
Key points of cultivation techniques of "E Tianma No.1"

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The variety of traditional Chinese medicine "Etianma No.1" is a new variety, also known as Wuhong hybrid Gastrodia elata, which was bred by Hubei three Gorges Science and Technology School (postcode: 443100) with Yunnan Wutian Gastrodia elata as its matrix and Yichang Hong Gastrodia elata as its male parent. This variety of commercial flax has excellent morphological quality, high yield and strong resistance. It is suitable for cultivation at an altitude of 1000 mi 2000 meters. The variety was formally approved and named by Hubei Variety Commission in 2002. It is also the first hybrid variety of Gastrodia elata cultivated and approved in China. The main points of cultivation techniques of this variety are as follows: 1. culture honey

The variety of traditional Chinese medicine "Etianma No.1" is a new variety, also known as Wuhong hybrid Gastrodia elata, which was bred by Hubei three Gorges Science and Technology School (postcode: 443100) with Yunnan Wutian Gastrodia elata as its matrix and Yichang Hong Gastrodia elata as its male parent. This variety of commercial flax has excellent morphological quality, high yield and strong resistance. It is suitable for cultivation at an altitude of 1000 mi 2000 meters. The variety was formally approved and named by Hubei Variety Commission in 2002. It is also the first hybrid variety of Gastrodia elata cultivated and approved in China.

The key points of cultivation techniques of this variety:

1. Cultivating Armillaria mellea and selecting suitable tree species such as Fagaceae, Betulaceae, Rosaceae and Leguminosae which do not contain aromatic oil can cultivate Gastrodia elata. Among them, oak, birch, water winter flower, cherry tree, acacia tree, incense tree and other tree species are the best. The Armillaria mellea used for winter planting should be cultured 3 months in advance, and the fixed Armillaria mellea bed should be built 3 months in advance, and the fixed Armillaria mellea bed for spring planting should be built in 9 Mel 10 months. Time to cut down trees: during the period from the Beginning of Winter to the sting, the bacteria will be cultured in the cellar for 30 days after the tree is cut down, and the bacteria can be cultured in the cellar for 9 months.

2. The dosage of Armillaria mellea and Armillaria mellea materials. The dosage of Armillaria mellea is 2 bottles per square meter. The amount of Armillaria mellea fungus material, per square meter with crude fungus material (diameter 6 Mel 12 cm, length 50 cm) 6 mi 8 roots, weight 25 mi 30 kg. Bacterial material (2mi 5cm in diameter, 10cm long) 5Mel 8kg.

3. The characteristic of sowing Gastrodia elata variety is inclined to its parent, that is, its main characteristic is similar to that of Gastrodia elata, and the outstanding point is that the meristematic ability of Gastrodia elata is poor. In production, the cultivation effect of the first generation of sexual hybrid flax is the best, the effect of asexual reproduction of the first and second generation hybrid flax is the second, and the white and rice hemp seeds are almost not produced after the cultivation of the third generation. When sowing, the seed hemp is placed close to the fungus material, and six seed flax are placed on one fungus; four in the middle and one at each end. The amount of seed used is about 1 kg per square meter, and there are about 40 murals and 50 white and rice hemp seeds. Hole planting or row planting can be done. The depth of cultivation is about 15 cm. When the cultivation hole is covered with soil, it should be covered with fine soil and must be filled. There is no gap between the seed hemp and the soil, between the fungus material, the fungus branch and the soil. The planting hole is covered with deciduous leaves of broad-leaved trees, thatch, rice straw, corn straw and so on, with a thickness of 2mi 3cm. And then open the gutter.

4. Field management

(1) mulch should be used to moisturize in winter and early spring. The temperature of the layer below 10 cm in the cave should be maintained at 0 ℃. In July, August and September, the temperature must be adjusted with mulch or shade to keep the temperature within 26 ℃.

(2) Water management 2-3 months to control moisture and anti-freezing, the soil water content is 30%, see soil moisture. Increase water and promote growth from April to June, and the soil water content is 60%. The soil is held into a ball, and the soil can be dispersed. Humidity and temperature decreased from July to August, and the soil water content was about 60%. From September to October, water control and bacteriostasis, soil water content of about 50%, hold slightly into a ball, and then gently pinch can be dispersed. In November, the soil water content is about 30%, dry and loose. At the same time, attention should be paid to the removal of weeds and the control of diseases and insect pests in the growing season.

5. When harvesting areas above 1200 meters above sea level, they should be dug after Frosts Descent. When the weather is clear and the soil is cool, do not dig within 2 days after a rainy day or after a rainy day. When digging, two kinds of baskets and boxes should be prepared, one kind of special seed flax and one kind of commercial flax. Among them, the seed hemp is transported and stored in time or as required. Commercial flax should also be processed and dried in time.