt of eucalyptus and its control

    Bacterial wilt of eucalyptus and its control

    Bacterial wilt of eucalyptus and its control Ralstoniasolanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi is a serious bacterial wilt disease of eucalyptus in South China. The seedlings generally wilted at the initial stage of the disease, followed by leaf withering, rapid death of the seedlings, necrosis of the roots of the diseased plants, and waterlogging.

  • How to control eggplant bacterial wilt caused by bacterial wilt

    How to control eggplant bacterial wilt caused by bacterial wilt

    How to control eggplant bacterial wilt caused by bacterial wilt

  • Occurrence and control of peanut bacterial wilt

    Occurrence and control of peanut bacterial wilt

    Peanut bacterial wilt, commonly known as "green disease", "dead seedling", "plague" and "dead vine", is an important disease in peanut producing areas. The incidence rate of general plots is 10%-25%, and the incidence of serious plots is more than 50%. Peanut bacterial wilt is a typical vascular disease, which can occur in the whole growth period of peanut.

  • Scientific control of bacterial leaf spot disease of Dutch bean

    Scientific control of bacterial leaf spot disease of Dutch bean

    Pisum sativum var. saccharatum) is an annual twining herb of pea genus leguminous, 90~180cm tall. Edible young pods mainly, originating in the Mediterranean coast and western Asia, Dutch beans tender pods crisp fragrance, high nutritional value. ripe dried peas

    2020-11-08 Keywords snow peas bacterial leaf spot disease science control snow peas
  • How to control peanut bacterial wilt

    How to control peanut bacterial wilt

    The period of peanut flowering and needle dropping is the outbreak period of peanut bacterial wilt, during this period, attention should be paid to spray control. Control method: when peanuts begin to show buds, spray 1500 times 70% carbendazim solution or 600 times 20% thiophanate copper solution on the leaves every 10 to 15 days, and spray all leaves evenly to begin to have water droplets.

  • Bacterial medication

    Bacterial medication

    Bacterial medication
