
Tianma Learn more about Tianma

  • Four steps to high yield in Tianma cultivation

    Four steps to high yield in Tianma cultivation

    Four steps to high yield in Tianma cultivation

  • How to manage Jilin Tianma in winter

    How to manage Jilin Tianma in winter

    Winter is long and cold in Jilin Province, Gastrodia elata is in dormant state, preventing Gastrodia elata from freezing injury and decay is the key to capture the harvest of Gastrodia elata. (1) Management of cellar-grown gastrodia elata. Cellar-grown gastrodia elata often overwinters outdoors. Before winter, the soil humidity of Tianma Cellar should be kept at 30%~40% to prevent excessive humidity and ponding. Also in Tianma cellar around the dig a good drainage ditch to prevent the cellar into the snow. Before freezing, cover 15 cm thick leaves or weeds on Tianma Cellar, and cultivate 20~30 cm thick cold-proof

  • Luo Zhaoyang, the guide of Tianma to get rich

    Luo Zhaoyang, the guide of Tianma to get rich

    Luo Zhaoyang, the guide of Tianma to get rich

  • What effect does summer high temperature have on Tianma

    What effect does summer high temperature have on Tianma

    Gastrodia elata has little effect on Gastrodia elata under the condition of high temperature of 32-34℃ in low altitude hilly area for 10 days (240 hours), and can produce arrow hemp, but the yield of Gastrodia elata will be affected when high temperature lasts for 15 days (360 hours). Therefore, gastrodia elata high temperature tolerance base point is higher. Tianma summer is not only related to the absolute high temperature value, but also depends on the duration of high temperature. Because of the monthly temperature difference and the day-night temperature difference under outdoor natural conditions, and the artificial cultivation to take shading and other regulatory measures

  • How to manage Tianma in winter and spring

    How to manage Tianma in winter and spring

    After entering November, due to the gradual drop in temperature, the new gastrodia elata stops growing, individual stereotypes, straight into the dormancy period, so we should prevent low temperature freezing injury. Especially arrow hemp is easy to freeze during winter, it is best to use arrow hemp as medicine when collecting gastrodia elata in winter, sow rice hemp and white hemp in time or store spring seeds. If it is not harvested in winter, cold protection measures must be taken before freezing, covered with leaves, etc. to keep warm and freeze, and removed in the spring of next year to facilitate growth. The temperature should be kept at 1-5℃, and the humidity should be kept at 30%.

  • What are the effects and functions of Tianma?

    What are the effects and functions of Tianma?

    What are the effects and functions of Tianma?

  • The latest Tianma cultivation conditions

    The latest Tianma cultivation conditions

    Gastrodia elata is a perennial herb belonging to orchids. It is mainly used as tuber for medicine. It is a precious traditional Chinese medicine listed in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and occupies an extremely important position in the long-term best-selling varieties of traditional Chinese medicine market in China. Gastrodia elata is suitable for planting in moist, breathable and porous.

    2020-11-10 latest gastrodia elata of planting condition is orchid genus
  • A New Technique of Rapid Propagation of Gastrodia elata Hybrids by "Two Methods"

    A New Technique of Rapid Propagation of Gastrodia elata Hybrids by

    1. Breeding method of Tianma arrow bud mother in pot (Take Yidu Red Gastrodia elata as an example) 1. Potted seedlings: Before and after Qingming Festival, when the room temperature is stable above 15 DEG C, fresh and healthy wild red gastrodia elata arrow bud matrix (marked with wild red) and plain red gastrodia elata arrow bud matrix (marked with home red) with full bud top and no damage and weight of 100-150 grams are selected, and planted in plastic washbasin or enamel washbasin respectively with river sand. Four arrow bud matrix (plants) are evenly placed in each basin, and the arrow bud head (parrot mouth) is 3-5 cm away from the basin edge upward, covering 5- 5 cm.

  • Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Planting techniques of Gastrodia elata

  • What should we pay attention to in planting Gastrodia elata?

    What should we pay attention to in planting Gastrodia elata?

    What should we pay attention to in planting Gastrodia elata? Also ask netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the matters needing attention in planting Gastrodia elata, which are listed below for netizens' reference. 1. Suitable cultivation time of Gastrodia elata: Gastrodia elata cultivation is generally from late October of that year to April of the following year. The soil froze from late October to early December.

  • How much is the price of Gastrodia elata seeds per jin? You should know these planting methods!

    How much is the price of Gastrodia elata seeds per jin? You should know these planting methods!

    At the mention of Gastrodia elata, we must be familiar with it. It can not only treat limb numbness, but also treat children with wind and dizziness, so it has a high planting prospect. How much is the seed price of Gastrodia elata? What are the planting techniques? I. introduction of Gastrodia elata:

    2020-11-09 Gastrodia elata seeds price more less money one jin these planting methods
  • How to process Tianma fine

    How to process Tianma fine

    Gastrodia elata should be dug up with processing, because the storage time is long, gastrodia elata easy to run pulp, reduce the dry rate. Especially spring hemp can not be stored. Spring temperature is high, if not timely processing, but also moldy. When processing, first dig back the gastrodia elata soil with clean water, and then wipe the water with a cloth, and then put into the pot with fine sand together fried. Depending on the size of the pan (pan number one or pan number two), fry each pan with fine sand. According to the size of the pot (No.1 or No.2 pot), put 4-7.5 kg of fine sand and 1.5-2.5 kg of Gastrodia elata in each pot. By day.

  • How about the cultivation prospects and cultivation techniques of Tianma

    How about the cultivation prospects and cultivation techniques of Tianma

    In recent years, due to the market and price recovery of Gastrodia elata, coupled with some advertising exaggeration or false propaganda, the artificial cultivation of Gastrodia elata has been heated up, resulting in double the price of Gastrodia elata. Gastrodia elata is an orchid perennial herb, its growth and development has specific environmental conditions and material basis. First, Gastrodia elata is a typical heterotrophic type of higher plants, growth and development must be Armillaria mellea as "food". If there is no Armillaria mellea to supply "nutrition", Gastrodia elata bulbs will shrink due to hunger and die out in 2- 3 years. Therefore, artificial cultivation

  • Control of diseases and insect pests in Tianma cultivation period

    Control of diseases and insect pests in Tianma cultivation period

    Gastrodia elata is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine. It is a special seed plant, no roots, no green leaves, can not autotrophy, must rely on the symbiosis of dense ring bacteria to obtain nutrition and reproduction growth. Therefore, the cultivation of Gastrodia elata is different from planting green plants, and it must be done according to its growth law. One is the cultivation of dense ring fungus material, the other is the selection and cultivation of gastrodia elata seed hemp, and the third is the symbiotic cultivation of gastrodia elata and dense ring fungus. In these three production links, there are opportunities for contamination of miscellaneous bacteria, and each step is not good.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of "E Tianma No.1"

    Key points of cultivation techniques of

    The variety of traditional Chinese medicine "Etianma No.1" is a new variety, also known as Wuhong hybrid Gastrodia elata, which was bred by Hubei three Gorges Science and Technology School (postcode: 443100) with Yunnan Wutian Gastrodia elata as its matrix and Yichang Hong Gastrodia elata as its male parent. This variety of commercial flax has excellent morphological quality, high yield and strong resistance. It is suitable for cultivation at an altitude of 1000 mi 2000 meters. The variety was formally approved and named by Hubei Variety Commission in 2002. It is also the first hybrid variety of Gastrodia elata cultivated and approved in China. The main points of cultivation techniques of this variety are as follows: 1. culture honey

  • The practice of stewed pig brain with Gastrodia elata

    The practice of stewed pig brain with Gastrodia elata

    The practice of stewed pig brain with Gastrodia elata

  • What is the prospect of Gastrodia elata?

    What is the prospect of Gastrodia elata?

    Q: what are the development prospects of Gastrodia elata? A: this is an issue that most consultants are concerned about. To put it simply, as a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, from collecting wild to artificial cultivation, from a unit yield of only 3 kg to more than 20 kg today, the overall output has increased hundreds of times, but the market is still tight, which explains at least three points: first, Gastrodia elata has entered the ranks of health products from simple medicinal use, while the development and application of health products has a huge market with unlimited potential, and the market for Gastrodia elata tea and Gastrodia elata drinks is hot. It opened up the way of deep processing of Gastrodia elata.

  • Gastrodia elata has been found to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

    Gastrodia elata has been found to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

    Experiments conducted by the Chinese Medical Research Institute of Taiwan's Chinese Medical College have found that Gastrodia elata can improve learning and memory impairment, not only for health care, but also for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer's disease. As it has been proved to be non-toxic by toxicity tests, the institute plans to develop Gastrodia elata, which is similar to pickled melons or health drinks. Xie Ming-cun, president of Taiwan College of traditional Chinese Medicine, and Wu Chi-Rui, PhD of the Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine, have recently devoted themselves to the study of the effect of Gastrodia elata on improving learning and memory impairment. They have found that Tianma Yuan, the main active ingredient in Gastrodia elata, can increase the secretion of adrenal hormones, increase the utilization of blood sugar in the body, and then activate brain function.

  • Harvesting, processing and storage techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Harvesting, processing and storage techniques of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata is a kind of precious traditional Chinese medicine. To harvest and process Gastrodia elata is the key to improve the quality of Gastrodia elata. At the same time, Tianma commodity value is high, do a good job in the classification and storage of Tianma commodity is also very important. Now the collection, processing, grading and storage methods of Gastrodia elata are introduced as follows: 1. Collection 1. Collection time. The harvest time of Gastrodia elata is generally from late autumn to early winter (i.e. October to November). At this time, Gastrodia elata has stopped growing. At this time, it is convenient to harvest and cultivate in time after harvest. Moreover, Gastrodia elata has high yield and good quality.

  • The latest course on technical methods of field management of Gastrodia elata

    The latest course on technical methods of field management of Gastrodia elata

    Gastrodia elata is divided into spring hemp and winter flax, the quality of spring hemp and winter hemp is good. Gastrodia elata is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine mainly used in the treatment of vertigo, black eyes, headache, pain, limb numbness, hemiplegia, infantile epilepsy and other diseases. At present, it is mainly in Jilin and Lake in China.

    2020-11-10 Latest Gastrodia elata field management technology methods tutorials