
apricots Learn more about apricots

  • Fine varieties of processed apricot

    Fine varieties of processed apricot

    There are many apricot varieties suitable for processing, such as red jade mainly produced in Licheng, Changqing and Tai'an in Shandong, red red apricot planted in Laoshan and Xiashan in Shandong, red golden hazelnut selected in Zhaoyuan in Shandong, agate apricot introduced from abroad by Shandong Fruit Tree Research Institute, red apricot in string branches planted by landlords such as giant deer and Guangzong in Hebei, Qingxu in Shanxi, Renyi and Pingchuan in Shanxi, Yangshao yellow apricot in Mianchi, Henan Province. Tangwangchuan Dajie apricot grown in Dongxiang, Gansu, Jinmama apricot in Lanzhou, Gansu, Jinxi Dahong apricot in Jinxi, Liaoning and Zhang Gong in Jingyang, Shaanxi.

  • Apricot Varieties and Their Cultural Characteristics

    Apricot Varieties and Their Cultural Characteristics

    There are 10 species of apricot in the world, 9 of which are common apricot, Siberian apricot, Liao apricot, Tibetan apricot, purple apricot, Zhidan apricot, plum apricot, Zhenghe apricot and plum apricot in China. Among them, common apricot, Siberian apricot, Liao apricot and Mei apricot have many varieties and types. Common apricot is the most widely cultivated species in the world. Variety classification Fresh varieties Excellent fresh varieties of fruit should have a large fruit, attractive appearance, gorgeous, fleshy juicy flesh, fine fiber, sweet and sour taste, rich fragrance and other characteristics

  • A large number of apricot listed, what are the fine varieties? Introduction to apricot varieties and characteristics

    A large number of apricot listed, what are the fine varieties? Introduction to apricot varieties and characteristics

    Apricot nutrition is extremely rich, is one of the common fruits in our lives, yellow soft, sweet and sour juicy, early fruit, mature early, does not contain fat, is a low-calorie fruit. Apricot also moistening lung asthma, thirst quenching effect. Now it's time for a lot of apricots.

    2020-11-27 Apricot a large number listed all have which fine varieties varieties and apricot
  • Can apricot trees be planted outside the yard? When will it be ready?

    Can apricot trees be planted outside the yard? When will it be ready?

    Apricot tree is a kind of apricot tree, which is relatively common in Xinjiang, China. Because the fruit is sour, sweet and delicious and the tree shape is good-looking, many people like to plant one in the yard, but because the apricot tree is special, it is generally not recommended to plant it in the yard. Can you do it outside the yard?

    2020-11-09 Can you plant apricot trees in the yard outside? when do you plant apricot trees?
  • [Apricot planting] Detailed explanation of apricot planting technology

    [Apricot planting] Detailed explanation of apricot planting technology

    [Apricot planting] Detailed explanation of apricot planting technology

  • Excellent varieties of apricot for fresh food and processing

    Excellent varieties of apricot for fresh food and processing

    Fresh processing and dual-use apricots are mainly big red apricot, Yangshao yellow apricot, string red apricot, Shanhuang apricot, Shajin apricot, Jinxi red apricot, Zhang park apricot, Laoshan red apricot, golden hazel apricot and so on. (1) Dahong apricot: also known as Guanye face, mainly planted in Laoshan, Shandong Province, moderate tree potential, medium yield, 50 grams per fruit, orange-red fruit, fine meat, hard and crisp, sweet and slightly sour, aromatic, quality, enucleated, bitter kernel, resistant to storage and transportation, mature in late June. (2) Yangshao yellow apricot: also known as egg apricot, produced in Mianchi County, Henan Province.

  • What color is the apricot blossom, an ornamental tree? In what season do you usually open? What's the moral? A poem about apricot blossoms is attached

    What color is the apricot blossom, an ornamental tree? In what season do you usually open? What's the moral? A poem about apricot blossoms is attached

    Apricot flower, also known as apricot, is a subfamily of apricot plants, its pulp, nuts are edible. Can be planted in front of the court, wall corner, road side, waterside, can also be group planting, piece planting on the hillside, waterside, is the main ornamental tree species in spring. What color are the apricot flowers? Generally in

    2020-11-09 Ornamental tree species apricot blossom what is it color general in what
  • Apricot blossom-- A symbol of romance and freedom

    Apricot blossom-- A symbol of romance and freedom

    Apricot flower, also known as apricot, is an apricot subfamily plant, its pulp, nuts are edible. Apricot flowers are solitary, with first leaves open and petals white or slightly reddish. It is a famous ornamental tree in China. Apricot can be planted in front of the court, in the corner of the wall, by the side of the road.

  • Potted apricot trees, pruning diligently, increasing germination rate and promoting flower opening.

    Potted apricot trees, pruning diligently, increasing germination rate and promoting flower opening.

    Apricot potted plants should first select suitable varieties, and then carry out seedling cultivation and pot planting, when apricot trees grow to a certain period of time, they should carry out shaping and pruning in time, and secondly, the fertilizer of basin soil should be well managed and increased in time according to the situation. later, we also need to note.

    2020-11-08 Apricot potted method diligent pruning improving germination rate promoting
  • When will the apricot tree be transplanted? It can be transplanted in spring and autumn, but autumn is the best.

    When will the apricot tree be transplanted? It can be transplanted in spring and autumn, but autumn is the best.

    Apricot trees can be transplanted after frosting in autumn, because at this time the temperature is high, it is suitable for root development, and the survival rate is high, apricot trees can also be transplanted in spring, but when frozen, apricot trees can not be transplanted, which will affect the growth of apricot trees. Apricot tree size is different from its transplanting time.

    2020-11-08 Apricot when transplant spring and autumn can be transplanted but autumn
  • Processing Technology of dried Apricot Juice

    Processing Technology of dried Apricot Juice

    Apricot is one of the ancient cultivated tree species in China, which is widely distributed. Apricot fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains 10g sugar, 0.9g protein, 1.79g carotene, 0.02 mg thiamine, riboflavin 0.03mg, nicotinic acid 0.6mg and vitamin C7 mg per 100g pulp. Almonds contain about 23% protein, 50% fat and 60% fat, with an oil yield of 45.8%, and are rich in nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron needed by the human body.

  • Is the price of high-yield Xinjiang apricot expensive? When does it usually mature?

    Is the price of high-yield Xinjiang apricot expensive? When does it usually mature?

    Xinjiang apricot has a history of more than 2000 years, with a planting area of about 2.5 million mu and an annual output of about 1.5 million tons, ranking first in the country in area and output. Xinjiang apricot is rich in variety, different in size, good in taste and processed into preserved fruit and dried fruit.

    2020-11-09 High output Xinjiang apricot price expensive Mo general
  • How to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels

    How to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels

    Apricot is a very common fruit. after eating apricot, many people will leave apricot kernels to sow and cultivate new apricot trees. So how to cultivate apricot seedlings with apricot kernels? First, sowing can choose land with deep soil layer, loose soil and general fertility. Sowing seeds

    2020-11-08 Apricot kernel how to cultivate apricot apricot sapling yes very very common
  • Apricot (apricot)

    Apricot (apricot)

    Plum genus of Rosaceae, perennial deciduous fruit trees, trees or shrubs, also known as common apricot. Scientific name PrunusarmeniacaL. Apricot is native to China. Apricot was cultivated 2600 years ago. The "Silk Road" spread to Iran, Armenia, Greece, Rome and other countries along the Mediterranean in the 2nd century BC, to Japan in the 10th century, and to Europe and America after the 18th century. In 1988, the world's total output of apricot was 2.112 million tons, mainly in Asia. The cultivation of apricot in China is most concentrated in the provinces of the Yellow River basin. Tree height 6

  • Apricot


    1, raw material selection: choose green apricot with a diameter of more than 2 cm, whitening apricot body and hardened apricot kernel (that is, maturity 5ml / 60%). Varieties with thick flesh and small nucleus should be used to remove wind fall, residual times, red hair, scars, over-born, over-ripe or rotten apricots. 2. Blanking: rinse the selected fresh apricot with clean water, then add 12-16% salt, while the rinsed green apricot is not dry, pickle the green apricot by layer-by-layer salt, pickle the green apricot for 10 days, remove the green apricot and expose it to the sun, then dry it into the apricot blank.

  • Processing Technology of Sulfur-free and Low-sugar Preserved Apricot

    Processing Technology of Sulfur-free and Low-sugar Preserved Apricot

    Yanggaojing apricot is one of the four famous apricots in Shanxi Province. Its single fruit weight is 34.8 g, containing vitamin C 10.4 mg/100g, refractive sugar 13.1%, reducing sugar 4.7%, acid 2.4%. This variety is the best variety for processing preserved apricot. Its aroma is strong, the rate of seed production is low, and the acid content is high. Yanggao preserved apricot is golden and transparent in color, soft in meat, sour and sweet in taste. It is the best preserved fruit. The product has been exported to Southeast Asia and Japan and is praised as "China" in Japanese supermarkets.

  • Apricot seed planting method: how to plant apricot seed? When will apricots be planted?

    Apricot seed planting method: how to plant apricot seed? When will apricots be planted?

    Do you like apricot? Apricot trees can be planted after eating apricot kernels. Do you know how to plant apricot trees? Apricot was planted after the Beginning of Winter and before the Beginning of Spring. It is the main cultivated fruit tree in the low mountain and hilly area. 1. Take the seeds you left after eating apricots

    2019-03-08 Apricot seed planting method how step you
  • Cultivation techniques of apricot planting conditions of apricot

    Cultivation techniques of apricot planting conditions of apricot

    Although apricot trees are cold-resistant, drought-resistant, barren-tolerant and easy to manage, they still have some limitations in their ability to adapt to the boundary environment.

  • Can apricot trees bear fruit without grafting?

    Can apricot trees bear fruit without grafting?

    Apricot is a kind of economic fruit tree, its fruit is rich in nutrition, apricot mu can be used as furniture, branches can be used as fuel, and apricot leaves can be used as feed. Apricot trees are generally bred by seeds and grafting. Can apricot trees bear fruit without grafting? Can apricot trees bear fruit without grafting

    2020-11-08 Apricot no grafting can bear fruit apricot is a kind of economy
  • What are the apricot origins?

    What are the apricot origins?

    Apricots are fruits of deciduous arbors, flowering 3-4 months, fruiting 6-7 months. Its life span can reach more than 100 years, and it is the main cultivated fruit tree in low mountain and hilly areas. Do you know where the apricot comes from? Does it work? What are the origins of apricots? Beijing

    2020-11-08 Apricots origin which apricots yes deciduous trees of