
How much is the price of Gastrodia elata seeds per jin? You should know these planting methods!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, At the mention of Gastrodia elata, we must be familiar with it. It can not only treat limb numbness, but also treat children with wind and dizziness, so it has a high planting prospect. How much is the seed price of Gastrodia elata? What are the planting techniques? I. introduction of Gastrodia elata:

A mention of gastrodia elata, presumably everyone is familiar with, not only can cure limb numbness, but also can cure children panic, dizziness, etc., so it has a higher planting prospect, that gastrodia elata seed price how much money a catty? What are the planting techniques?

1. Tianma Introduction:

1. What are the origins of Tianma?

Gastrodia elata is mostly produced in tropical, subtropical, temperate and cold-temperate mountainous areas, and is distributed at home and abroad. Among them, foreign countries are mainly distributed in Madagascar, New Southwest, India, Japan, Australia, new Zealand, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand and other places. Domestic mainly distributed in Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places.

2. What kinds of Tianma are there?

red gastrodia elata, green gastrodia elata, black gastrodia elata, pine gastrodia elata, yellow gastrodia elata.

2. How much is the price of Tianma seeds?

Gastrodia elata seed market price is small expensive, generally in 40~50 yuan a catty, if it is wild, the market price will be very expensive, and artificial cultivation is mostly hybrid, so the price is not very expensive. However, due to different markets, quality and regions, there will be certain differences in prices. For example, the price difference between generation 0 seed and generation 1 seed is double, so it is best to check the local market when buying seeds.

3. What are the planting methods of Tianma?

1. Site selection: Sandy loam with good water permeability

Gastrodia elata has low requirements on soil. Generally, it can be planted as long as it is loose and fertile and has good water permeability. Therefore, when selecting land, it is best to choose sandy loam with good water permeability and pH value of 5~6. For example, wilderness slopes, orchards, woodlands, houses and other places are good choices.

2. Soil preparation and ridge construction: It is best to make a field ridge with a width of 80*10cm.

After selecting the land, the soil should be deeply ploughed and a field bed 80cm wide and 10cm deep should be dug to facilitate later planting. If it is wasteland or sloping land, it is best to make it ladder-like, and keep a distance of about 1 meter between the ridges to facilitate later management.

3, planting: March to April or October to December is the best

(1)Planting time: winter planting in late October to early December is the best, spring planting in March to April is the best. In high altitude mountain areas, it can be planted in May.

(2)Planting method: the seedlings planted in the field, and then slowly covered with soil, water can be a small amount.

4. Field management techniques: temperature and moisture should be appropriate

(1)Temperature management: Gastrodia elata is not high on temperature requirements, generally in 20~25 degrees best growth, so in winter, to do a good job of warm measures, summer, do a good job of sun protection treatment, of course, can also be used to reduce soil temperature, general soil humidity maintained at 50%~55% best.

(2)Water management: Gastrodia elata has higher water requirements, generally higher water requirements in spring, summer and autumn, and less water requirements in winter. Among them, from winter to spring, the soil humidity should be controlled at 10%~20%; from April to June, the soil humidity should be controlled at about 60%; in September, the soil humidity should be kept at about 40%; and it can be excavated when it enters the dormant period in late October.

(3)Pest control: During the growth of Gastrodia elata, white ants, clams, toads and other pests will occur, so control measures should be taken in advance. For diseases that have occurred, 5% chlordane powder and "termite king" can be sprayed around the bed.

To sum up, Tianma seed market price is a bit expensive, generally 40~50 yuan can buy a catty, but due to the quality, the market is different, the price will also have a certain difference, so try to buy when the local market inquiry. In addition, gastrodia elata is very good planting, as long as do a good job of water and fertilizer, pests and other basic management work can easily high yield.