
Single horn Learn more about Single horn

  • What kind of animal is the beast?

    What kind of animal is the beast?

    Yuanyu is a ferocious auspicious animal recorded in ancient Chinese books and folk myths and legends, and it is regarded as an auspicious beast that turns misfortune into auspiciousness. It is said that in addition to the effects of good luck and fighting off evil spirits, it also plays a role in housing, turning too old, promoting marriage and so on. Chinese tradition has decoration and wearing.

    2020-11-11 What is it animals yes Chinese ancient books records and
  • Technology of growing unicorn

    Technology of growing unicorn

    Unicorn planting using tubers or seeds for reproduction, generally planted in April is appropriate. Before planting, make furrows on the whole plot, cover the stems or seeds with soil and fertilize them. After emergence in June, intertill weeding, fertilization and irrigation should be carried out.

    2020-11-09 unicorn lotus planting technique adoption tuber
  • The latest unicorn seed prices and planting methods

    The latest unicorn seed prices and planting methods

    Unicorn is also called Dishuishen, Rhizoma Arisaematis, Rhizoma Typhonii, etc. It is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Plitousum of Araceae. It is named because its leaves roll inward like a single horn when they are young. It has the effects of eliminating dampness and resolving phlegm, expelling wind and stopping spasm, detoxifying and dispersing masses.

    2020-11-10 latest unicorn lotus seed price and planting method
  • A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    Variety introduction 1, Longjiao No. 1: strong growth potential, strong fruit setting ability, more fruit per plant. The fruit is horn-shaped, green, smooth and glossy, fruit length 22-23cm, shoulder width 2.0cm, meat thickness 0.25cm, single fruit weight 30-45g, good commodity, storage and transportation resistance, spicy taste, good quality, generally yield about 4000 kg per mu, anti-virus disease, strong cold tolerance. The main characteristics of this variety are strong disease resistance, high yield, long fruit, large fruit, good marketability of fruit and suitable for the whole.

  • How much is a unicorn fairy? Is it a beneficial insect or a pest? Does it bite?

    How much is a unicorn fairy? Is it a beneficial insect or a pest? Does it bite?

    When it comes to unicorn immortals, those who grew up in the countryside must have seen it. Some naughty boys will catch a unicorn fairy as a toy. With the improvement of people's quality of life, they will keep some pets at home, and the unicorn fairy is one of them. The single horn.

    2020-11-11 Single horn immortal general more less money one yes beneficial worm or
  • Introduce two varieties of Guangdong pepper

    Introduce two varieties of Guangdong pepper

    The fruit of Yuejiao No. 1 is coarse horn-shaped, big top, green, 15cm long, 3.6cm in horizontal diameter, 46g in average single fruit weight, slightly spicy, early ripening, sowing to the first harvest for about 90 days, suitable sowing time for spring planting in Guangzhou from November to January, autumn planting from July to August, winter planting from September to November, the yield is about 4500 kg per 667m2 (1 mu). More resistant to bacterial wilt. Anthracnose. The fruit of Yuejiao No. 10 is thick sheep's horn. Strong growth potential, fruit length 20 cm, transverse diameter 2.8 mi 3.0 cm, fruit cavity small, flesh thick, single fruit weight 60

  • Seed price and planting method of Liriodendron chinense

    Seed price and planting method of Liriodendron chinense

    Seed price and planting method of Liriodendron chinense

  • Scientific planting techniques of Yangjiao Crispy Melon

    Scientific planting techniques of Yangjiao Crispy Melon

    Sheep's horn crispy melon is similar to a swollen cucumber in appearance, and its shape is like the two horns of a sheep, hence its name. Yangjiao Crispy Melon is light green with a little white after ripening, with thick flesh, rich taste and high sugar content. Although

    2020-11-08 Sheep horn crisp melon science planting technology sheep horn
  • How much is a horn comb?

    How much is a horn comb?

    How much is a horn comb?

  • Market price of Astragalus membranaceus

    Market price of Astragalus membranaceus

    Market price of Astragalus membranaceus

  • Do ewes have horns?

    Do ewes have horns?

    Do ewes have horns?

  • The culture method of big flower rhinoceros horn is the flower poisonous

    The culture method of big flower rhinoceros horn is the flower poisonous

    Big flower rhinoceros horn is very good-looking, just like starfish, blooming is also good-looking, but the taste is not good, there is a saying that smelly flowers, what is the breeding method of big flower rhinoceros horn? Is the rhinoceros horn flower poisonous? Big flower rhinoceros horn (also known as starfish flower, stinky meat flower), flowers smell of carrion at night

  • Planting technique of one-legged lotus

    Planting technique of one-legged lotus

    One foot, also known as Chonglou, is a blindly traditional Chinese medicine. It is often used for sores and carbuncle, sore throat, snake and insect bites, falls, convulsions, and so on. So, what is the planting technology of one-legged lotus? 1. The planting time is usually planted in late April, when the plant is finished.

    2020-11-08 One-legged lotus planting technology one-legged also known as Zhonglou is
  • The latest Yangjiao honey melon field management

    The latest Yangjiao honey melon field management

    Yangjiao honey melon is a new melon variety in recent years. The sugar content of sheep's horn honey is very high, the meat is tight, sweet and delicious. Now the market demand of Yangjiao honey melon in our country is very high, and the planting area is more and more extensive. Growing sheep

    2020-11-10 The latest sheep horn honey melon field management is
  • Field management of Yangjiao honey muskmelon

    Field management of Yangjiao honey muskmelon

    Field management of Yangjiao honey muskmelon

  • Sword-shaped king of sharp pepper

    Sword-shaped king of sharp pepper

    Characteristics: the plant is neat, robust, strong fruit setting ability, early maturity, thick and long, the fruit is horn-shaped, the pericarp is yellowish green, glossy, straight, spicy medium, excellent quality. Fruit length 25-30Cm, fruit diameter 3.2cm or so, single fruit weight 80g, the largest single fruit up to 120g. It has strong temperature tolerance, good disease resistance and stable high yield. the yield per mu can reach more than 5000 kg, which is the first choice for main planting at present. It is suitable for spring and autumn protected field and open field cultivation in the south and north.

  • Fengjiao No. 4

    Fengjiao No. 4

    Main characters. This pepper is a medium-ripe variety. The growth potential of the plant is strong, the leaf color is dark green, the plant has 11 branches, and the branching ability is strong. The fruit is horn-shaped, dark green, smooth, fruit length 14 cm-16 cm, fruit width about 5 cm, pulp thick, fleshy crisp, slightly spicy, single fruit weight 60 g-80 g, the largest single fruit more than 100 g, the fruit commodity is good, the plant is concentrated, and can hang fruit continuously. Strong disease resistance and stress resistance, with a yield of about 4000 kg per mu in spring and extended in autumn

  • 5 or 6 melons per plant can be planted in a 2 gallon flowerpot.

    5 or 6 melons per plant can be planted in a 2 gallon flowerpot.

    A seedling bear 5 or 6 melons, potted this kind of melon, 2 Galen's small flowerpot can grow out! Sheep's horn honeydew melon is a kind of melon, the fruit is big at one end and small at the other end, so it has this name, and at present it is also a popular net.

  • Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

    Market price of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco

  • Prevention of Cashmere Goat fighting injury

    Prevention of Cashmere Goat fighting injury

    Prevention of Cashmere Goat fighting injury
